Are you looking for a cool community project to contribute to that blends Helium with Health? I’m starting one right here, right now.
The idea is to build a Healthy Helium community where we share plans to DIY devices that monitor health. I’m thinking the following:
-heart rate
-activity tracker (maybe just a pedometer)
-blood sugar (CGM for you fancy types)
There is no limit to what we can build. Here is what that Dashboard *might* look like. Want to help me make it better?

I am wide open to being wrong on any or all of those. I’ll need YOUR help to make this thing awesome.
“Hey Nik, you forgot the [insert your favorite health metric]!”
Keep reading, bubba. This is just the beginning.
I’ll spread the word and organize the effort. I’ll need help everywhere else.
Desired end state is a community of mutually very supportive people who have built or acquired a DIY Helium health tracker to track their stats and share them in order to improve their health.
In my perfect world, we all work together to help each other improve our knowledge of Helium, our use of the Network and our health. I *think* that works by connecting people who are experts and building the hardware and/software to create a scale, or a heart rate tracker, or a pedometer etc that integrates with the Helium Network.
The project will be in part a public place to gather all the information & materials that any person would need in order to build and use their own Helium Health Tracker.
I know how confusing Helium can be, and I also know how much it can change your life once you understand it. I’m super excited to develop a project that empowers YOU, whoever you are, to build on, use, and benefit from the Helium Network.
Who’s in?
Why Helium? Why don’t I just use my Apple Watch?
The first reason is that Helium is a giant network begging to be used. It’s as simple as that.
The second answer goes more into helping grow the Network by learning how the whole thing works. Most people have NO IDEA how to use a sensor. I get it. It’s fucking complicated, at least as of April 2022. This project will help YOU learn how to use the Helium Network, while helping connect you to other people who are into the same things you are AND help track your health.
Third, use your Apple Watch, or Fitbit, or Garmin Swim 2, or whatever you want. They’ll probably work better, at least at first. What they won’t do is empower you to understand the Helium Network, or connect you to folks who are similarly interested in Helium, Health, and Community. Maybe (definitely) we can integrate them into this thing eventually. If we work together, We’re All Going To Make It. (WAGMI)
Who’s going to pay for all this?
Maybe the Helium Foundation. I’ll write a grant for anything that needs money to get started, but mainly my goal is to find people whose primary motivation isn’t money, but excellence and community.
I, uh, saw something in the diagram about an NFT? What’s that all about?
NFTs at their heart are proof that something happened. They started off as linked to art, but that’s not their primary function/capability. One thing I’ve noticed is that people who aren’t in NFTs are really hesitant about getting in. This is an easy way to get into ’em where the utility is immediate (you get access to the Helium Health tracker), and I’ll walk you through exactly how to do it.
Once you get your first NFT, you’ll have made it past the first giant stepping stone and you’ll be at the leading edge of a radical new way of interacting with the world.
Wait, why would we use an NFT for this?
Well, this NFT is designed to benefit the owners. You’d buy in, at let’s say, $100. You’d get access to the Dashboard, and immediately get back $40 worth in useable tokens called $MINT. Those tokens could be used to vote on where the Dashboard should be improved next.
Let’s say you’re an artist, and you want to contribute to the project. You think up the idea of, “Hey, when someone runs 100 miles, their NFT should get a pair of golden shoes.” I mean, you didn’t think that up, LookingForOwls did over at the ShuffleDAO, but let’s say you’re the one who can draw it.
You draw a rad pair of golden shoes and submit them for the “100 miles ran” image. It gets accepted by the DAO, and then every time someone runs 100 miles, you get some small amount of the $MINT token.
Is this the same thing as the upcoming GK NFT?
Nope. I’m using ShuffleDAO for that, but it’s a separate project.
Ok Nik, so what’s the catch?
Well, I think of it more as a feature, but mainly the catch is that this’ll take a lot of work by a lot of people who could, frankly, get paid a ton more somewhere else.
Hmm, who runs the DAO?
Well, at first it’ll be me. As more people come on and contribute, I’ll add them in. Look, I don’t want to run this thing forever (or even for very long). I want to make sure it gets stood up, and works, and builds a really healthy community (in every way) and then go do that again somewhere else with something else. I like building awesome stuff. I want YOU to be involved, and I want YOU and the community to win as much as possible.
Hey, could I use a Hash Time Lock Contract where I had to hit a button or do something in a certain time frame, like go for a run?
Uh, hell yes you could. You’d have to credit Travis Teague with the idea, but that’s your question…please would you come on board and help? 🙂
What about nutrition? We all know that paleo/keto/vegan/carnivore is the only correct way to eat, how can I impose my diet on everyone else?
Whoa, turbo. Diet is a weird thing. I would LOVE, like fucking LOVE to include diet in this, but obviously we’re not going to force anything on anyone. If you write the code and it makes sense, then hell yes we’ll add it.
Will I get ripped and hard in just 30 short days just by building a Helium Health Tracker?
No. This may not be the project for you.
Hey, I’ve got a really long list of reasons this can’t work. Want to hear ’em?
Nik, this sounds awesome. I have a skill in [XYZ] and I want to help. Where do I sign up?
I *think* the best way to do this is on the Gristle King Discord. If this thing goes batshit bananas crazy, we’ll stand up a separate server for it, but for now, let’s just use the #helium-health channel over on the GK server. Oh, and thank you for volunteering. I love people like you.
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