Tag: helium tools

  • Learn How To Use The Helium Network



    While many of you are ham­mer and tongs at the game of deploy­ing hotspots, the real oppor­tu­ni­ty is begin­ning to shift from *build­ing* the net­work to *using* the network. One of the best ways to learn some­thing is to do it. Let me show you how, for about $40, you can add your first sen­sor…

  • Helium Tools, Part 1: Helium.Vision — For Power Users



    Let’s start with the basics: When it comes to Heli­um, most peo­ple rad­i­cal­ly under­es­ti­mate the impor­tance of Place­ment and get dis­tract­ed by anten­nas and cables. If that’s you, read the Rough Guide to set you straight. Trust me, I’ve been there. The first hotspot I put up was suc­cess­ful, and while I’m very pleased with…