Gristle Crüe Call — Holiday Half



We knocked out a half ses­sion today due to the hol­i­day week. Most­ly this is catch up and then brain­storm­ing a few busi­ness ideas, includ­ing the Hard­share option I’ll explore in 2023.


10:01:14 From Lee (Team Gris­tle King) : Hel­lo every­body, hap­py hol­i­days. <3
10:03:27 From 619OTA : ya my weath­erxm will say 50mph when its real­ly 98mph
10:04:01 From 619OTA : i got 2 of the reg­u­lars
10:04:34 From Michael Corum : I have one up and will put the oth­er one up hope­ful­ly in Jan­u­ary
10:05:19 From 619OTA : 2 wxm reg­u­lars 1 heli­um ver­sion
10:05:59 From 619OTA : ATT bet­ter than Cox
10:06:20 From Michael Corum : Hav­ing audio prob­lems will drop and join again
10:14:01 From Lee (Team Gris­tle King) : Val­ue your val­ue.
10:14:24 From 619OTA : nice lam­bo
10:15:56 From Kevin Wei­de­mann : When you can, talk about the new Mobile CPE device that Amir post­ed. Any­one know more about it?
10:16:12 From Kevin Wei­de­mann : (I need to step away for a bit)
10:16:55 From Nik Hawks : Hard­share
10:16:59 From Nik Hawks : Pow­er con­sump­tion mon­i­tor­ing
10:17:09 From Nik Hawks : Biz oppor­tu­ni­ties in this space
10:20:21 From Nik Hawks :
10:22:32 From Kevin Wei­de­mann : Oh, what’s the link?
10:22:45 From Kevin Wei­de­mann : On GK chan­nel?
10:22:54 From Lee (Team Gris­tle King) : It’s for my neigh­bor Sandy…lol
10:23:04 From Nik Hawks :
10:23:45 From Kevin Wei­de­mann : Haha­ha­ha! The open­ing frame is hilar­i­ous.
10:23:55 From Lee (Team Gris­tle King) : ?
10:24:31 From Kevin Wei­de­mann : ?
10:24:47 From Kevin Wei­de­mann : Hap­py New Year
10:25:11 From Lee (Team Gris­tle King) : Hap­py new year ya’ll!!!!


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