A Rough Guide to the Rabbit r1

The Rab­bit r1 launched to great fan­fare on Jan­u­ary 9th, but nobody I knew real­ly under­stood what to use it for. It was one of those “Holy shit, that thing is rad, but..what does it do again?” moments.

What is the r1? For my reg­u­lar read­ers, I’ll start with this: It has noth­ing to do with DePINs or cryp­to (yet).

For every­one else…let’s start with what it looks like. It’s a lit­tle orange box about a thumb-width thick and maybe as long and wide as your index fin­ger. Basi­cal­ly, a lit­tle small­er than your palm (unless you have plumber hands and can rip a phone book in half, in which case it’s half the size of your palm.)

pho­to cred­it: Rabbit

It’s got a scroll wheel and a screen, a cam­era that can roll its own eye up into a cov­er (so it can’t watch you all the time) and a place for a SIM card so it can con­nect to the webz.

Now, far more inter­est­ing­ly, what does the r1 do? It uses fan­cy AI (tech­ni­cal­ly a LAM, or Large Action Mod­el) to watch what peo­ple do on their screens, lis­ten to what they say while they do it, and then encode that into repeat­able actions.

What the fuck does that mean? 

Basi­cal­ly, it’s like a very smart 10 year child with per­fect recall who does exact­ly what you tell it to. It can watch and mim­ic what you do on a com­put­er, some­times with uncan­ny accu­ra­cy. Whether you’re edit­ing videos and could use an “auto mask” assis­tant, or you’re always book­ing trips online and get tired of the details, you let the Rab­bit watch what you do a few times, then, it just…does it for you.

Tech­ni­cal­ly, a Rab­bit is an agent, a “soft­ware enti­ty capa­ble of per­form­ing tasks on its own.” Those of us with a love of sci-fi will remem­ber the hotel agent in the book Altered Car­bon; we ain’t there yet, but we’re get­ting closer. 

The key points here are that a Rab­bit will:

A) watch and lis­ten to you


B) you can tell it what you want to do

No pro­gram­ming nec­es­sary. It does­n’t have to inte­grate with an app any more than you do, it just lis­tens, learns, and does. That’s it.

Oh, and one more thing. The L in LAM. It does­n’t just lis­ten to and learn from you. It does that for everybody. 

So if some­one who is a movie edit­ing wiz­ard decides to walk their Rab­bit through their process, well, not only can they reuse that process, but they can *sell* that process to you.

[Rab­bit] is con­fi­dent it can make busi­ness-sus­tain­ing mon­ey through licens­ing its platform.

Kyle Wig­gers, Tech Crunch

This means the the expe­ri­ence-buy­ing mar­ket is about to get even more fric­tion­less. Upwork used to be the hot place to drop a tech gig you want­ed done now, but that’s still pret­ty messy. There’s sift­ing through peo­ple, hir­ing one (or a few), test­ing ’em out, then see­ing if you like work­ing with them.

Of course, if what you want is an imag­i­na­tive engi­neer to solve a cur­rent prob­lem in a nov­el way, well, Rab­bits pro­l­ly ain’t for you. If, how­ev­er, you’d like to just buy any kind of online execu­to­ry expe­ri­ence that might have tak­en some­one years to mas­ter and they now do as casu­al­ly as Stephen Cur­ry makes free throws, well, there may be a Rab­bit for that soon.

So, where does that leave you, some­one who owns or has ordered a Rab­bit and is won­der­ing what you’ll do with it?

One thing we’ll prob­a­bly see is an explo­sion of “Mas­ter class” style offer­ings, except instead of Neil Gaiman teach­ing sto­ry-telling, you’ll be be able to buy the sto­ry-telling Rab­bit who was taught by Neil, then write your own Gaiman-esque stories. 

If you were to con­sid­er prepar­ing for your Rab­bit, you might want a “What to do while you wait” pamphlet.

In broad strokes, it’s rea­son­ably safe to start think­ing of any Rab­bit action or sequence as requir­ing three things:

  • Intent through spo­ken word
  • Screen record­ing
  • Desired out­come

An exam­ple of this might be:

Intent: Check across 30 Dis­cords for the gen­er­al sen­ti­ment around DePIN in cryp­to
Screen record­ing: Going through the Dis­cord servers I’m in, search­ing through the lat­est posts, giv­ing each serv­er a rough “sen­ti­ment score” on DePIN in cryp­to
Desired out­come: Over­all sen­ti­ment score for the idea of “DePIN in cryp­to”, maybe on a scale of 1 to 10.

That’s not by a long shot the best or only or most com­plex, it’s just one idea based on some of the work I already do.

Obvi­ous­ly we’ll see Twit­ter flood­ed with the “My boss thinks I’m a genius, but I’ve just got a Rab­bit in my pock­et” ads. I’m sit­ting down with my bud­dies to think up of all the ways we might use ours to help YOU! They may steer crops, make movies, man­age social media details, or book that trip for St Cuth­bert’s walk.

In the mean­time, what can you think up that your Rab­bit might do for not just you, but all of us?

  • book­ing a flight
  • pen­test­ing & wardriv­ing (say no more!)
  • grow­ing crops using sen­sor networks
  • writ­ing new songs
  • set­ting up com­plex net­work rules (fire­walls, device tun­nels, etc)
  • visu­al­iz­ing all sen­sors in a space
  • visu­al­iz­ing all DePIN min­ers in a giv­en location

Batch 1 ships start­ing March 31st, 2024. To the future!

Curi­ous about the Rab­bit? Buy yours here (no, not an affil­i­ate link) –> https://www.rabbit.tech/


13 responses to “A Rough Guide to the Rabbit r1”

  1. Warren Bowman Avatar
    Warren Bowman

    Nik, I love what you do. I was just won­der­ing what the hell this rab­bit thing was. Thanks for explain­ing it.

    If I may pick one small nit: edit­ing is a sub­jec­tive craft. Each piece has it’s own look and feel. As a career film edi­tor, I doubt that this device can com­pare per­for­mances on a sub­jec­tive lev­el, intu­it what the writer intend­ed, real­ize the director’s vision, and give the pro­duc­er what they want. Am I miss­ing something?

  2. Right on War­ren. As a brand new film edi­tor, I’m on the oth­er side; a ton of stuff that is prob­a­bly super basic for you is time-con­sum­ing for me; draw­ing a mask around an object, mov­ing that object through frames to sim­u­late motion (think the “super­hero land­ing effect”). That’s just a small exam­ple, but expand­ing it out, let’s say you had a Rab­bit watch you edit, oh, 2 or 3 short films. As you edit, you tell it what you’re doing, then you pack­age that up and sell it as a “edit­ing assis­tant” on the Rab­bit mar­ket­place. I buy the WB-Edit-Assist for my RAb­bit, and then it’s like I’ve got you in the room with me for when I want to do all the small tech tweaks that are nat­ur­al to you. Does that make sense?

  3. Fernando Cassia Avatar
    Fernando Cassia

    Hard­ware specs?

    Is it wifi or LTE enabled or both?

    How much band­width does it use and what degree of con­trol do I have on band­width usage?

  4. 2.3 GHz Medi­aTek MT6765 Octa-core (Helio P35) processor
    4 GB memory
    128 GB storage
    8 MP, 3264x2448 photo
    24 fps, 1080p video
    Blue­tooth 5.0 / Wi-Fi with 2.4GHz + 5GHz / 4G LTE
    All specs on their page: https://www.rabbit.tech/

  5. Peo­ple need to be real­is­tic about what $200 can get them lol. Chat­G­PT is $20 a month and is bare­ly agen­tic, and some­how idiots expect they can get a smart agent for $200 with hardware?

  6. Joe Rizo Avatar
    Joe Rizo

    I am most inter­est­ed in the rab­bit teach, which i’m sure is what is cre­at­ing the biggest stir in the devel­op­er com­mu­ni­ty. i just pre-ordered the rab­bit r1, but would like to get start­ed now on cre­at­ing the action agent i need. when do we get access? i dont see any­thing for devel­op­ers on the site.

  7. Thanks for this Nik! Now i have a bet­ter under­stand­ing of an r1. So an r1 and it’s LAM are like an auto­mat­ed code writer for Sele­ni­um Web­Driv­er or Puppeteer/headless Chrome? I used to write test scripts sim­i­lar to the web exam­ple on the Research page https // rab­bit tech/research using them.

    BTW, did you receive an r1 yet? What are your first impressions?

    Also, what do think about the Ai Pin? Does it have DePIN poten­tial? https // humane com/aipin

  8. Right on! I just got my R1 today. I’d say it’s a fun gad­get that’s not yet deliv­er­ing on the hopes that got built up. For me that’s total­ly fine; it was $199 and after so much expe­ri­ence with cryp­to hard­ware I’m just psy­ched they deliv­ered on time. 🙂 I don’t have any expe­ri­ence with the AI pin. I don’t think either of ’em will go the DePIN route, though I heard rum­blings at one point they might do a token.

  9. Thanks, Nik!

    Inter­est­ing arti­cle on r1: “The Rab­bit R1 is prob­a­bly run­ning Android and is cer­tain­ly pow­ered by an Android app under the hood.” https //www.androidauthority.com/ rab­bit-r1-is-an-android-app-3438805/ Hmmm.

  10. Does rabit1 have an affil­i­ate program

  11. I’m not sure. If they do, I’m not on it yet.

  12. See­ing the demo on Jan­u­ary 9th I thought cool, and only $200. Let’s give it a try. I’ve been an ear­ly adopter (for the most part), for a long time … 

    My Rab­bit R1 arrived yes­ter­day. Not sure what I can do with this yet but its been fun play­ing with it. Record­ing a meet­ing and hav­ing it sum­ma­rized could be use­ful, but I haven’t tried it yet. Visu­al object iden­ti­fi­ca­tion is cool and hope­ful­ly will get bet­ter over time.

  13. From what I’ve seen with mine, you won’t be able to do much yet, but it’s fun to experience.

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