How To Read An Antenna Chart



Heli­um is a gate­way into the world of RF, or radio fre­quen­cy. While the eas­i­est thing to do when you get your hotspot is just plug it in and set it in a win­dow, most of the time you’ll earn far more if you opti­mize a bit. Most of those opti­miza­tions are focused on improv­ing the RF sig­nal your hotspot can bea­con (also called “trans­mit­ting”) as well as improv­ing the abil­i­ty of your hotspot to wit­ness (also called “receiv­ing”.)

I’ll assume you’ve read the piece on anten­nas I wrote that cov­ers some basics. Now, let’s do a deep­er dive into anten­nas and radi­a­tion patterns. 

Let’s start with a zero gain omni anten­na. An omni direc­tion­al anten­na with zero gain will the­o­ret­i­cal­ly radi­ate RF ener­gy in a per­fect globe pat­tern all around it. Now, that’s per­fec­tion. In real­i­ty, most low gain (say, 4 dBi or low­er) anten­nas will do a pret­ty good job, but will have gaps direct­ly above and below the antenna.

The way we “see” an anten­na’s RF pat­tern is by visu­al­iz­ing what it looks like from the top and the side.

Here’s a low­er gain anten­na’s RF pattern. 

See how it radi­ates out even­ly in every direc­tion to the side, but direct­ly above and below it there are gaps in the RF emit­ted? That’s pret­ty typ­i­cal for an omni direc­tion­al antenna.

Here’s anoth­er exam­ple from the anten­na I use on most of my installs, the HNTen­na. MP Anten­na (the man­u­fac­tur­er of the HNTen­na), puts both pat­terns togeth­er. The Ele­va­tion is what it looks like when you’re see­ing the anten­na from the side (red line) and the Azimuth is what it looks like from the top down (blue line).

All man­u­fac­tur­er’s will have a radi­a­tion pat­tern for their anten­na, and most will share it with you. That pat­tern can change at dif­fer­ent fre­quen­cies on the same anten­na. Here’s an exam­ple of a 3.0dBi L‑Com at dif­fer­ent frequencies.

Now, all the anten­nas so far look pret­ty sim­i­lar even at dif­fer­ent fre­quen­cies, right? They’re all “omni direc­tion­al” anten­nas, mean­ing they’re sup­posed to radi­ate anten­na in all (omni) direc­tions. What does it look like when you get a sec­tor (also called a direc­tion­al) anten­na? Check this out!

This anten­na was designed to radi­ate most of it’s ener­gy in a ver­ti­cal beamwidth of 60 degrees and a hor­i­zon­tal beamwidth of 70 degrees. This is the anten­na you’d use if you want­ed to punch through a thick brush line with a bunch of Hotspots on the oth­er side of it and noth­ing behind you. 

Antenna Polarization

Next up is anten­na polar­iza­tion. This has­n’t got­ten much press, most­ly because damn near every anten­na you can buy is polar­ized *ver­ti­cal­ly*. In sim­ple terms, that means the RF waves it emit go up and down. A *hor­i­zon­tal­ly* polar­ized anten­na will emit RF waves that go side to side.

Why is that impor­tant? Well, if a ver­ti­cal­ly polar­ized anten­na and a hor­i­zon­tal­ly polar­ized anten­na are try­ing to bea­con or wit­ness each oth­er, they won’t be able to, even if they’re on the same fre­quen­cy! That’s because the “up and down” waves of a VP anten­na won’t inter­sect with the “side to side” waves of an HP antenna.

OK Nik, so why should I care about this? If most of the anten­nas out there are ver­ti­cal­ly polar­ized, I’m fine, right?” Sort of.

See, when that radio ener­gy hits an obsta­cle, it usu­al­ly bounces off *and changes ori­en­ta­tion*. That means a ver­ti­cal­ly polar­ized wave can now be a hor­i­zon­tal­ly polar­ized one. If your hotspot is “lis­ten­ing” on a ver­ti­cal­ly polar­ized anten­na, it won’t wit­ness RF sig­nals that are com­ing in on the hor­i­zon­tal plane, unless…

Here’s the last twist for ya: You can get a “mul­ti” polar­ized anten­na. This allows you to both trans­mit and receive mul­ti­ple sig­nal ori­en­ta­tions. That comes at a cost of a slight reduc­tion in pow­er as the sig­nal is radi­at­ed out on mul­ti­ple planes, BUT…I’ve used a mul­ti-polar­ized anten­na and made 170km wit­ness­es, so it’s not an issue in the real world application.

I’ll fin­ish off with a quick way to think about what anten­na you should buy.

Indoor anten­na — Use the stock anten­na. Get it up as high in your build­ing as pos­si­ble and next to a win­dow. If you MUST buy an indoor anten­na, pick up the HNTen­na indoor version.

Out­door anten­na, urban area, lim­it­ed clear lines of sight — You’ve got a few options. 

HNTen­na Out­door — This is a mul­ti-polar­ized anten­na and what I rec­om­mend for most placements.

McGill 3 dBi - A great omni pat­tern anten­na that’ll do well in most urban deployments.

McGill 6 dBi - Want to try the mid­dle range, as rec­om­mend­ed in this video?

Out­door anten­na — Has Facebook/Reddit/Twitter con­vinced you that high gain is the best bet? If you’re des­per­ate for a “high gain” anten­na, get a 9 dBi from McGill. 

Brush Pen­e­tra­tor — Ok, you real­ly want this? Keep in mind, this anten­na is almost nev­er the right choice. But since you asked for it, here it is.

That’s it! Now you know a bunch more about anten­na radi­a­tion pat­terns and how to choose the right one for you. Rock on!


44 responses to “How To Read An Antenna Chart”

  1. Amaz­ing arti­cle again! Is there any­thing like the HNTen­na for the 868 band?

  2. I’ll dou­ble check with Adam at MP Anten­na (the mak­ers of the HNTenna).

  3. Don’t wor­ry! I emailed and he said, in the future hopefully!

  4. Travis Avatar

    Nik — badass as usu­al my man.

  5. Hi Nik,

    Is there a 5.8dbi anten­na with mul­ti polar­i­sa­tion or 3dbi will be good even for the sub­urbs where oth­er hotspots are not close

  6. Vis,
    MP Anten­na is work­ing on a 5.8 ver­sion but it’ll be a while. They’re cur­rent anten­na will be fine for sub­ur­ban deploy­ments, just (like very anten­na) get it as high as you can.

  7. Hey,
    Quick ques­tion, if you already get 25 wit­ness­es on bea­con and as high as you can get anten­na do dif­fer­ent anten­nas affect wit­ness­ing or would that be the same?

    For exam­ple with a HNTen­na get more the­o­ret­i­cal wit­ness events than a 5.8 dbi anten­na in an urban setting? 

    Just nev­er under­stood that part. Thanks for the great information!

  8. Hi John, good ques­tion. Depend­ing on how many hotspots you have around you, you may see a *dif­fer­ent* set of 25 with each bea­con. An HNTen­na is like­ly to pick up dif­fer­ent wit­ness­es due to the mul­ti-polar receive. I would­n’t expect mir­a­cles, but every small improve­ment counts.

  9. im cur­rent­ly using a Rak 5.8 in the most opti­mized way I can giv­en my sit­u­a­tion. It appears I’m just on the cusp of a con­nec­tion w/my neigh­bor, as we con­nect, but only rarely. They’re 2.7 miles away. Do you think the 3dbi mul­ti polar might help or should I wait for the 5.8 to be released. Btw, I’ve tried an 8dbi Rak and get noth­ing as I’m in the foothills

  10. Simon Uxbridge Avatar
    Simon Uxbridge

    Hi Nik,
    I have a loca­tion halfway up the side of a moun­tain (2000ft up), with super long views of civ­i­liza­tion and will be using the L‑Com flat pan­el which as you say has a ver­ti­cal beamwidth of 60, and which you advise to aim care­ful­ly. I am look­ing for points on rough­ly how to aim it. Would you think aim­ing the cen­tre of the pan­el at the hori­zon would be too high? CIvil­i­sa­tion starts about 1 mile away from me

  11. I’d aim it a lit­tle below the hori­zon, but check the pat­tern the mrf provides.

  12. Check Line of Sight, that’s prob­a­bly more of an issue than anten­na gain.

  13. […] An anten­na for Heli­um should be either ver­ti­cal­ly polar­ized or mul­ti-polar­ized. I’ve writ­ten about anten­na polar­iza­tion in this post on anten­na radi­a­tion patterns. […]

  14. Hi Nik,

    If you don’t have direct line of sight due to topog­ra­phy, will the hnten­na help? Cur­rent­ly using the 6dbi from McGill but that doesn’t work.

    Cur­rent­ly can see wit­ness­es far away, but not in the city nearby.



  15. It can, the mul­ti-polar­iza­tion can help you pick up more signals.

  16. Hi Nik

    I’m look­ing at a pic­ture of an ele­va­tion radi­a­tion pat­tern, almost iden­ti­cal to the HNTen­na 915 one above. (I can’t add a pic­ture to this comment.)

    How­ev­er in this pic­ture the 0 degree point is rotat­ed 90 degrees — so that it lines up with the “dip” in the pattern. 

    Could this antenna:
    (1) Sim­ply be the same as the HNTen­na dia­gram (and I’m just over­think­ing it?)
    (2) Be total­ly different?
    (3) Or actu­al­ly be an error in pro­duc­tion of the dia­gram — so in effect the same?

    I hope I have explained this clear­ly? Many thanks. 


  17. Inter­est­ing, what’s the antenna?

  18. Here you go Nik–928-mhz-ism-white-low-profile-omni-antenna

    Data sheet is halfway down the page. 

    Very very sim­i­lar — slight­ly small­er & lighter & cost effective. 

    What do you think?


  19. First respon­der orgs love those because they’re cheap and they “work”, though they’re def­i­nite­ly not the same anten­na as the HNTen­na. Remem­ber, anten­nas don’t real­ly mat­ter that much. Try this one, see if it works for you. For me the cost isn’t a con­cern and I’d rather have the best on the mar­ket, but it *does­n’t make a huge difference.*

  20. Under­stood Nik — Many thanks

  21. Hi Nik,

    Thanks for the more detailed inside of anten­nas. I was won­der­ing what to look for in the specs of an anten­na to know if it will be suit­able for a Heli­um Hotspot. Does it specif­i­cal­ly have to mention/support the LoRa / IOT /Helium tech­nique or will any anten­na that sup­port the 868Mhz freq (I live in the Nether­lands) work? For exam­ple‑1/ or‑1–5g/


  22. […] to Gristlek­ing, a ver­ti­cal-polar­ized anten­na can­not lis­ten to a hor­i­zon­tal-polar­ized anten­na and vice ver­sa. Even […]

  23. Does­n’t have to men­tion LoRa/IoT/Helium. That’s a huge band the first one is lis­ten­ing on though, and the mid­dle is def­i­nite­ly not 868 so it’s prob­a­bly not very effi­cient for what you’re doing. 617 – 3800 MHz, whew!

  24. I have seen a hotspot near­by hav­ing a Poynt­ing anten­na in it setup.It’s behind a win­dow on the first floor with a Lon­gAP hotspot. It has a bea­con­ing aver­age of 800–900 times (7d avg) and does 2–3+HNT per day. I was not sure if the poynt­ing anten­na was used for the min­er or maybe a LTE router/modem. If used for the hotspot the MiMo tech­nique seems help pick­nick up a lot of signals.

  25. Inter­est­ing, I’ll check out the Poynt­ing. What’s the hotspot name? Trans­mit­ting 8–900 bea­cons in 7 days is way over the top, you sure that’s not wit­nessed beacons?

  26. Hi, not much info about Hnten­na , you ordered, all is fine ? with new POC i think this anten­na might be a good option, a bit scared to order, I would appre­ci­ate it that you con­firm if they are legit?


  27. Hi Jeff, I’ve ordered and deployed mul­ti­ple HNTen­nas. I think they’re the best on the mar­ket, and an excel­lent option for most hotspots deploy­ments. High qual­i­ty, made in Ohio, I’ve been to their man­u­fac­tur­ing plant and met the staff.

  28. Hey Nik,
    Any idea how a stan­dard ver­ti­cal­ly polar­ized anten­na would func­tion if you mount­ed it at a 45 degree angle to the ground? Would it then func­tion as a mul­ti­po­lar­ized anten­na since the waves would be trans­mit­ting and receiv­ing (in the­o­ry) par­tial­ly both ver­ti­cal and hor­i­zon­tal waves and every­thing in between? I’m sure that as an anten­na’s RF is bounc­ing around the world it’s not pure­ly ver­ti­cal even if it’s com­ing from a ver­ti­cal­ly mount­ed anten­na, and as you men­tioned, it seems that in the real world bar­ring your anten­na being in a very flat envi­ron­ment, it seems that RF would be bounc­ing and bend­ing all over the place the fur­ther it got from the anten­na and thus would be able to be picked up by an anten­na mount­ed at 45 degrees.

    Also any idea how ground planes affect a ver­ti­cal­ly polar­ized anten­na? There’s a guy on red­dit talk­ing about how he mount­ed his 4dbi bob­cat anten­na on a bread pan and it increased his earn­ings and oth­er peo­ple said they tried it and it increased theirs too. I won­der if a ground plane is mak­ing the ver­ti­cal waves at least par­tial­ly mul­ti­po­lar and thus allow­ing these anten­nas to per­form better?

  29. Hi Brad, it would prob­a­bly func­tion worse. Mul­ti­po­lar­iza­tion is about mul­ti­ple angles. For the Bob­cat, test­ing in an RF cham­ber has shown that a met­al plate at the bot­tom improves anten­na performance.

  30. Great info on the pat­terns. I have 2 sit­u­a­tions I’m where I’m con­sid­er­ing the HNTen­na and I could use some advice on.

    1. Prairie town, I have the high side about 60’ high­er in ele­va­tion than the rest. 7–9KM to the fur­thest hotspots. Maybe 60–70 in the area and I wit­ness about 30 with a Rak 5.8 on the peak of my house — 500 yards from me sits a giant brick school though. 3dbi Out­door Hnten­na going to pro­vide any benefit?

    2. Host loca­tion low­er plane of the same town but restrict­ed to indoor only with some line of sight chal­lenges and using a Bob­cat stock 4db — Hnten­na indoor 3dbi claims it’s good at over­com­ing some of these chal­lenges — thoughts?

    Have no issues spend­ing the $ to find out but McGill is also in my considerations..


  31. Hi Mike,
    Always hard to say that one anten­na will always do super well. I’m putting HNTen­nas up even on my moun­tain installs now. I don’t think you’ll see a huge improve­ment over the Rak, though you may see a slight one. The HNTen­na indoor is sup­posed to be excel­lent, but I haven’t installed it indoors. I’ve seen it work well out­doors. You won’t go wrong with any of those anten­nas listed.

  32. Evangelos Avatar

    Hi Nik,

    Try­ing to under­stand if a direc­tion­al anten­na is ben­e­fi­cial over a omni-direc­tion­al for a sit­u­a­tion where the wit­ness­es are only on one side (180 degrees of hex). I would think an 8dBi direc­tion­al anten­na would reach as far as a 8dBi omni-direc­tion­al anten­na but for only a few degrees. Is this the case or will the direc­tion­al anten­na see further?

  33. Depends on where you are. In the US there’s not a huge advan­tage with direc­tion­als. In the EU it may make more of a dif­fer­ence, all because of how much more dBm the US hotspots push out.

  34. Jim Moran Avatar
    Jim Moran

    I’m won­der­ing…
    If I mount an anten­na on my roof near the peak, does it make a dif­fer­ence if only the top of the anten­na is above the Ridge­line, or should the full length of the anten­na be above the ridge­line? Our HOA does­n’t allow mount­ing an anten­na on the roof, but if I mount it with only the tip above the ridge­line, I might be able to get away with it.
    I ask because I don’t know if the anten­na sends/receives only from the tip or the full length.
    I’ve tried read­ing every­thing on your site but can­not find infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing the tip of the anten­na vs. the length of the anten­na. Thanks in advance if you choose to answer.

  35. Full length. Hit ’em with OTARD.

  36. Hey Nik,
    Ques­tion for ya. I’ve got the choice of mount­ing an anten­na out my win­dow, 3rd sto­ry town­house so approx 9 to 10 meters high mount­ing point, that faces towards the major­i­ty of Hotspots or plac­ing it in the attic space, approx 2 to 3 meters high­er than out the win­dow. Not pos­si­ble to mount on roof due to stra­ta. Sub­ur­ban area with a not so bad line of sight oth­er than a giant church direct­ly across the street. Any rec­om­men­da­tion as to which mount­ing point and whether a 3dbi or 6dbi would be best?

  37. I’d go with a 3 dBi out­side, but I’d also test it. 🙂

  38. What pan­el anten­na are you using on the pic­tures? I seen many pic­tures that show­case a pan­el anten­na. Thanks

  39. Hi Robert, I’ve used both 9 and 13 dBi anten­nas in var­i­ous test deploy­ments. I have one 9 dBi pan­el left that I just haven’t replaced because I haven’t made the time to dri­ve over to it.

  40. Hey Nik, 2 questions. 

    I cur­rent­ly have a 12 foot lmr 400 attached to a 8dbi anten­na. If I want­ed to go 30 feet high with lmr 400 and stick with 8dbis worth of sig­nal do I go with a 10dbi because of the sig­nal loss? 

    Also a min­er just popped up in my hex 🙁 he is still sync­ing, my rewards are already tank­ing is there any­thing I can do or just make my anten­na set up sig­nif­i­cant­ly better?

    Thank you!

  41. Nah, don’t wor­ry about off­set­ting with an 8 dBi and only 30′ of LMR400. Enter the loss (about 1.4 dB) and let ‘er rip. Noth­ing you can do about oth­er min­ers in your hex (out­side of fill­ing in sur­round­ing hex­es to increase to density_max OR moving.

  42. Roger that! Thank you for the fast response Nik!!!

  43. Hi,
    Your link to the mul­ti-polar­ized anten­na info is no longer valid…
    Would you, please, post it else­where? I’m dying to find out more about it!

  44. Hey Joe, it was made by MP Anten­na, called the HNTen­na. You can prob­a­bly find ’em on eBay.

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