Author: Nik

  • Gristle Crüe Community Call — 5/11/22

    Gristle Crüe Community Call — 5/11/22

    This week we talked about sen­sors, run­ning an OUI, the upcom­ing GK NFT launch, ideas for what to build and the future of Heli­um, 5G and more. This week’s con­tri­bu­tions were awe­some, as Crüe mem­bers brought up some excel­lent points on use cas­es and data streams as well as help­ing each oth­er. Rock on team! 0:00:00…

  • Want to Explore NFTs with Gristle King?

    Want to Explore NFTs with Gristle King?

    When I bought my first NFT, the whole thing was com­pli­cat­ed.  It still is, and it’s risky.  Most NFTs are art, so the val­ue is in the eye of the behold­er (and the mar­ket). While that means you can make a lucky mil­lion, you can also be left hold­ing a bunch of NFTs that were…

  • Gristle Crüe Community Call 5/5/22 w/Nick from LSS

    Gristle Crüe Community Call 5/5/22 w/Nick from LSS

    Nick Hough from Lake Street Soft­ware came on this week’s Gris­tle Crüe call to talk about the IoT busi­ness he’s build­ing on Heli­um, from how he finds cus­tomers to how prod­ucts are quick­ly improved. The IoT space is still new and chal­leng­ing, so hear­ing from the “front lines” like this can be super helpful! Here’s…

  • What Is HNT Crypto?

    What Is HNT Crypto?



    So you’re into cryp­to and you just dis­cov­ered HNT? Let’s go through the basics so you can decide whether or not you want to jump into the world of Helium. First, what is HNT cryp­to? HNT stands for Heli­um Net­work Token. HNT can be trad­ed on cryp­to exchanges like for what­ev­er you’d like (dol­lars,…

  • How Much Better Is Your Hotspot?



    After I did the sta­tis­tics video with Matthew Patrick, I heard from @cryptofulness via Twit­ter. He reached out from Por­tu­gal to offer some help with a “t‑test imple­men­ta­tion” to test some Hotspots. If you remem­ber, a “t‑test” com­pares two sets of data and tells you whether or not there’s actu­al­ly a mean­ing­ful result. In this…

  • The People Counter Project: Beginnings

    The People Counter Project: Beginnings

    In less than 2 years, a group of strangers has man­aged to deploy 700,000+ Heli­um Hotspots world­wide. We’ve got the worlds largest con­tigu­ous wire­less net­work built. So, uh, what do we do with it? I got into Heli­um because I thought it could be use­ful to track paraglid­ers back in Sep­tem­ber of 2020. Like many peo­ple,…

  • Government, Surveillance Technology & IoT

    Government, Surveillance Technology & IoT



    What is the sin­gle biggest obsta­cle to the Heli­um project, and the decen­tral­iza­tion of wire­less net­works, from LoRa to WiFi to cellular?  It’s usage. It does­n’t mat­ter if you have an amaz­ing­ly robust net­work. It does­n’t mat­ter if you have com­mer­cial grade anten­nas, or nodes, or loca­tions. What mat­ters is that peo­ple use it. So, the…

  • Gristle Crüe Weekly Call, 4/19/22 — Mat Sorenson

    Gristle Crüe Weekly Call, 4/19/22 — Mat Sorenson

    An in depth dis­cus­sion on cryp­to tax­es with attor­ney Mat Soren­son. Mat laid out an excel­lent way to think about struc­tur­ing your busi­ness & min­ing efforts when it comes to tax­es. All Gris­tle Crüe calls are avail­able to all mem­bers, when­ev­er you join. TIME HACKS 0:00:00 — IntroMat Soren­son, Tax and Cryp­to Expert 0:01:03 — Mat’s…

  • Gristle Crüe Weekly Call, 4/12/22

    Gristle Crüe Weekly Call, 4/12/22

    We had planned to do anoth­er cryptocurrency/tax call this week with Mat Soren­son but pushed a week due to sched­ul­ing con­flicts. That did­n’t stop us from scratch­ing a few tax itch­es, but we spent more time on the pri­va­cy issues with deploy­ing sensors.  0:00:00 — IntroNo Matt this week, tax­es next week.You have an off…

  • Gristle Crüe Weekly Call, 4/5/22 — Taxes

    Gristle Crüe Weekly Call, 4/5/22 — Taxes

    Greg G took us through the tax impli­ca­tions of run­ning a Heli­um Hotspot, and it was enlight­en­ing! Oth­er mem­bers jumped in to guide the con­vo, this was a ultra infor­ma­tive per­spec­tive on the rapid­ly evolv­ing world of earn­ing HNT (and cryp­to in gen­er­al). The one word wrap up? Chickens. ** None of this is Tax…