Category: Coding

  • Using Helium To Automate Your Home

    Using Helium To Automate Your Home

    This is a project tak­ing you through the basics of how to use the Heli­um LoRaWAN for projects around the home. Relax, we won’t be automat­ing your entire house and acci­den­tal­ly unleash­ing Ter­mi­na­tor. This is just a very sim­ple start into using Helium. At the end, if you fol­low all the direc­tions, you’ll have a…

  • How Do You Cheat On The Helium Network?

    This is a gen­er­al expla­na­tion of how gamers are steal­ing HNT on the net­work. This is not a “how to”. Most of us putting up Heli­um Hotspots have no idea how the sys­tem works. It can feel frus­trat­ing to be cheat­ed and not under­stand it. Let’s go through a few of the more com­mon meth­ods.…

  • The Helium CLI Wallet — Not For The Faint Of Heart

    There’s almost no good rea­son to use the CLI (Com­mand Line Inter­face) wal­let for a nor­mal per­son, but…not every­one who gets into Heli­um is nor­mal. If, like me, you’re faced with hav­ing to use it, this series of instruc­tions might help.  This is NOT writ­ten for experts who know what they’re doing; they’ll laugh at this.…