The DePIN Library
Hotspotty Improved: Deep Research For A Better Way
The Hotspotty team was gracious enough with their time to walk me through some significant improvements of their Helium tool. Bottom Line Up Front: If you run a fleet of hotspots, using the newest version of Hotspotty will make managing payments FAR easier, will improve your deployments at scale, and will help you assess the impact…
Reports From The Field: Tracking With Helium
I recently drove up to participate in the USA Hike & Fly’s Ojai race on October 31st, both as an athlete and a provider of tracking with Helium. The athlete side was fun, but expensive. I landed in the bushes and tore up my wing enough to warrant buying a new one. Not cheap. Still,…
How To Troubleshoot Your Helium Hotspot
Helium is a rapidly growing and wild ecosystem. Like any other new ecosystem, things are constantly changing, and the main sources of information most new users rely on (Explorer and the Helium app) can be up 48 hours behind. That means when you check your Hotspot via Explorer on Tuesday, you could be looking at…
The Helium CLI Wallet — Not For The Faint Of Heart
There’s almost no good reason to use the CLI (Command Line Interface) wallet for a normal person, but…not everyone who gets into Helium is normal. If, like me, you’re faced with having to use it, this series of instructions might help. This is NOT written for experts who know what they’re doing; they’ll laugh at this.…
What Does PoCv11 Mean For Me?
Short version: Use a low gain antenna, report your location and antenna gain accurately. If you’re in the US, this isn’t a big deal, as our radios pump out enough power to get excellent range even with a low gain antenna. If you’re in a region (UK, EU, etc) where your radio output is low,…
What Does A Good Hotspot Cluster Look Like?
40–60 Hotspots, all about 1,500m away from any other, with any one of ’em having clear line of sight to at least 30 others. Wait, you want more, and you want to know how I came up with that (with help)? Start by reading my post on PoC cycles, otherwise you’ll be missing some key…
Helium Deployed: The Network In Action
Our pilot project is complete, and boy have we learned a ton from this one! While many are still focusing on earning HNT for Helium Hotspot deployments, the obvious move for those of us interested in longevity is actually USING the Network. Over the course of a week, supported by Tommy and Ryan at Lonestar…
Is Helium A Better “Last Chance”?
I got into Helium accidentally. I was looking for a way to find and communicate with other paragliders out back of beyond. I had participated in a Search and Rescue for a well known paraglider out in remote Nevada at the end of summer 2020. The missing paraglider pilot (James Johnston, aka Kiwi) had GPS and…
How To Use Hotspotty To Crush
Hotspotty started as a way for Daniel Andrade (@spillere on Discord) to manage the growing fleet of Helium Hotspots he was rolling out together with Maxime Goossens and Alexis Argent. In the beginning we had a tiny script that would send our daily rewards to a Telegram group. It’s, uh, grown from that. 🙂 Let’s start with…
Victory With Helium: Power Moves For New People
Ok, so you just found Helium and are wondering what to do next? Let’s walk through the whole system so you’ll know what to do and what NOT to do. We’ll go through the ecosytem of Helium, the incentive of HNT, explain Helium Wallets as well as the Burn and Mint equilibrium, and make sure…