Category: Helium

  • Why Isn’t Your Hotspot Earning More?



    So you’ve got your Heli­um Hotspot up and crank­ing and you’re all proud of your new deploy­ment. Well done you!  As you cruise around Explor­er to see how much bet­ter your deploy­ment is than every­one else’s, you notice a neigh­bor who’s earn­ing more. What’s the deal? Are they cheat­ing? Do they have a mag­ic anten­na? How…

  • Why Are My Helium Hotspot Earnings So Spiky?



    Why will a Hotspot earn well on one day, then noth­ing the next?  Why isn’t there more con­sis­ten­cy in earnings?  There’s a clear rea­son for spiky earn­ings, and I’d love to walk you through it.  Let’s start at the begin­ning of the Proof of Cov­er­age (PoC) cycle, with the con­struc­tion of a Challenge.  Every Hotspot…

  • How To Set Up a RUT 240 for an Off Grid Helium Hotspot — Prepare for Challenge!

    With a gen­er­ous assist from the folks over at HNTen­na, here’s a step by step method for set­ting up your RUT 240 (the cell modem that allows an off grid Heli­um Hotspot to con­nect to the internet.) I’ll start by say­ing that off grid set ups are not for the faint of heart, the eas­i­ly…

  • Can I Get A Witness?



    Hav­ing trou­ble under­stand­ing why your hotspot isn’t get­ting a Wit­ness? Are you see­ing mes­sages about being above or below the bounds of an RSSI met­ric? Let’s dig in!  There is an UPDATE to this post over here. Feel free to read on, but the rest of this post talks about a sys­tem that is no longer…

  • How To Use PoE To Power Your Helium Hotspot



    How do you use PoE? Do you need a split­ter, an injec­tor, or both? How does it all work? Let’s dive in! PoE is one of those things most of us nev­er have to deal with and can seem like a mys­tery. It’s not. It’s super sim­ple, let me show you how it works. First, P‑O-E stands…

  • Light Hotspots Explained



    What the heck is a Heli­um Light Hotspot, and why does it mat­ter? If you’re not tech savvy, the whole thing can seem con­fus­ing. Let’s clear it up. We’ll begin with the dif­fer­ent types of Hotspots: Reg­u­lar, Light, and Data Only. Reg­u­lar (I call ’em Full Fat) Hotspots are what Heli­um start­ed out with. They cre­ate…

  • Does A Helium Hotspot Actually Expose You To Powerful Radiation?



    Are Heli­um Hotspots dan­ger­ous to be around? How much RF ener­gy do they emit? Should you or your hosts be wor­ried about the expo­sure lev­els? Let’s run through the facts, then you can make your own decision.  We’ll start with this: In gen­er­al, Heli­um Hotspots rarely emit any RF. They’re built to receive sig­nals far…

  • How I Built An Awesome Lightweight Off Grid Helium Miner

    How small can you build an off grid min­er? Can every­thing fit in one back­pack? How light can that pack be? Final­ly, why would you want a tiny off grid miner? And yeah, those are Pup­pies Make Me Hap­py sunglasses.  I’ll start with the last ques­tion. Why would you want a tiny off grid min­er? The…

  • What Should You Look For In A Helium Antenna?



    “Will this anten­na work?” I get that ques­tion a lot, usu­al­ly about some anten­na that was dis­cov­ered after hours of search­ing and sift­ing through Google results. Anten­nas are one of the most con­fus­ing parts of Heli­um, most­ly because RF is fair­ly com­pli­cat­ed and the aver­age hotspot own­er has as much expe­ri­ence with anten­na design and…

  • HIP 17 — Why Are You Getting Scaled?



    It’s one of the most con­fus­ing aspects of Heli­um; you put up your hotspot in an “emp­ty” res 8 hex, but you still get your trans­mit rewards scaled. Why is that, and what can you do about it? First, let’s talk about “trans­mit reward scal­ing”. What is it? Let’s take it straight from the Github pro­pos­al:…