Unusual Earnings On A Growing Network: Here’s How



Ok, so you’ve deployed your first hotspot or two, fig­ured out how a wal­let works and where to send your HNT to con­vert to local cur­ren­cy (or you’re hodling.)

So far, so good. But…how do you make it bet­ter? What are ways you can deploy hotspots to pro­vide max­i­mum earn­ings and coverage? 

Here’s an exam­ple of a group of high earn­ing hotspots deployed in a very spe­cif­ic pat­tern I call “The Dice Five.” 

This was a very effec­tive gam­ing pat­tern until about June of 2021, when Heli­um Inc shut these kinds of gam­ing deploy­ments down. I’ll leave the post up for pos­ter­i­ty, and to help you fig­ure out both what to do and not to do. If you want to get the basics of Heli­um down, con­sid­er tak­ing the Heli­um Basic Course.

These Hotspots are deployed very specif­i­cal­ly to earn max­i­mal­ly, not to pro­vide WUPU cov­er­age. They’re only 6–800 meters apart, and LoRa can reach tens of kilometers.

At the end of the day, the Heli­um net­work is most like­ly to suc­ceed if we are all deploy­ing with the dual goals of earn­ings and cov­er­age. This is an earn­ings-only deployment.

Still, I know that most of you just want the HNT. So, here was one way to do it.

Let’s lay out the 30 day earn­ings of this deployment:

  • Cen­ter Pip — 324.89 HNT
  • High Left — 322.17 HNT
  • High Right — 325.55 HNT
  • Low Left — 581.69 HNT
  • Low Right — 323.04

Total earn­ings over 30 days for 5 hotspots: 1,877.34. Impressive!

If you look at the res 8 and 7 hex­es, these deployed hotspots fall with­in the den­si­ty target/density max rules. This is a well thought out deployment. 

Here it is on Heli­umVi­sion, where you can see res 8 & 7 hex­es along with the short­est dis­tance between hotspots, over 600 meters. You can also see all hotspots are earn­ing at a 1.0, which is the high­est pos­si­ble scale val­ue. Yep, falls with­in the rules.

So, there it is, a great way to earn max­i­mal­ly, though at the cost of sig­nif­i­cant cov­er­age not being provided.

If you’d like help with durable strate­gies for grow­ing the Heli­um Net­work and earn­ing HNT, con­sid­er join­ing the Gris­tle Crüe. We’re a group of Heli­um enthu­si­asts rang­ing from ama­teur to expert, and we work togeth­er to make sure we’re all max­i­miz­ing this (and oth­er) oppor­tu­ni­ties at the inter­sec­tion of blockchain and “the meatspace”. 

Here’s to mak­ing the most out of the Heli­um net­work, rock on!


7 responses to “Unusual Earnings On A Growing Network: Here’s How”

  1. Is this with out­door hotspots with raised anten­nas or can this be achieved with indoor setups as well?

  2. Prob­a­bly most eas­i­ly achieved with out­door setups. That’s how I’d do it.

  3. Manny Avatar

    In the sit­u­a­tion where you are a lone wolf and you are liv­ing on a very large prop­er­ty over 100 plus acres, is it pos­si­ble to buy six hot spots and set them up in a hexag­o­nal grid 350 meters apart. They would all func­tion off solar. Is this eth­i­cal? Is this good for the net­work? In a sit­u­a­tion where you are the sole per­son in a vast expanse, is it good to live to set up many hotspots talk­ing to each other?

  4. Saquib Saeed Avatar
    Saquib Saeed

    thank you and is that with just each oth­er as witnesses?

  5. You could do that, although it’s prob­a­bly not the best thing for over­all net­work cov­er­age, and it looks like (check out the Dice 5 Strat­e­gy) you’d want to be more than 350m apart. You’d also have to fig­ure out how to have ’em all on dif­fer­ent IPs.

  6. Hel­lo,
    What if there were more hotspots around that would talk to each one? For exam­ple, if I lived in a rel­a­tive­ly flat, rur­al area and I was about to set one hot spot at approx­i­mate­ly 80ft tall with a 5.8 dbi anten­na and then place anoth­er 4 around that Cen­ter Pip (not with­in the 600 meters) then scat­ter anoth­er 11 hot spots (again not with­in 600 meters) that all should have line of sight with each oth­er and a chance to wit­ness and chal­lenge each oth­er, is there a chance that this would mess up the poten­tial earn­ings of the Dice 5 or would it only make them more HNT in the­o­ry? I still have sev­er­al weeks before my min­ers arrive but I have been plan­ning and cal­cu­lat­ing the best strate­gies to deploy all 17 I have ordered. These will be the only min­ers with­in 300 miles of each other.

  7. Up to 25 hotspots should be fine, in the­o­ry. Over­all, the best long term strate­gies will be those that pro­vide WUPU cov­er­age.

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