Hotspot Troubleshooting Service

Hotspot Troubleshooting Service

Is your Heli­um Hotspot is hav­ing issues you’re strug­gling to fix?

Get­ting a Hotspot online can be con­fus­ing and frus­trat­ing when you don’t know what to look for. Let us help!

We’ll schedule a slot for a Zoom call and run a series of tests that show the state of your hotspot AND
we’ll help you fix your issues.

This service includes:

  • Peer lookup and Port For­ward­ing help, includ­ing remote desk­top assistance 
  • Diag­nose Beaconing/Witnessing issues 
  • Ping checks for wifi/internet to check your hotspot is live & stable 
  • Peer con­nec­tion tests – check we can con­nect and talk to your hotspot 
  • Set­up con­fir­ma­tion – check every­thing is set­up cor­rect­ly and not caus­ing issues 
  • Show you how to run data tests to con­firm your hotspot’s anten­nas are working 
  • Scal­ing issues – help make sense of any scal­ing prob­lems and help work a plan to fix. 
  • Phys­i­cal checks – sounds sil­ly, but some­times it’s a VERY basic thing you’ve for­got­ten to do. 

We have gotten hundreds of hotspots back up and running in under an hour.

We charge $250 for this ser­vice. This will fix most hotspot prob­lems. This cov­ers one ses­sion, and no more than 2 Hotspots.  It is not per­fect or guar­an­teed. If your prob­lem is fix­able, we’ll fix it.

After you’ve paid you’ll fill out a form where we col­lect your con­tact info and the hotspot in question.

Some­one will be in touch with­in 24 hours to sched­ule your Res­cue. Rock on!

Pur­chase the Hotspot Trou­bleshoot­ing Service

What’s it like to work with me?

Jay, Marc, Niamh and Robbie
Jay, Marc, Niamh and Rob­biein Ireland Read More
We con­sult­ed with Nik for a fleet of min­ers in south East Ire­land. The infor­ma­tion he gave us was invalu­able both to inform our strat­e­gy and pro­vide us with tools/guidance that will make set­ting up our net­work eas­i­er. The hour with Nik has saved us many months of research and tri­al and error-so well worth the mon­ey. He is very knowl­edgable in the heli­um space in a straight­for­ward, non tech speak man­ner. Also con­nect­ed us to oth­er clients/platforms which should be v helpful.
Rafael in Colombia Read More
Excel­lent per­son to deal with, with lots of knowl­edge of the themes, the inter­view was clear and com­plete and easy to under­stand, and he will solve any mat­ters , also giv­ing full advice after­ward if needed.
John in Colorado Read More
Nik was extreme­ly help­ful and knowl­edgable answer­ing all my ques­tions and pro­vid­ing exact­ly the resources I was look­ing for. The con­sult process was easy and sim­ple and I would rec­om­mend it to any­one look­ing to deploy any num­ber of hotspots.
Renier in the UK Read More
If you’re a Heli­um hotspot own­er and want to learn more about opti­miz­ing your deploy­ment I high­ly rec­om­mend get­ting in touch with Nik. He knows his stuff and will save you hours if not days of trou­bleshoot­ing. I high­ly rec­om­mend you work­ing with Nik.
Dav­ein Florida Read More
Nik was noth­ing short of per­fect. His vast under­stand­ing and imple­men­ta­tion of the heli­um net­work and the place­ment of Hotspots is spot on…. I can’t imag­ine try­ing to fig­ure this out on your own. The best mon­ey I ever spent. Kudos to you and for putting this togeth­er; it saved me so much time and mon­ey… thanks again.
Steve in California Read More
I’m very hap­py I found Nik to help me with my Heli­um project. I def­i­nite­ly would not be on the right path and would have spend a lot of $$$ on the wrong equip­ment and approach. He knows Heli­um inside and out and is a true technophile who knows all the cru­cial details to make your project suc­cess­ful. If you’re going to spend your hard earned mon­ey and time in this ven­ture do your­self a big favor and get with Nik first!
Dukein Cal­i­for­nia Read More
Nik expert­ly nav­i­gat­ed me and my team through the con­fus­ing cryp­to and Heli­um space. By the end of our ses­sion, we all felt well versed in not only the tech­ni­cal aspect of Heli­um but also with the skill set and con­fi­dence to eval­u­ate loca­tions and deploy hotspots in an effec­tive and effi­cient man­nerr. His knowl­edge has proven invalu­able in our jour­ney. High­ly recommended!
Ain Mon­tre­al Read More
We’re cur­rent­ly around 250 HNT’s per day ‑45/120 hotspots are ful­ly installed and opti­mized. Thanks again for all your help. We look for­ward to work­ing with you again in the future.
Ean in South­ern California Read More
Nik was an amaz­ing help to us! He got us up to speed on all we need­ed to know to be set-up and on our way with HNT min­ing. He is very knowl­edge­able about the Heli­um world in gen­er­al and he is enthu­si­as­tic and eager to help. What’s more, he has a tal­ent for com­mu­ni­cat­ing in a way that dis­tills the com­plex into some­thing sim­ple and easy to under­stand. An invalu­able resource!