Hotspot Deliverance

Hotspot Deliverance Request

Want a lit­tle pub­lic trou­bleshoot­ing action on your hotspot?  Jamie Dubs, BFGNeil and I have decid­ed to do live pub­lic trou­bleshoot­ing on the Gristlek­ing YouTube channel.

Sign up below, and the crew will jump in to see what we can find.  Results not guar­an­teed, and your hotspot may not be fea­tured on the show. 

Your email will remain pri­vate, every­thing else will be in the pub­lic domain. 

Hotspot Deliv­er­ance

Hotspot Vital Info

Please check all that apply

Prob­lem Type

Got Pic­tures of Hotspot or Anten­na Place­ment? Max of 4.

Max­i­mum upload size: 2MB

Max­i­mum upload size: 2MB

Max­i­mum upload size: 2MB

Max­i­mum upload size: 2MB