The Search

What’s bet­ter than sit­ting behind a key­board and war­ring on Twit­ter? Get­ting out into the real world, fol­low­ing clues, and find­ing DePIN trea­sure, includ­ing tokens, min­ers, and swag!

Join us for the first ever DePIN Trea­sure hunt in sun­ny San Diego. Sign up below to get a head start on the first clue. 

This first trea­sure hunt will require you to vis­it mul­ti­ple places in the San Diego area, from cof­fee shops to moun­tain tops and plen­ty of places in between. 

At each stop you’ll learn a lit­tle more about where the path leads next. 

Some places will require real phys­i­cal effort to get to. This is an activ­i­ty-heavy event, but it’ll also require brain pow­er. Feel free to team up with your homies to race through the clues as fast as pos­si­ble in order to win the final prize!