Category: Blockchain + Meatspace

  • So This Is A Frodobot

    “What the heck is that thing?” It’s some­thing I hear via the built-in mic all the time as I’ve been dri­ving my new Frodobot around Nor­mal Heights.  A Frodobot is a small, remote con­trolled robot designed to “crowd­source a mas­sive glob­al real-world robot­ics dataset” accord­ing to founder Michael Cho. For most of us, it’s just…

  • Wingbits Optimization: Graphs1090 Plus

    Ok, so ya caught the Wing­bits bug and are will­ing to play the game just to see how good you can get? It’s fun to mess around with the Tar1090 tool (which I’ve cov­ered in a pre­vi­ous post) and see the pret­ty pic­tures, but…what about them numbers? Pret­ty clear­ly here we’re see­ing that Set­up 2…

  • Wingbits For The Advanced User: Tar1090

    Wingbits For The Advanced User: Tar1090

    I’ve writ­ten about the basics of Wing­bits in a recent post; if you haven’t read that yet or you’re new to the project, take about 7 min­utes and read through it; it’ll make the rest of this much eas­i­er to understand.  This is the first in a few of the “Advanced User Series” posts on…

  • A Rough Guide to Wingbits

    A Rough Guide to Wingbits

    I’ve been watch­ing Wing­bits for a while now. They’re a new DePIN reward­ing you for track­ing com­mer­cial and pri­vate planes, and some parts of the project remind me of the ear­ly days of Heli­um, back when I wrote the orig­i­nal Rough Guide for Heli­um. Wing­bits is a project that allows you to choose your hard­ware…

  • How To Understand The GEODNET Token System

    How To Understand The GEODNET Token System

    A com­mon ques­tion with any DePIN project is: Where do all the tokens go? In GEODNET, 35% of all tokens emit­ted go to those of us deploy­ing GEODNET base sta­tions and pro­vid­ing cov­er­age. But what about the rest of the tokens? Where do they go? How many are there? How do you KNOW? Let’s start with…

  • How To Maximize GEODNET Staking

    How To Maximize GEODNET Staking

    How can you make the most of the new GEODNET stak­ing pro­gram? Stak­ing allows any­one to sig­nal that they want a min­er deployed in a cer­tain area. Stak­ing also offers larg­er rewards for both the stak­er and min­ers than a nor­mal deploy­ment. I’ll assume for now you know what GEODNET is; if not, hit this…

  • The Transition to Solana — A New Chapter for Helium

    The Transition to Solana — A New Chapter for Helium

    We’re about to make one of the largest migra­tions ever done on a blockchain, from one L1 to anoth­er. Sure, there have been oth­er large migra­tions, but this is eas­i­ly the largest ever seen in the DePIN space. With that that as our frame­work, let’s talk about the rea­sons for the move, the chal­lenges we…

  • Level Up In A Connected World Using 3D Printing

    Level Up In A Connected World Using 3D Printing

    One of many extra­or­di­nary aspects of being alive in 2023 is access to resources. In this case, it was access both to a 3D print­er (a Prusa Mk3S+ I assem­bled from the kit) and find­ing design tal­ent to get max­i­mum val­ue of the print­er. Before we get there though, let’s start at the beginning. Some­time…

  • Reports from the Field — Helium In The Wild, Hackathon Train

    Reports from the Field — Helium In The Wild, Hackathon Train

    “The job right now isn’t to make IoT easy. It’s to make it work”.  As I look across the Heli­um ecosys­tem in ear­ly Decem­ber of 2022, I’m start­ing to see the emer­gence of work­ing busi­ness­es built on Heli­um. Baxus may be the most recent exam­ple; a com­pa­ny track­ing all the con­di­tions of items as they move…

  • The Race to Usage Domination — The Gun Has Gone Off!

    The Race to Usage Domination — The Gun Has Gone Off!

    “Inno­vate, be relent­less, and make the net­work usage grow” says Robert Putt, an ear­ly Heli­um adopter and LoRaWAN expert. Rob wrote one of the most use­ful arti­cles on get­ting your Hotspot off relay (back when that was an issue) and has spent years in the LoRaWAN space. He’s now work­ing with the well known BFGNeil…