Gristle Crue Community Call Notes

Gristle Crüe Weekly Call, 4/12/22

We had planned to do anoth­er cryptocurrency/tax call this week with Mat Soren­son but pushed a week due to sched­ul­ing con­flicts. That did­n’t stop us from scratch­ing a few tax itch­es, but we spent more time on the pri­va­cy issues with deploy­ing sensors. 

0:00:00 — Intro
No Matt this week, tax­es next week.
You have an off grid pole, what else can you add to it ? Weath­erXM, Plan­et­Watch, Geod­net
New Faces: Modo Tech, WillHNT

0:03:58 — Update on Peo­ple Counter Project
Reached out to the coun­ty and they said they had their own project.
Pri­va­cy rea­sons.
City of San Diego Pri­va­cy Advi­so­ry Board, advis­es the city of sur­veil­lance tech­nol­o­gy.
Some­thing to think about when deploy­ing sen­sors, Pri­va­cy First Policy.

0:09:04 — Non US Cit­i­zen with Hotspots in the US with Fam­i­ly Mem­ber
Who­ev­er is respon­si­ble for the HNT owes the IRS based on the val­ue at the time it was mined.
The Tax­es you pay in the US can be cred­it­ed for the Tax­es you pay in Swe­den.
Joint Ven­ture

0:14:43 — I earned an HNT today and let’s say it’s $20 and I move it to anoth­er wal­let when it’s $15. Can I declare a loss ?
No. If you move Cryp­to from one Wal­let to anoth­er it is not a tax­able event.

0:20:31 — Will­H­NT
1000 DC Data Trans­fer mul­ti­ple times per day
The Net­work is grow­ing super fast, the next step is sen­sor deploy­ment and usage.
If you want to stick with Heli­um, PoC is going to go down, using the net­work is the next big step.
DeWi Grants can help you get started.

0:27:53 — PPL Anten­na
PPL Anten­na vs. ALFA
Will­H­NT Chan­nel, will be doing Anten­na Test­ing–i3XmPt-l3DQ/videos
PPL Anten­na and PPL Sense­cap, Dual Min­ing $AUTH, used to buy more stuff in the PPL Store.

0:32:24 — Modo Tech
Works in Net­work Secu­ri­ty, has done some Anten­na Test­ing, Cryp­to YouTu­ber.
Mil­i­tary Jun­gle Anten­na, fun DIY project

0:35:40 — Swag
Swag in, Com­ing Soon.

0:36:39 — How does The Peo­ple Counter work?
Peo­ple Counter uses Dual Beam Lidar, when the Beam gets bro­ken you can track peo­ple going left or right.
There are oth­ers that use Infrared, but come in two pieces, I want­ed to keep it low pro­file.
How can we imple­ment Peo­ple Coun­ters for Wildlife? (Wild Hogs)

0:41:11 — Air­ly
$1000 device that tracks Air Qual­i­ty
Accord­ing to Air­ly. The EPA will pay you $300–400/m

0:43:36 — Peo­ple Track­er in Anoth­er State due to Pri­va­cy
Going to Boise, Ida­ho. Ridge to Riv­er
Prob­lem with IoT is 3rd par­ty and man­u­fac­tures going bank­rupt and peo­ple being account­able for sup­port and updates
New Plan, do a “Tri­al Run” for a lim­it­ed time so you don’t have a huge prob­lem.
San Diego Dig­i­tal Device Guid­ance. Gov­ern­ment does­n’t want extra lia­bil­i­ty, so they don’t want to touch it.

0:51:22 — Mike Pri­va­cy
Part of my work involves deal­ing with pri­va­cy col­lect­ed on peo­ple
There is a strug­gle of what to col­lect and what not to col­lect
Insur­ance com­pa­nies have a great temp­ta­tion or incen­tive to sell data
Like to see a Pri­va­cy Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion.
It’s bet­ter to be proac­tive than to be defensive

0:55:20 — Russ
Next Week is Matt with Tax­es
FYI, Next Week will be record­ed and used as a pro­mo for Matt
Tricks from Russ on how to pay less or no Taxes

0:59:00 — Out­tro
Any Extra Ques­tions. Hit up the Dis­cord.
Rock On.


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