Gristle Crüe — Silencio Brief



A few of the Silen­cio team came on to brief us on the lat­est with their project, and we got to have a great Q&A with ’em!

June 20th

Thomas — CEO & bizden

Theo — COO

Christo­pher — mar­ket­ing & biz dev

Eric — CPO, engi­neer, cre­at­ed a cryp­to exchange

Flo­ri­an — youngest broth­er, soft­ware dev


App has to be at fore­front, even­tu­al­ly want it to be ran­dom­ly run­ning in the background.

Hyper­local data (down to 20 sq meters)

If they open their code they lose an advantage

Mar­ket size? Val­i­dat­ed B2C side, explor­ing B2B again

Demand side sur­vey — 2,500 peo­ple, 95% certainty:

-98% of pop­u­la­tion would be inter­est­ed in data if they’re moving

-78% would be will­ing to pay for this data

-40 mil­lion peo­ple move every year as ten­ants in the US and EU (15 mil­lion households)

-$4 bil­lion on TAM

-every 10 deci­bel we per­ceive it as a dou­bling, there’s a decrease in value

Upload vol­ume is one way to check dB

Phone in your pants or jack­ets isn’t useful

Best data is phone in hand, out­side and walking

Cur­rent­ly this is an MVP.  Think­ing about speed limits.

Work­ing on toke­nomics to devel­op incen­tives for spe­cif­ic loca­tions (boun­ties)

Have to be an active user in order to stay in.

200 mil­lion data points in a few weeks

40k uploads

Pre­mi­um sub­scrip­tion, high­er min­ing rate, per­son­al health in terms of noise pollution

Auto­mat­ed “cer­ti­fied noise complaints”

Rewards are rat­ed on the amount of time you deliv­er to the network

Air­drop is going to be when it goes on chain — some­time in the next year

Once you have 20–30% of a city is cov­ered you have gen­er­at­ed most of the value?

Add to LEED certification?

Use cas­es
-real estate eval­u­a­tion:  Will the place I’m mov­ing to be too loud?

-restau­rant hotels noise levels

-restau­rants lose 10% of rev­enue based on noise pollution

-short term rental noise levels

-gov­ern­men­tal use cases

-EU has 20 mil­lion Euro/year to map out noise pollution

-Acad­e­mia gets data for free


  • Will Silen­cio have APIs that could be used if we built our own hardware?
  • Google num­ber vs car­ri­er assigned num­ber (SMS doesn’t work right now)
  • Will this tie into Shot Spotter?
  • What does “the first-ever free Web3 net­work” refer to, exactly?
  • Are you run­ning your own wal­let in app?
  • How is it on bat­tery drain? A lit­tle high, prob­a­bly due to GPS calls.
  • Hard­ware plans? We will def­i­nite­ly be inte­grat­ing spe­cif­ic hard­ware rel­a­tive to cer­tain locations.
  • Have to reg­is­ter w/ google ATM?
  • How many super users? 5%, 3–4 hours of uploads per day
  • How many users do you have? 30k, might have been a bot attack?
  • What is the mar­ket size on this?
  • Could I spoof to make a com­pet­ing night­club seem “loud­er”?
  • Can you pri­or­i­tize “zones” such as bars and night­clubs where noise pol­lu­tion and mon­i­tor­ing is a con­stant concern?
  • Do you weight the dB as in dBc band­pass for spec­trum most sen­si­tive to the human ear?
  • Pri­va­cy concerns?
  • How do you prove the dB only sampling?


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