Deliverance Entries

Date: Feb­ru­ary 26, 2022 at 5:54 am

First Name: Amine

Hotspot Name: Cud­dly Seafoam Nuthatch

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, Ethernet

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

LMR 400
8 m

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Unusu­al­ly low earnings

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

4 hours block no activ­i­ties mul­ti­ple times a day

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Feb­ru­ary 13, 2022 at 7:34 pm

First Name: Dean

Hotspot Name: bald-basil-dragonfly

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Rak 5.8dbi anten­na direct­ly mount­ed to Mile­sight min­er on an eth­er­net connection.
The hotspot is placed on a bal­cony 60m up over­look­ing the east of Melbourne.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No wit­ness­es, Unusu­al­ly low earnings

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

My hotspot is send­ing out bea­cons reli­ably. Wit­ness­ing oth­er hotspots on the oth­er hand is crap. I might only wit­ness one oth­er hotspot a week even though my area is full of oth­er hotspots.

Also, weird­ly, my hotspot con­structs chal­lenges but nev­er actu­al­ly chal­lenges oth­er beaconers. 

I’m ful­ly synced and have unblocked port 44158.
I’ve tried reboot­ing my min­er. I’ve also ssh’ed into the Mile­sight and done a fast sync when it’s mem­o­ry got too full. What am I missing?

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Feb­ru­ary 2, 2022 at 4:19 pm

First Name: Dean

Hotspot Name: cheery neon eel

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, WiFi, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

I’ve got a McGill 6dbi anten­na on a 4.5m anten­na mast above my house. All up about 10m from the ground and about 20m from sea level.
Run­ning from a Sensecap.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Unusu­al­ly low earnings

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

My bea­cons seem to be wit­nessed all over Mel­bourne. From the far east (40km) to the far north (22km) to the far west (36km). For some rea­son the hotspots I wit­ness are all with­in 10km of me. Why does this asym­me­try exist and what can I do to improve the num­ber of hotspots I witness?

Hotspot­ty says I wit­ness 44 oth­er hotspots but my bea­con hits 59 hotspots as transmitter.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Feb­ru­ary 1, 2022 at 9:01 pm

First Name: macbannai

Hotspot Name: rich-pickle-pig

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

RAK 8dbi anten­na mount­ed 7–8 meters high and con­nect­ed with a 20 ft LMR-400 cable to a MNTD GoldSpot min­er which has an upgrad­ed 64GB SD card as of 1/12/22. The min­er is in an out­door enclo­sure with intake and exhaust fans, ther­mo­stat and humid­i­ty sen­sor all pow­ered via PoE through 25′ CAT7 heavy duty dou­ble-shield­ed eth­er­net cable.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

I use the dewi dash­board reli­gious­ly and my deploy­ment start­ed in a win­dow around 1/7/22 and final­ly mount­ed at the high­est point pos­si­ble on 1/13/22 where it was per­form­ing real­ly well until 1/20/22 and since has set­tled into a less­er per­form­ing trend. I thought it was relat­ed to the “trans­ac­tion clear­ing improve­ments” but that was­n’t announced until 1/28/22. I went from aver­ag­ing 39 bea­cons wit­nessed in a week to aver­ag­ing 13 bea­cons wit­nessed over a two week peri­od as of 2/1/22. My host has ver­i­fied every­thing in the enclo­sure is bone dry and ful­ly oper­a­tional, I’ve even reboot­ed it a cou­ple of times across mul­ti­ple days with no improvements.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Feb­ru­ary 1, 2022 at 10:52 am

First Name: Chris

Hotspot Name: Straight vanil­la elephant

Hotspot Vital Info: Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

It nev­er worked.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No bea­cons, No wit­ness­es, Connection

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

You don’t have to reply live. I just wan­na know if it’s pos­si­ble to replace the pi. I’ve void­ed my war­ran­ty so I’m on my own. Here’s what it looks like. This is my sec­ond miner.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Feb­ru­ary 1, 2022 at 10:26 am

First Name: Chris

Hotspot Name: straight vanil­la elephant

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, WiFi, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

I have the min­er in my attic and drilled a small hole to get the cord inside. I have an 8dbi and 5.8 dbi. I’ve got hotspot­ty and Heliumstatus.Io I have a gl trav­el router. Con­sid­er­ing claim­ing one of these trees.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No witnesses

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

I got myself in over my head… here I am. Thanks.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Feb­ru­ary 1, 2022 at 10:23 am

First Name: Banda

Hotspot Name: huge-ash-kookaburra

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Roof top set up on a chim­ney. 6.0dBi Rok­land, LMR400 4ft, MNTD Blackspot.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Wit­ness­es have slow­ly dropped over time. Dropped about 25 wit­ness­es in a week. I assume this is not a set up issue and more of a hotspots around me prob­lem, but want­ed your insight.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Feb­ru­ary 1, 2022 at 10:22 am

First Name: Jason

Hotspot Name: Macho Snowy Salmon

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Ethernet

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Why are neigh­bor­ing Bob­cats con­sis­tent­ly get­ting 4x the earn­ings of my Raks? Same setups, Anten­nas, heights, atten­u­a­tion, cables, topog­ra­phy etc. I have spent months try­ing to achieve the same speed. One exam­ple… Macho Snowy Salmon vs. Short Ash Jaguar.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Unusu­al­ly low earn­ings, Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

4x less earn­ings in same loca­tions as Bobcats.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Feb­ru­ary 1, 2022 at 10:21 am

First Name: Caz

Hotspot Name: Huge-lime-viper in Lake­land FL

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, Roof mount, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Hotspot is a syn­cro­bit is inside, 40’ LMR400 to light­ning arrestor to 8dbi anten­na mount­ed on a mast attached to the roof. Approx­i­mate­ly 24 or so feet above ground. Sur­round­ed by oth­er 1story build­ings so trees are the only real barrier.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Unusu­al­ly low earn­ings, Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

It start­ed out great in Decem­ber, but since ear­ly Jan has been real­ly errat­ic. RSSI seems low for a set up with 8dbi (I changed from 5.8 to 8 on 31 Jan) to try and hit some more of the hotspots in south Lake­land. The spots close to me are sparse and seem to have very lit­tle connections/earnings. I’m try­ing to get my earn­ings clos­er to spicy bur­gundy fly (down the road a ways, but also down hill from me). Also I tried to use the dewi bea­con analy­sis but it gets me mixed up with anoth­er hotspot same name in CA. How can I ana­lyze this and make sure the changes I’m doing are actu­al­ly help­ing? Thanks for all you do, I learn so much every time I listen/watch you!

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Feb­ru­ary 1, 2022 at 10:19 am

First Name: Rikki

Hotspot Name: Curved tan­ger­ine troll

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

My topog­ra­phy is high approx 150m above sea lev­el. Using a McGill 9dbi with win­dow suc­tion mount and pass through cablem

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

My topog­ra­phy is high approx 150m above sea lev­el. Using a McGill 9dbi get­ting half decent earn­ings, but hotspot recent­ly went offline cou­ple of days ago 🙁 With my topog­ra­phy is 9dbi too much?

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Feb­ru­ary 1, 2022 at 10:11 am

First Name: Mando

Hotspot Name: Micro-Aqua-Dragon

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, WiFi

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

In attic con­nect­ed to wifi

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No bea­cons, No wit­ness­es, Unusu­al­ly low earn­ings, Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Bob­cat sud­den­ly flat lined on me. Had fam­i­ly mem­ber check IP came back with an error page.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Feb­ru­ary 1, 2022 at 9:43 am

First Name: VAM_VAM

Hotspot Name: Savory Mahogany Chimpanzee

Hotspot Vital Info: Outdoors

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

This i smy set up:
bob­cat min­er with stock anten­na on top of the roof with enclo­sure box. goes with Poe and use the stock ante­na so dont will have cable loss.
any recomen­da­tiop­ns will be help­full. thank you

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Unusu­al­ly low earnings

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

I see low earn­ings. i am at the top of the build­ing and i dont know why so lo earn­ings. Thank You

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 10, 2022 at 5:02 am

First Name: Steve

Hotspot Name: Late Hon­ey­suck­le Boar

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Ive had my Hotspot since the begin­ning of Decem­ber. Just ran it indoors on the stan­dard Sence­cap anten­na. Results were not great. Just under 0.1 a day.
I ordered a 8DBI anten­na and a 6m mast, and installed that on my roof in the begin­ning of Jan­u­ary. Results were great, and was receiv­ing between 0.2 and 0.36 per day. I noticed it was not 100% straight, and was sway­ing a lit­tle when there’s wind.
On my day off, I decid­ed to try and cor­rect it, and took it all down. I low­ered the mast by about 0.5m to counter the sway­ing, and made sure the anten­na is straight on top of the mast.

When I turned the min­er on again, it did bril­liant­ly for 2 days, mak­ing about 0.45 returns for the 1st 2 days, and now seems to have gone back down to 0.2HNT a day. I am real­ly con­fused now, and don’t know what to do next to improve it.

There is a bit of a hill to the one side of my hotspot, how­ev­er it does wit­ness some hotspots on the oth­er side of the hill. Oth­er then the hill, it is ral­ly flat in my area.

My hotspot was bea­con­ing 1 to times a day. But a few days ago it just stopped bea­con­ing for about 3 days. After I worked on it, it bea­coned 4 times in one day, but now back to once a day if I am lucky.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

I get good rewards for a day or 2 after work­ing on the hotspot, and then it just drops down to about 50% rewards. After I work on it, I wit­ness about 4to5 bea­cons in an hour. After that it will drop off too 0–2 wit­ness­ing per hour. Real­ly confusing

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 6, 2022 at 9:03 pm

First Name: @sean_lanham

Hotspot Name: short mer­cu­r­ial swallow

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

On top of 10’ pole on top of a com­mer­cial ware­house. 11m high with line of sight in almost every direc­tion. Build­ing is on some­what of a hill. LMR400 cable is 75’ long.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

After down­grad­ing the anten­na from 8 dbi to 5.8 and rais­ing the anten­na 3 addi­tion­al meters the 7day aver­age bea­con count went from 385 to 566 and the total wit­ness­es over the last 5 days went from 159 to 163. The earned HNT was almost 1 per day. Since then, I’ve had two flat­lined. The first was over a week and the sec­ond is cur­rent­ly on day 5. It’s not relayed but is flip­ping back and forth per the API.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 6, 2022 at 12:30 pm

First Name: Rob

Hotspot Name: Zeal­ous Mid­night Armadillo

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, WiFi

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

My hotspot is indoors, in the attic. It pings well using the, and shows sta­ble in my wifi router. The height is about 30 feet up.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No wit­ness­es, Unusu­al­ly low earn­ings, Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

My hotspot has been “sync­ing” since I set it up 3 weeks ago, in the heli­um cov­er­age map. I have nor­mal­ly 2 hotspots near me that I can wit­ness, it actu­al­ly shows that I am wit­ness­ing a hotspot now. How­ev­er, I have had zero earn­ings for 3 days.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 6, 2022 at 12:18 pm

First Name: Filipe

Hotspot Name: rural-bamboo-ferret

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, WiFi

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

9th Floor of Build­ing in Down­town Dallas

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Unusu­al­ly low earnings

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

There are days that I am earn­ing only slight frac­tions of an HNT, also says the app just “sync­ing”.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 6, 2022 at 10:55 am

First Name: Oguzhan

Hotspot Name: pas­sive aqua hornet

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, Out­doors, Roof mount, Ethernet

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Indoor sense­cap mx with 20meter lmr400 cable and out­door 8 dbi seeed anten­na. Con­nect­ed with eth­er­net and 100mbit inter­net speed. 600 meters away from the actu­al place (trans­mit scale).

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No witnesses

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Low wit­ness and low beaconing

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 6, 2022 at 10:44 am

First Name: Ryan

Hotspot Name: icy-pickle-badger

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, WiFi, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Rak V2 in win­dow with Rok­land 5.8 con­nect­ed direct­ly to miner

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Connection

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Min­er was ful­ly synced via eth­er­net at “home base” (no loca­tion assert­ed) for weeks before I set it up at a friend’s house. 

At the friend’s house, con­nect­ed to WIFI, sta­t­ic IP assigned, port for­ward and loca­tion assert­ed on 12/31. Since 12/31 it still says “sync­ing” and I don’t have a trans­mit scale. Hotspot util­i­ty con­firms blockchain is ful­ly synced. I am not sure how to trou­bleshoot this con­nec­tion issue. 

I know this isn’t an opti­mum set-up but this friend want­ed to learn about the net­work so I want­ed to set up a min­er for them.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 6, 2022 at 10:24 am

First Name: Oguzhan

Hotspot Name: pas­sive aqua hornet

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, Out­doors, Roof mount, Ethernet

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Indoor sense­cap mx with 20meter lmr400 cable and out­door 8 dbi seeed anten­na. Con­nect­ed with eth­er­net and 100mbit inter­net speed. 600 meters away from the actu­al place (trans­mit scale).

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No witnesses

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Low wit­ness and low beaconing

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 6, 2022 at 10:18 am

First Name: Theo Ty

Hotspot Name: Joy­ful Parch­ment Sloth

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

3dBi McGill anten­na con­nect­ed to Nebra Indoor housed in my loft. Con­nect­ed with Eth­er­net. Test­ed with both home inter­net and 4G/LTE con­nec­tion. Not relayed

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Very low activ­i­ty on explor­er. Not many bea­cons or wit­ness­es for the loca­tion. 37m above sea level.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 6, 2022 at 10:08 am

First Name: Jan

Hotspot Name: Long Cor­duroy Deer

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, WiFi

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

I have an Out­door Set­up with Wifi. The Min­er is online but is not earn­ing any­thing. The Hotspot is in an out­door-case and has a con­nec­tion to a 3.0dbi rak Anten­na. The view is amaz­ing so i dont know why it does­nt have any earnings.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No bea­cons, No wit­ness­es, Connection

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

The Min­er is not sync­ing since 1 Month.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 6, 2022 at 10:06 am

First Name: CryptoKaren

Hotspot Name: lit­tle lip­stick tapir

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, WiFi, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Locat­ed in a host house on the sec­ond floor.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No wit­ness­es, Unusu­al­ly low earnings

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

I can­not get any wit­ness­es. Run­ning 4dbi anten­na. Host not enthu­si­as­tic about upgrad­ing antenna.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 6, 2022 at 10:05 am

First Name: Gabe

Hotspot Name: Original-Powder-Peacock

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, Ethernet

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Set­up is in a top floor apt build­ing sit­ting by a win­dow. Hooked up via eth­er­net using stock antenna.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Connection

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

When try­ing to acti­vate new nebra min­er I am get­ting “Hotspot not found on onboard­ing serv­er” leav­ing me unable to acti­vate min­er. Tick­et sub­mit­ted to nebra but cur­rent­ly look­ing for anoth­er way to fix this issue. inspect­ed hard­ware and all com­po­nents are seat­ed correctly.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 6, 2022 at 9:47 am

First Name: Ken — K2skaterii

Hotspot Name: rough tar­tan turtle

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Next to a 1 sto­ry house. 18ft ghet­to rigged PVC anten­na mount in a home depot buck­et. It’s Kansas, things are flat — that being said I’m “up high” com­pared to the low spots. 10ft CMR 400. Plen­ty of Wit­ness­es. Earn­ings improved since adjust­ing anten­na for POC V11 (Thank you)

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No bea­cons, No witnesses

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

My ques­tion is not about my hotspot. Yes­ter­day I had a wit­ness that is 166km away, holy crap that’s cool. The dis­tant hotspot is EARLY BURGUNDY STALLION. That hotspot has 8 wit­ness­es, all of which are 160+ km away. There’s got­ta be some­thing going on here. Any idea what would cause this kind of glitch? Seems like some­thing that POC V11 should have eliminated?

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 6, 2022 at 7:48 am

First Name: Fox Miner

Hotspot Name: Fluffy Ash Armadillo

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Fines­tra min­er, Eth­er­net Con­nec­tion, Roof Mount on 3 sto­ry house (15m high), 6dbi Rok­land Anten­na, 3m LMR-400. Hilly and mod­er­ate­ly wood­ed area. No wit­ness­ing in last 2 days, but low wit­ness­ing before hand. Just tried under­assert­ing anten­na dbi to 3dbi on app to see if it’s hav­ing dif­fi­cul­ty punch­ing through atten­u­a­tors. Ordered a 3 dbi HNTen­na that’s on the way for test­ing a mul­ti-polar­ized approach to get around my topog­ra­phy, but appears despite research­ing loca­tion and prox­im­i­ty to oth­er min­ers, that it just may not help with my location.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No wit­ness­es, Unusu­al­ly low earn­ings, Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

No wit­ness­ing in last 2 days, but low wit­ness­ing before hand. Just tried under­assert­ing anten­na dbi to 3dbi on app to see if it’s hav­ing dif­fi­cul­ty punch­ing through atten­u­a­tors. Ordered a 3 dbi HNTen­na that’s on the way for test­ing a mul­ti-polar­ized approach to get around my topog­ra­phy, but appears despite research­ing loca­tion and prox­im­i­ty to oth­er min­ers, that it just may not help with my location.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 4, 2022 at 8:29 pm

First Name: TheMarcus

Hotspot Name: sneaky-taupe-cougar

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Sense­CAP hotspot.
8dBi RAK fiber­glass antenna.
25′ LMR-400 UF.
Light­ning arrester.
UniFi switch.
Side of build­ing deployment.
Clear line of sight for quite some distance.
In the sub­urbs of Kansas City.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Relay, Unusu­al­ly low earnings

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

I can’t fig­ure out why this hotspot has such low earn­ings. It’s got 55 wit­ness­es near and far. It says it’s relayed, but when you check, it says the port is open (IP We for sure have port 44158 point­ed at the hotspot. It does­n’t seem to be wit­ness­ing many bea­cons. Can’t fig­ure out why.

Pho­tos of deploy­ment can be seen here:

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 4, 2022 at 8:14 pm

First Name: TheMarcus

Hotspot Name: fun-gingham-condor

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, WiFi, Off Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Off-grid deploy­ment.
Top of a com­mer­cial building.
Out­door enclosure.
Skyus-160 router.
Dynam­ic IP (because when it was on a sta­t­ic it was­n’t per­form­ing cor­rect­ly due to the off-grid trou­bles every­one was fac­ing — Gris­tle King knows what I’m talk­ing about).
HNTen­na (out­door version).
15′ LMR-400 UF.
Light­ning arrester.
33m height.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No bea­cons, No wit­ness­es, Unusu­al­ly low earnings

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

I know this unit is relayed (or it should be b/c it’s a dynam­ic IP on a CG-NAT), but I can’t for the life of me fig­ure out why it’s earn­ings have dropped off start­ing on Dec 31. Also, why isn’t it get­ting more wit­ness­es. That high up with an HNTen­na. I would expect much more. Addi­tion­al­ly, it went 7 days (Dec 27 — Jan 2) with­out receiv­ing any challenges.

Pic­tures of the set­up can be seen here:

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 4, 2022 at 4:55 pm

First Name: ETfromHome23

Hotspot Name: late-smoke-urchin

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, WiFi, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

MNTD rak black spot with 2.3 dbi in attic at ~7m. Rel­a­tive­ly flat ter­rain with some hous­es and wood­ed areas. I do not under­stand why when I placed the min­er in the attic vs a 2nd sto­ry win­dow I more than dou­bled my wit­ness­es but saw a sig­nif­i­cant reduc­tion in bea­cons that I have wit­nessed. Essen­tial­ly more peo­ple now see my bea­cons but I am able to see less bea­cons and there­fore my earn­ing are down 50% over the week.
Also what gain would you rec­om­mend for an out­door anten­na mount­ed @8m or so in my loca­tion? I was look­ing at the rak 3dbi due to the preva­lence of wood­ed areas around me.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

I wrote it above and your form does not sup­port cut­ting and past­ing in the brave browser…

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 4, 2022 at 12:34 pm

First Name: accuist

Hotspot Name: Calm Licorice Reindeer

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, Ethernet

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Eth­er­net con­nect­ed rak V2

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No bea­cons, No wit­ness­es, Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Eth­er­net con­nect­ed rak V2 — synced now and been with­out gos­sip for over 24hours. Blockchain would­n’t sync and then hotspot went off life so Mile­stones start­ed sync­ing back­wards mean­ing try­ing to sync to the blockchain before the hotspot sta­tus after it had observed bea­cons, wit­nessed and challenges.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Jan­u­ary 3, 2022 at 8:17 pm

First Name: Arif

Hotspot Name: Sun­ny Water­mel­on Shetland

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

RAK v2, 6dbi anten­na on the roof,

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No witnesses

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

was work­ing fine until anten­na was at 3 meter and blocked from one side by the wall, moved it to the roof and no activ­i­ty since then

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 27, 2021 at 6:32 am

First Name: charlie

Hotspot Name: active bone frog

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, Out­doors, Roof mount, WiFi, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Has changed a cou­ple times. Details below.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Con­nec­tion, Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

9th Dec — Attic install Bob­cat 300 4dbi — await­ing instal­la­tion of out­side. Just test­ing here. Rewards ok, but expect­ed­ly low due to attic run­way restraints. Solo Hex. High ele­va­tion in town.
14th Dec — Out­side roof chim­ney mount +10ft pole, 8dbi + 18ft LMR 600
Almost flat­lined rewards. Reset Min­er, Recon­fig­ured net­work set­tings. Upnp Off, 44158 p‑f. Still no joy. Sus­pect­ed Anten­na or cable damage?
20th Dec — Moved back indoors to attic with stock anten­na and see­ing low/normal rewards. Wit­ness­es took awhile to find. Low wit­ness­es, but expected. 

RSSI is low
SNR is low. 

I want to move back out­side on chim­ney. Could you think of any­thing I’m not cur­rent­ly look­ing at to help me deter­mine if my anten­na or cable is dam­aged WITHOUT dis­con­nect­ing either of them from the roof? I have the rps­ma MALE side of the LMR600 cable exposed to me in the attic, so can test with VNR from there, but am unsure what I’m look­ing at. 


Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 10:50 pm

First Name: Broadcast

Hotspot Name: Rich Amber Barbel

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Res­i­den­tial area, most north­ern hotspot in the city. Hotspot is mount­ed in plas­tic weath­er­proof enclo­sure, near top of 10 foot mast pole — total height approx 35 feet off the ground. 6dbi omni anten­na, 1.5 — 2 ft of Shireen RFC400 (High qual­i­ty LMR400 equiv­a­lent). PoE injec­tor and split­ter — 100mbps, con­nect­ed direct­ly to modem via ethernet.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Unusu­al­ly low earnings

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

50+ wit­ness­es (high for this area)
Bea­cons, wit­ness­es, not relayed. Out­door set­up is set­up # 18 that I have done, first one in an enclo­sure. Every­thing checks out with explor­er and heli­um­sta­tus. Earn­ings are rather piti­ful grant­ed the set­up. Oth­er setups I have done in the city are eas­i­ly out­pac­ing this one by 3x the earnings. 

Hotspot seems to be doing every­thing that it should, great cov­er­age, piss-poor earnings.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 2:46 pm

First Name: Mario

Hotspot Name: Round Vanil­la Dragonfly

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Every­thing assert­ed cor­rect­ly, 3dbi McGill anten­na gain — 3m(10ft) LMR-400 Times Microwave cable (0,384 loss) — Times Microwave arrestor (0,2 loss) — 0,1 for con­nec­tors = 2,316 dbi assert­ed. Bob­cat 2GB. High up over­look­ing the city. (EU locat­ed, RUT240). Bob­cat is indoor, anten­na outdoor.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Nik you already answered in your video “PoCv11 made sim­ple” in the com­ments — thx for this but check­ing. Answer was: “My guess is you’ve got a bunch of min­ers around you with incor­rect­ly assert­ed anten­nas. That’s just my guess. I’d leave your set­up as it; high ele­va­tion & low gain is usu­al­ly the win­ning com­bo.” Thx for that. The prob­lem is that imme­di­ate­ly since PoCv11 get­ting up to 20 invalids that I did­n’t have before and earn­ings down “clipped” by 60 per­cent. Witness_rssi_too high (screen­shot of 12 clipped on one page here uploaded down. Can’t upload because broke phone screen on ter­rain and doesn’t work right now but put in a google earth screen­shot of a wider view. Pho­tos here also, just in case:‑qW98AHv9xM

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 11:01 am

First Name: Taz976

Hotspot Name: glorious-taffy-pony

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, WiFi

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Fines­tra Min­er installed on a win­dow in the liv­ing room with the stan­dard 2.6dbi anten­na mount­ed 1 meter high.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No witnesses

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

I set up the min­er 2 weeks ago and it was sync­ing for over a week but I was get­ting wit­ness­es. I unplugged it for about 30 hours and then plugged it back in and now it shows online and sync­ing again but no wit­ness­es for 3 days. Explor­er and Hotspot­ty show online and sync­ing but when I run a sta­tus test it says no con­nec­tion can be estab­lished and no lis­ten address found.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 10:32 am

First Name: Nate

Hotspot Name: rapid tawny narwhal

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Hel­lo, I sub­mit­ted one about 10–15 min ago but would like to retract it for pri­va­cy rea­sons about how my hotspot would expose my location!
Thank you!

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Unusu­al­ly low earnings

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Hel­lo, I sub­mit­ted one about 10–15 min ago but would like to retract it for pri­va­cy rea­sons about how my hotspot would expose my location!
Thank you!

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 10:31 am

First Name: moki

Hotspot Name: Trendy Carmine Cow

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, Off Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

On rooftop 3dbi McGill RUT240 T Mobile Nik Plan.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Relay, Connection

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Seems to work for a day and then goes offline the next day.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 10:22 am

First Name: Mario

Hotspot Name: Round Vanil­la Dragonfly

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Every­thing assert­ed cor­rect­ly, 3dbi McGill anten­na gain — 3m(10ft) LMR-400 Times Microwave cable (0,384 loss) — Times Microwave arrestor (0,2 loss) — 0,1 for con­nec­tors = 2,316 dbi assert­ed. Bob­cat 2GB. High up over­look­ing the city. (EU locat­ed, RUT240). Bob­cat is indoor, anten­na outdoor.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Nik you already answered in your video “PoCv11 made sim­ple” in the com­ments — thx for this but check­ing. Answer was: “My guess is you’ve got a bunch of min­ers around you with incor­rect­ly assert­ed anten­nas. That’s just my guess. I’d leave your set­up as it; high ele­va­tion & low gain is usu­al­ly the win­ning com­bo.” Thx for that. The prob­lem is that imme­di­ate­ly since PoCv11 get­ting up to 20 invalids that I did­n’t have before and earn­ings down “clipped” by 60 per­cent. Witness_rssi_too high (screen­shot of 12 clipped on one page here uploaded down. Can’t upload because broke phone screen on ter­rain and doesn’t work right now but put in a google earth screen­shot of a wider view. Pho­tos here also, just in case:‑qW98AHv9xM

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 10:21 am

First Name: Wolfenhawke

Hotspot Name: Handsome-zinc-peacock

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Unit is installed inside. RAKv2 brand new. Was synced before plac­ing at loca­tion. Since placed, it’s been sync­ing for 2 weeks. Cur­rent­ly show­ing on app as “Hotspot sync­ing with the Heli­um Blockchain as of 8d ago”.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Connection

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Won­der­ing why it is con­tin­u­ous­ly sync­ing. Con­sid­er­ing chang­ing SD card.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 10:10 am

First Name: Ron

Hotspot Name: Mys­te­ri­ous Gin­ger Bee

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, Out­doors, Roof mount, WiFi, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Min­er is a Fines­tra locat­ed indoors with a 30′ LMR400 cable to roof-mount­ed 5.8dBi antenna.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Connection

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Sta­tus LED has gone sol­id blue (indi­cates update or reboot). It has been in this state for ~4 hours after 8 days of oper­a­tion. Installed 8 days ago with indoor stock anten­na. Yes­ter­day installed roof-mount­ed 5.8 and then after ~8–12 hours of good oper­a­tion with the new anten­na, I found it in the update state and it will not come back online. I am hes­i­tant to pow­er cycle it in case it is doing an actu­al update.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 10:08 am

First Name: Nate

Hotspot Name: rapid tawny narwhal

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

I’ve seem­ing­ly done every­thing right but not get­ting great rewards. Obvi­ous­ly reward scale not opti­mal but still seems low. McGill 6dbi, clear­ance over oth­er hous­es, out­door, not relayed, port for­ward­ed the whole deal.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Unusu­al­ly low earnings

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Why are my rewards so low? I used to get much high­er rewards but now only earn­ing a few dol­lars a day in hnt. Used to have close to 170 wit­ness­es and many many beacons

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 10:02 am

First Name: ctcomputers

Hotspot Name: faith­ful yel­low caribou

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, WiFi, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Cur­rent­ly “Lone Wolf” indoors but will be adding out­door anten­na and addi­tion­al min­er in near­by hex. Curi­ous why have not “chal­lenged Bea­con­er” for near­ly 2 weeks. Hard­ware or net­work issue caus­ing this?

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

cre­at­ing reg­u­lar chal­lenges but not “chal­lenged beaconer”

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 9:01 am

First Name: Robert

Hotspot Name: Tangy Bub­blegum Cobra

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, Ethernet

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

I have a Bob­cat 300 minor with its the stan­dard anten­na sit­ting on my desk. It is in front of a slid­ing glass door look­ing direct­ly out­side. I live in Flori­da so the area around me is flat. I am in the process of installing a Rock­land 5.8 DBI anten­na that will be 20 feet in the air with 20 feet of LMR 400 cable with a light­ning arrester.
I have earned a whole .359 HNT that is it.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Relay, Unusu­al­ly low earnings

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

I have been online says Novem­ber 28. Up until 4 days ago, after a while the lat­est upgrades I had no wit­ness­es. After the upgrade I got a wit­ness I found I was relayed. My Inter­net provider is Spec­trum (only provider in my area) and they will not pro­vide me with a sta­t­ic IP address as I am not a busi­ness. I real­ize every time my router reboots and changes by IP address to my minor. My cur­rent IP address is port for­ward­ed to 44158. No mat­ter what I do I am still relayed. I’m in the process of build­ing a RAK Wis­Block Map­per to see if it can help in my area.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 8:47 am

First Name: M from Mallorca

Hotspot Name: sleepy car­bon crow — rare slate falcon

Hotspot Vital Info: Roof mount, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Indoor Bob­cat con­nect­ed to roof mount antenna

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Unusu­al­ly low earn­ings, Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

There has been an ongo­ing dras­tic earn­ings decline since Nov 23 (short­ly before Thanks­giv­ing) and I am now near­ly at zero. A few oth­er guys are also men­tion­ing this exact date. I am still using stock anten­nas and cable, eth­er­net and POE, Bob­cats and every­thing up to date synced and run­ning. PoC V 11 should not be the cause here. When was that released? Dec 13?
What hap­pened Nov 23?

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 8:34 am

First Name: Medisin

Hotspot Name: flat-magenta-chipmunk

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, WiFi, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

I have an orig­i­nal HNT min­er (first 500), that is indoor my sec­ond floor apart­ment, and has a ~10ft LMR cable that runs to an out­door 5.8dBi anten­na on my bal­cony, about 5m up from the ground, and all those stats were updat­ed with­in the heli­um app a cou­ple months ago. The loca­tion has not changed in sev­er­al months.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Connection

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Since ear­ly AM 12/21, the light has been sol­id yel­low, but the heli­um app says my hotspot is online, but when click­ing on it, it says ‘sync­ing’. When I pair the hotspot for diag­nos­tics, say­ing no con­nec­tion (see report below). Also attached reports from and hotspotty.

I tried pow­er­cy­cling, and re-con­nect­ing wifi, but no change. All oth­er devices in home con­nect to wifi just fine dur­ing this issue.

In July, I had anoth­er sync issue, though the light was still green, and stuck at near 99% sync. Replac­ing the SD card fixed the issue. The cur­rent issue appears to be dif­fer­ent than this one.

Please advise, thank you!

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 7:14 am

First Name: Bkauii

Hotspot Name: Wobbly-Sangria-Jellyfish

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

It is placed opti­mal­ly on the roof with an 8dbi anten­na sur­round­ed by oth­er hotspots that are send­ing bea­cons and wit­ness­ing not in a val­ley. It’s a syncrobit

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No bea­cons, No wit­ness­es, Unusu­al­ly low earn­ings, Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Mine has stopped send­ing bea­cons and wit­ness­ing. I have been on github post­ing my issues. 1 update helped a lit­tle then it went right back to the issues from before

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 5:53 am

First Name: Phillip ivory

Hotspot Name: Help­ful fuzzy badger

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Ethernet

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Farm area. Eth­er­net hooked up. Very flat land

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Unusu­al­ly low earnings

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

437 hotspots in my hex

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 5:36 am

First Name: Hassan

Hotspot Name: Feisty Orchid Bee

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, Ethernet

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

On 13th floor apart­ment. Stock anten­na NEBRA. Relayed issue although ports have been opened

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Relay, Unusu­al­ly low earnings

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Relayed issue and mas­sive drop in earn­ings. The mine was doing around $600 a month in its prime now it’s doing less than $150!

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 22, 2021 at 5:23 am

First Name: Hassan

Hotspot Name: Rapid Zinc Orca

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

In a bit of a val­ley how­ev­er hotspots close by are doing rel­a­tive­ly good. It’s a out­door enclo­sure with long Eth­er­net wire lead­ing into building

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Unusu­al­ly low earnings

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Unusu­al low earn­ings but I’d like to think good anten­na 6.5dbi from McGill.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 21, 2021 at 2:26 pm

First Name: Fernando

Hotspot Name: Tame lava wolf

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

75 mts of PoE, 110mts high, Rak 8dbi anten­na, rooftop set up, clear line of site,

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Unusu­al­ly low earnings

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Mak­ing less than my oth­er min­er that is at 20 mts with a 5.8 , between houses.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 20, 2021 at 2:08 pm

First Name: Levi

Hotspot Name: Small Virid­i­an Cat

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, Off Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Rak min­er feeds LMR to Laird 3db. Con­nec­tiv­i­ty is via Cradle­point 4G with Ver­i­zon sta­t­ic IP and port forwarded.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Relay, No bea­cons, No witnesses

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

This site was great for months, in Novem­ber it start­ed per­form­ing poor­ly, would go off-line, relay and un-sync. We replaced the min­er with a new one, replaced the Cradle­point with a new one, made no dif­fer­ence. We got a new IP from Ver­i­zon, went from 162.146.x.x to 162.155.x.x. The site con­tin­ues to go un-synced, off-line then back on-line, relayed the unre­layed. Site is now at my shop dur­ing the trou­bleshoot­ing attempt. It is on an anten­na that sees at least 10 wit­ness­es at this time.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 20, 2021 at 12:14 pm

First Name: Ed

Hotspot Name: Young Ash Capybara

Hotspot Vital Info: Indoors, WiFi

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

These deploy­ments are placed in win­dows with clear night of sight to the out­side environment.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No witnesses

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

This prob­lem seems to be a prob­lem only involv­ing Bob­cat 300 hard­ware using US915 fre­quen­cies. All the Bob­cat 300s in Trinidad and Toba­go have not wit­nessed any bea­cons over the past 7 days. 

Young Ash Capybara
Damp Laven­der Blackbird
Brisk Amethyst Wombat
Cud­dly Snowy Mantaray

The Trinidad and Toba­go Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion Author­i­ty who is the enti­ty to man­age and dic­tate the fre­quen­cies of use for region 2. I have sub­mit­ted their feed­back to the forums at
The man­agers involved in the deci­sion mak­ing process have said they elect­ed Trinidad and Toba­go use AU915 because:-

The Region­al Para­me­ters work­group con­tin­ues to rec­om­mend AU915 for har­mo­ny with the oth­er coun­tries in the Caribbean and Cen­tral and South Amer­i­ca, many of which do not sup­port the 902–915 por­tion of the US band. ”

2 Ques­tions.
1) It seems the Bob­cat 300 min­ers can NOT auto­mat­i­cal­ly switch fre­quen­cies depend­ing on where they are deployed (US915/AU915) and for this rea­son AU915 and US915 min­ers can­not hear one anoth­er. Is this the rea­son all of these min­ers can­not wit­ness each other?

2) It seems our Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion Author­i­ty of Trinidad and Toba­go would pre­fer to have the full spec­trum 902–928 Mhz used in accor­dance with region 2. Why would the man­agers of the Lora Alliance pair us with AU915, and jus­ti­fy it by say­ing many oth­er coun­tries in your region also use it. One coun­tries anten­nas don’t affect or speak to a dif­fer­ent coun­tries antennas.

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 20, 2021 at 4:43 am

First Name: Cheesus

Hotspot Name: Uneven-magenta-terrier

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, WiFi, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

Anten­na on apex of roof 2m above roof line. Rel­a­tive­ly flat area but min­er is too of a hill (small hill to west but open view otherwise.

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): No bea­cons, No wit­ness­es, Connection

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

First 8hrs after min­er synced was pick­ing up wit­ness­es 30km+ away and then died off — now vir­tu­al­ly only min­er wit­nessed is 700m away and bare­ly beacons.
I tried test­ing the con­nec­tion with a map­ping device and noticed RSSI drops of dra­mat­i­cal­ly the fur­ther its gets, and los­es con­nec­tion less than 1km away.
Had a spare min­er so have assert­ed this to the same loca­tion (yes on same IP and relayed) to ver­i­fy sig­nal. My sec­ond min­er is sit­ting on my desk inside and is also hit­ting the min­er 700m away but actu­al­ly has a high­er RSSI. This leads me to believe it is a hard­ware issue? The LMR400 seemed decent but was just off aliba­ba — maybe dodgy con­nec­tions? Just don’t under­stand why it looked like it was work­ing fine at first then total­ly died?
Anten­na is HNtenna

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?

Date: Decem­ber 17, 2021 at 1:57 pm

First Name: BaumerCrypto2.0

Hotspot Name: Damp smoke piranha

Hotspot Vital Info: Out­doors, Roof mount, Eth­er­net, On Grid

Descrip­tion of your set­up:

HNTENNA 3dBi mul­ti polar­ized mount­ed 3M on the side of the house.
7ft LMR400 cable

Oth­er loca­tion: Swift Sham­rock mallard
7m up on roof on Mast.
27’ LMR400 cable
5.8dBi RAK antenna
Sense­Cap M1

Prob­lem Cat­e­go­ry (Check all that apply): Sud­den drop in any­thing (wit­ness, bea­con, earnings)

Descrip­tion of the prob­lem:

Still get­ting invalids
Wit­ness to Close

And oth­er hotspot ‑Swift Sham­rock mallard
I’m getting:
RSSI to high

With PoCv11 , is their any­thing I can do to fix these invalids? Or is it the wit­nessed hotspot the issue? Their anten­na? Not my hotspot issue?

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Placement?