Gristle Crue Community Call Notes

Gristle Crüe Community Call — 5/11/22

This week we talked about sen­sors, run­ning an OUI, the upcom­ing GK NFT launch, ideas for what to build and the future of Heli­um, 5G and more. This week’s con­tri­bu­tions were awe­some, as Crüe mem­bers brought up some excel­lent points on use cas­es and data streams as well as help­ing each oth­er. Rock on team!

0:00:00 — Intro
Light Hotspots May 11th. Noth­ing you need to do. Don’t wor­ry, go do some­thing else!

0:01:45 — OUI (Orga­ni­za­tion Unique Iden­ti­fiers)
Run­ning a Router Con­sole for Sensors.

0:08:50 — Gris­tle King NFT
Launch­ing May 22nd
Ethereum Blockchain

0:17:47 — Effort Track­er Sen­sor
Idea for a track­er to be able to dis­play where on a trail it will be dif­fi­cult
Brain­storm­ing ideas to con­nect to a smartwatch

0:23:25 — Water Foun­tain Sen­sor Project
Seeed is going to spon­sor the project
Mon­i­tor­ing every aspect about water.
Plans to then use sen­sors on anoth­er project track­ing water qual­i­ty for cattle

0:28:00 — Tay­lor (Bee­Hive Project)
Bee­hive monitoring

0:31:08 — 5G Bob­ber 500
Set­ting up Bob­ber 500, will be post­ing videos and pic­tures on Twit­ter and Dis­cord.
5G, don’t think about cov­er­age, think about mov­ing data.

0:36:36 — CPI (Cer­ti­fied Pro­fes­sion­al Installer)
5G anten­na that is more than 6m above aver­age ter­rain needs a CPI sign-off
$500 to get cer­ti­fied. You can then sign-off on oth­er peo­ple’s installs.

0:38:29 — Wezy Ques­tion on RAK2171 (Track­er)
All of these track­ers should work with Track­Pac
BFGNeil Track­Pac

0:41:41 — How easy was it to build Shut­tle­DOA and the NFTs ?
Took a cou­ple hours/couple days to fig­ure out lay­ers, con­tracts, everything.

0:47:03 — Kevin and the Mayor/City Project
Rain delay and May­or out of town, next week plan to sit down and talk in more details.

0:48:26 — Michael’s Town Project
Look­ing into car coun­ters to mon­i­tor traf­fic dur­ing events
The same peo­ple who do the Peo­ple Counter also have traf­fic coun­ters.
Import tax­es are crazy, so if you can buy a lot.


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