The DePIN Library

  • How To Understand The GEODNET Token System

    How To Understand The GEODNET Token System

    A com­mon ques­tion with any DePIN project is: Where do all the tokens go? In GEODNET, 35% of all tokens emit­ted go to those of us deploy­ing GEODNET base sta­tions and pro­vid­ing cov­er­age. But what about the rest of the tokens? Where do they go? How many are there? How do you KNOW? Let’s start with…

  • How To Maximize GEODNET Staking

    How To Maximize GEODNET Staking

    How can you make the most of the new GEODNET stak­ing pro­gram? Stak­ing allows any­one to sig­nal that they want a min­er deployed in a cer­tain area. Stak­ing also offers larg­er rewards for both the stak­er and min­ers than a nor­mal deploy­ment. I’ll assume for now you know what GEODNET is; if not, hit this…

  • How To Use A Helium Integration

    How To Use A Helium Integration

    Let’s start with the basics: What the heck is a Heli­um Inte­gra­tion, and why would you even need one?  An “inte­gra­tion” is what allows the raw data that’s com­ing from your Heli­um sen­sors to be actu­al­ly used. Whether that’s show­ing a dash­board of soil mois­ture, or tem­per­a­ture, or if you’re track­ing the num­ber of peo­ple who…

  • How To Use Helium for Parking Sensors

    How To Use Helium for Parking Sensors



    One of the great oppor­tu­ni­ties of a ubiq­ui­tous wire­less net­work like Heli­um’s LoRaWAN is in mon­i­tor­ing park­ing. While park­ing may seem slight­ly less inter­est­ing than day-old oat­meal to most of us, the more you know about park­ing the more you won­der why we don’t pay far more atten­tion to it. Let’s start with the busi­ness cas­es…

  • Sunsetting Helium Console — The End of an Era

    Sunsetting Helium Console — The End of an Era

    As any project pro­gress­es from a good idea to first imple­men­ta­tions and moves clos­er and clos­er to com­mer­cial via­bil­i­ty, the nature of access to the project will change. Typ­i­cal­ly you start off by giv­ing away access for free, just so peo­ple can try the thing out. Heli­um’s LoRaWAN (as all DePIN projects do) went a…

  • Gristle Crüe — Silencio Brief

    Gristle Crüe — Silencio Brief



    A few of the Silen­cio team came on to brief us on the lat­est with their project, and we got to have a great Q&A with ’em! June 20th Thomas — CEO & bizden Theo — COO Christo­pher — mar­ket­ing & biz dev Eric — CPO, engi­neer, cre­at­ed a cryp­to exchange Flo­ri­an — youngest broth­er, soft­ware dev Notes…

  • Citizen Science:  The Next DePIN Frontier

    Citizen Science: The Next DePIN Frontier



    Now that Heli­um has shown the world how to deploy a glob­al net­work of phys­i­cal devices at a low capex, and Hivemap­per, GEODNET, and Weath­erXM (among many oth­ers) fol­low­ing suit, what should we expect to see in the next year? My guess is we’ll see the rise of DePIN/CS, for Decen­tral­ized Phys­i­cal Infra­strucutre Networks/Citizen Science.  Many…

  • Improving Chirpstack for Helium

    Improving Chirpstack for Helium



    The most impor­tant per­son read­ing this may be non-tech­ni­cal. While tech­ni­cal exper­tise is crit­i­cal to accom­plish the goals set out below, much of the ini­tial work done will be “imag­i­na­tion work”, try­ing to fig­ure out how we as a com­mu­ni­ty want to work with, in, and around a new form of access into Helium. Let’s…

  • Riding The Downlink — A Rough Guide To Browan Tabs

    Riding The Downlink — A Rough Guide To Browan Tabs



    What is a down­link, why would you want one, and how can you use ’em? With Heli­um being a per­mis­sion­less net­work, we’re going to have a ton of peo­ple who are not LoRa wiz­ards try­ing to use a LoRaWAN, includ­ing down­links. I thought I’d write up a few arti­cles on how to solve some of…

  • A Rough Guide to Chirpstack on Helium

    A Rough Guide to Chirpstack on Helium



    At the begin­ning of Heli­um’s LoRaWAN, the abil­i­ty to route a pack­et from a device through the Hotspot net­work to wher­ev­er you want­ed it to go was a ser­vice pro­vid­ed either Heli­um Inc or even­tu­al­ly, the Heli­um Foun­da­tion. That rout­ing hap­pened through the Heli­um Con­sole, which was a cus­tom built LNS (LoRaWAN Net­work Serv­er). An…