Tag: oct-2024-update

  • A Quick Helium Explainer — Helium ELI5



    Got a ques­tion about Heli­um? Which min­er is best? How are rewards cal­cu­lat­ed? What anten­na should you get? How much will you earn? Where should you put your hotspot?  Here are answers to the most fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions about Heli­um, explained for those of us who aren’t super technical. First, Heli­um in a nut­shell: Heli­um…

  • A Rough Guide To Helium Hotspot Placement

    This is writ­ten for folks curi­ous about opti­miz­ing a Heli­um Hotspot placement.  Most start with their anten­na, which is (almost com­plete­ly) the wrong approach for max­i­miz­ing earn­ings. The only way you could make a less effi­cient improve­ment at the start is to focus on what cables to buy.  There are four fun­da­men­tal aspects of an opti­mal…