Author: Nik
What Does A Great Helium Hotspot Look Like?
Seeing other deployments is one of the fastest ways to get great ideas (and avoid costly mistakes!) I thought it’d be useful to the community to share a little more detail about our Helium Hotspot deployments. Here’s your chance to shine! What hotspot are you using? What antenna? Are you happy with this deployment? What will…
How Do You Find The Best Site For Your Hotspot?
Well, the race is officially on. With at least two unofficial halvings coming in the near future, it’s pretty darn important right now to: A) Get your Helium hotspot up and earning and B) Secure the best spot you possibly can. In the case below, this hotspot is on private property with an incredible view of both my…
Why Isn’t Your Hotspot Earning More?
So you’ve got your Helium Hotspot up and cranking and you’re all proud of your new deployment. Well done you! As you cruise around Explorer to see how much better your deployment is than everyone else’s, you notice a neighbor who’s earning more. What’s the deal? Are they cheating? Do they have a magic antenna? How…
Why Are My Helium Hotspot Earnings So Spiky?
Why will a Hotspot earn well on one day, then nothing the next? Why isn’t there more consistency in earnings? There’s a clear reason for spiky earnings, and I’d love to walk you through it. Let’s start at the beginning of the Proof of Coverage (PoC) cycle, with the construction of a Challenge. Every Hotspot…
How To Set Up a RUT 240 for an Off Grid Helium Hotspot — Prepare for Challenge!
With a generous assist from the folks over at HNTenna, here’s a step by step method for setting up your RUT 240 (the cell modem that allows an off grid Helium Hotspot to connect to the internet.) I’ll start by saying that off grid set ups are not for the faint of heart, the easily…
Can I Get A Witness?
Having trouble understanding why your hotspot isn’t getting a Witness? Are you seeing messages about being above or below the bounds of an RSSI metric? Let’s dig in! There is an UPDATE to this post over here. Feel free to read on, but the rest of this post talks about a system that is no longer…
How To Use PoE To Power Your Helium Hotspot
How do you use PoE? Do you need a splitter, an injector, or both? How does it all work? Let’s dive in! PoE is one of those things most of us never have to deal with and can seem like a mystery. It’s not. It’s super simple, let me show you how it works. First, P‑O-E stands…
Light Hotspots Explained
What the heck is a Helium Light Hotspot, and why does it matter? If you’re not tech savvy, the whole thing can seem confusing. Let’s clear it up. We’ll begin with the different types of Hotspots: Regular, Light, and Data Only. Regular (I call ’em Full Fat) Hotspots are what Helium started out with. They create…
Does A Helium Hotspot Actually Expose You To Powerful Radiation?
Are Helium Hotspots dangerous to be around? How much RF energy do they emit? Should you or your hosts be worried about the exposure levels? Let’s run through the facts, then you can make your own decision. We’ll start with this: In general, Helium Hotspots rarely emit any RF. They’re built to receive signals far…
How I Built An Awesome Lightweight Off Grid Helium Miner
How small can you build an off grid miner? Can everything fit in one backpack? How light can that pack be? Finally, why would you want a tiny off grid miner? And yeah, those are Puppies Make Me Happy sunglasses. I’ll start with the last question. Why would you want a tiny off grid miner? The…