Gristle Crue Community Call Notes

Gristle Crüe Community Call — FOAM 5/24/22

Had the folks from FOAM on today to talk us through what they’re doing and how to par­tic­i­pate. A pret­ty excit­ing project, and one more excel­lent “blockchain + meat­space” option to put on your Heli­um Hotspot locations.

As we move away from rely­ing total­ly on PoC/HNT rewards, find­ing projects like these ear­ly is going to become more and more important!


  • A quote (Ben­jamin Gra­ham), this is the phase we are in now
  • A lot of peo­ple are quit­ting but this may be the best time to stick it out


  • White­la­bel­ing


Intro­duc­tion of Ryan and Joe from FOAM

Ryan: Proof of Location

Ryan: GPS spoofing

Ryan: How will it work and make sure its more genuine

Ryan: How will Heli­um be able to deploy on the Foam net­work (mak­ing a zone)

Ryan: How big is a zone (what will be possible)

Ques­tion: hot to deter­mine the exact loca­tion (can you “cheat” the system)

Pre­sen­ta­tion: How will the instal­la­tion look like (pre­sen­ta­tion FOAM)

Cost to get FOAM device

Pre­sen­ta­tion: Case study

What is the com­pen­sa­tion for the program

Beta expla­na­tion

Test­ing phase / dif­fer­ent antennas/cables etc

Exam­ple of a case when FOAM was be available

Ques­tion: How will a region be divined

Ques­tion: How will accounts will work with zones/regions

The dif­fer­ence between FOAM zone and GPS

Pres­ence claim

Par­tic­i­pat­ing the pro­gram / how will the earn­ing work

Sig­nalling / FOAM tokens


  • Ear­ly stage
  • About laten­cy
  • Cur­rent­ly pro­cess­ing signups


  • The app and user experience
  • Look­ing for high qual­i­ty loca­tions (not indoor yet)


  • About the funding


  • Eth­er­net cable / Lte hotspot
  • PoE
  • Solar pan­els


  • Inte­gra­tion between Heli­um and FOAM (pos­si­bil­i­ties)


  • Wrap up (Nik)


  • Next week info


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