Gristle Crue Community Call Notes

Gristle Crüe Call — Russ in the Hotseat



We’re exper­i­ment­ing with a new option for Gris­tle Crüe mem­bers, which is the idea of a Hot­seat ses­sion. In these ses­sions a mem­ber presents their busi­ness idea and back­ground, then the rest of the Crüe will weigh in with ideas, obser­va­tions, and gen­er­al sup­port. Russ vol­un­teered to go first, was inter­est­ing to think through his chal­lenges with deploy­ing mul­ti­ple Hotspots and where the best “bang for the buck” is.

Got into Heli­um to put them on his prop­er­ties.  He pri­mar­i­ly buys raw land in the south­west cor­ner of Arkansas.

Has a few hun­dred prop­er­ties through­out south­west Arkansas, rang­ing from raw land to com­mer­cial buildings.

Bought 100 Hotspots, has only deployed 1 or 2.

Want­ed to be able to put mul­ti­ple Hotspots on 1 Ubiq­ui­ti connections

Real estate mar­ket has got­ten hot, and there appears to be zero mon­ey in the Heli­um side. Where is the val­ue in work­ing on deploy­ing Heli­um hotspots?

Has an inter­est in using Heli­um as a sup­ple­ment to his land.

Doesn’t like 5G indoor — if you have a sig­nal out­doors any­way, you can eas­i­ly put in a Wil­son repeater to bring the sig­nal in for free.

The T‑mobile MVNO thing doesn’t make sense.

Has faith in projects like GEODnet.

Doesn’t know about WeatherXM.

Not inter­est­ed in FOAM.

Would like to fig­ure out a “per­fect” stack.

Has all the modems he would need as well as enclo­sures, solar pan­els, wiring, acces­sories, cabling tools & crimpers etc.

Has talked to GEOD­net about trad­ing in his 16 RAKs.  They have a rule of 1 trade in per customer.


Has 30 vacant apart­ments in need of remod­el­ing; that seems more prof­itable than deploy­ing a Hotspot.

Ubiq­ui­ti net­work on moun­tain tops? 

-give inter­net to house there in exchange for loca­tion rights


-$389 mil­lion avail­able in funds for ener­gy savings

-replac­ing and rewiring hous­es (elec­tric cars, heat pumps, etc)

-low­er income peo­ple & prop­er­ties (80% of area medi­an income, ~$48k/year can get $14k to remod­el their house from an ener­gy efficiency 

-$1,000 for an elec­tric vehi­cle charger

-ener­gy star cred­it for $5k, $1,200/year

-tax cred­it, $5/sq ft for remod­el­ing com­mer­cial properties

Can deploy sen­sors to monitor 

Pre­scrip­tion drug changes

New Green Deal

Oba­macare extensions

$700 bil­lion in total

Dou­bling the size of the IRS, more small busi­ness­es will be audited

Ener­gy sav­ings area: $7,500 for pur­chas­ing a new elec­tric car

All about get­ting away from nat­ur­al gas in your house.  Nat­ur­al gas is 93% effi­cient, elec­tric­i­ty is 32% efficient.


-all about timing

-if you don’t have your tax return on tur­bo tax, you prob­a­bly don’t know how to tax plan

-tax pre­par­er vs tax planners

-don’t ever want to file a tax return that leaves stuff under $80k untaxed

-wash sales in cryp­to, can always wash out a cer­tain num­ber to get your income where you want it.

-the real ques­tions is do you want to defer anything?

-medicare plan­ning, chang­ing plans

-employed, employ­er has choic­es open­ing up for you

-kids/grandkids, edu­ca­tion­al sav­ings accounts that can be set up now that can’t be done after the begin­ning of the year

-$2k/year con­tri­bu­tions, able to build $500k sav­ings for 2 kids

-ben­e­fi­cia­ry des­ig­na­tions are weird with cryp­to, plan out your passwords

-check insur­ance

-before 12/31 make max con­tri­bu­tions to retire­ments plans or IRA

-sell coins if you need to real­ize gains/losses

-RMDs need to be tak­en if you’re over 70

-ROTH IRA con­ver­sa­tions have to be done before end of year

-pull togeth­er receipts & expens­es and get ready to be audited

-if you have an LLC and need to be in an S‑Corp you can back­date it to first of year


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