State of the Networks

Why does this show exist?

I like being cre­ative and hav­ing a sched­ule to pro­duce on. The space that I most­ly pay atten­tion to (DePIN) usu­al­ly has news that’s inter­est­ing to share. I think hav­ing a plat­form for shar­ing ideas is valuable.

I also real­ly like the idea of the old cof­fee­hous­es of Lon­don, where lots of peo­ple got togeth­er to exchange ideas. I’d like this to be a dig­i­tal cof­fee house, with extra­or­di­nary inter­ac­tion between both host/audience as well as audience/audience.

Who might want to watch it?

Some­one inter­est­ed in recent DePIN devel­op­ments and news, as well as peo­ple gen­er­al­ly slight­ly over-curi­ous about the world.

What will you get out of devot­ing time to it?

What’s the format?

The first 15 min­utes is all of the week’s DePIN news from the top 15 or so projects. The next 45 is devot­ed to guests or div­ing deep­er into spe­cif­ic items. If you’re pressed for time you can always catch it later.

Where can I find the show?

Wednes­days at 0900 Pacif­ic on the Gris­tle King YouTube livestream.