Helium opened the door for a lot of us into the world of LoRaWAN, which stands for Long Range Wide Area Networks. After all the excitement of getting up Hotspots (technically, “gateways”) up to earn HNT for providing coverage, we’re left asking, “What can you do with Helium?”
One of the best places to start in an industry that already exists is to see what’s already on the table. Sure, it’s fun to figure out building your own DIY sensors, but for those of you thinking about running a Helium-based business, you just want answers that work. With that in mind, here’s a long list of possible options for ya, courtesy of Felix Heins over at The Things Industries.
I’ve broken these down into categories that make sense to me and may help you find a sensor or solution. Keep in mind that many business models earn their money off providing the user-facing data and not selling the sensor. My prediction (and where I’ve literally placed my bet by investing in ’em) is that companies like UplinkEngine will start to become aggregators of all the different dashboards as well as offering their own in-house custom options, all available for white-labeling.
With that, let’s get into the list. I’ve tried to describe what each sensor does very briefly, sometimes in my own words, sometimes pulling directly from the company sales page. Please let me know what you find useful, and if you’re looking for a sensor you don’t see here, drop a description in the comments and I’ll see what I can find through my network of IoT contacts. The end goal here is to help everyone grow together by sharing the best information out there.
eDoctor - Patient Vital Signs Monitoring Solution by Tektelic
Sani-Nudge — Hand Hygiene Tracker — Clinical studies and validations of Sani Nudge show that hospitals can achieve significant improvements in their facilities in any hand hygiene situation.
EM 2050 Evaluation Kit - Satellite connectivity in Europe by Echostar Mobile
Spacetech Denmach — Denmach ONE — Satellite connectivity for devices. “Our ground-breaking technology gives a voice to all things through the LoRaWAN connection into space. ”
Air Quality/Weather
Trackpac’s Indoor Air Quality Monitoring — For an excellent all-in-one service, check out what Trackpac has to offer.
CO2, Temp, Humidity “Stop Light Sensor” — Teneo Stoplicht — Sensor that shows various air parameter readings and gives you a red or green light for “good” or “bad”
Milesight AM300 Series — Indoor Air Quality Monitoring. The 319 runs off of batteries, the 307 is powered by a USB cable. I’ve got the 307 and would probably get the 319 for my next install.
Decentlab Indoor Ambiance Monitor — CO2, TVOC, and a motion sensor
Elsys Eco CO2 — Temperature, humidity and CO2 sensor, powered by indoor solar cell.
Browan Indoor Air Quality Monitor Tab — Same form as the original Helium Tracker Tab, but with different sensors inside to monitor Temperature, Relative Humidity and Volatile Organic Compound levels.
Thermokon NOVOS 3 x LoRaWAN — Room Operating Unit — Temp, humidity, CO2.
SenseCAP S2103 CO2, Temp, Humidity — A battery-powered IP66 wireless CO2, air temp and humi sensor, range from 400 to 10000 ppm, ‑40°C to 85°C, and 0 to 100 %RH, equipped with built-in Bluetooth and APP service for OTA configuration and remote device management.
SenseCAP S2102 8 in 1 Weather Station collects and uploads air temperature, humidity, wind speed/direction, rainfall, light intensity, UV index, and barometric pressure data.
Senzemo — Microclimate sensor SMC30 — collects data for temperature, relative humidity, and air pressure.
Silvanet Wildfire Sensor by Dryad — designed to detect forest fires during the early stages (even during the smoldering phase, within the first 60 minutes) and to monitor the microclimate, measuring temperature, humidity and air pressure.
MClimate — Vicki - Smart radiator thermostat valve that contains a temperature and humidity sensor allowing for temperature control and monitoring temperature and humidity from distance. Manual target temperature selection is possible by rotating the outer ring of the device. The target temperature is displayed on the device.
General Sensors
Wittra IoT Out of the Box kit — Wittra is an IoT hardware company making both gateways and many sensors.
Wittra C{x}ameleon Tag — Extends hardware life, optimizes inventory costs and reduces waste.
Watteco BoB Assistant — BoB Assistant is a technology for predictive maintenance and operational assistance by permanent monitoring of vibrations and recorded temperatures of isolated systems (pump, air conditioning, cooling unit, fan…)
Watteco — Movee Devices — Tracking, geolocation, movement, vibration, and other monitoring.
Smart Ends — Brighter Bins Smart Sensors — BrighterBins accurately measures the fill level of waste-wells, dustbins, containers, and other bins.
Citilight iLuminate — Smart Light Pole Mount - Light for utility poles that reports when it’s broken as well as dims when it’s light outside.
SAFT IoT Smart Selector — Batteries built for IoT sensors. Their interactive “solution picker” seems like an excellent way to steer customers to the right thing and save time with directing sales energy.
Kuando Busylight — Light that shows green/red/blue for “status, cues, and notification”. Can integrate with you calendar so your office shows a red light when you’re on a call and don’t want to be disturbed.
Enginko has a wide range of sensors which you can find here.
Thermokon — Window Open/Close sensor (EU only). They make a ton of other LoRaWAN sensors as well, worth checking out their website.
VOCSens — Gas sensing — Not LoRaWAN, but a sensor that could be hooked to a node. Detect/measures ammonia, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde now, and will soon add in detection/measurement of methane, CO2, hydrogen sulfide. Also under development: BTEX, ethylene oxide (EtO), ethylene, hydrogen sulfide (SO2), hydrogen (H2) and acetone.
Meshed nCounter — People counter based on the counting of Wi-Fi enabled devices in a specified zone, nCounter reports the number of Wi-Fi connected devices that entered a zone, left a zone and the average “dwell-time” of all devices present.
TWTG — Neon Vibration Sensor for measuring whether or not that A/C unit is still humming away up on your roof.
Parametric PCR2 — LIDAR People Counters — Support is expert but these stymied me for a long time.
SenseCAP Soil Moisture & Temp measures soil volumetric water content (VWC) and temperature.
Simplio Connected Buttons — Keep track of sentiment or problems in public and private spaces.
Tektelic Meeting Room E‑Ink Display — Easily and efficiently track and manage meeting room occupancy status and bookings
Teneo Fill Sensor — Waste Containers - The filling sensor is a dedicated Internet of things solution from Teneo IoT BV that aims to solve the problem of litter, inefficient waste collection, polluted air (CO? emissions) & waste of resources through the filling degree sensor.
Wireless M‑Bus Range Extender — Collects wireless M‑Bus messages from utility meters and forwards them to a LoRaWAN® network.
Toran’O AtEx Zone 1 — Used to report status changes, pulse count values and analog measurements of equipment in an AtEx 1 sensitive zone such as water, gas, electricity or thermal energy meters, mechanical pressure switches, pressure transducers.
TRIPHAS’O sensor allows the remote reading of the electrical energy consumption of a three-phase installation in a non-intrusive way via the LoRaWAN® network.
eWattch TyNess Modular — Combines many functionalities: modbus, mbus, PT100 temperature measurement, optical sensor measurement, voltage measurement, current measurement, etc.
eWattch TyNode — Pulse counting, digital input, temperature via PT100 probe, or measurement of analog signal 4–20mA or 0–10V
Sensoterra Multi-Depth Soil Sensor — The sensor comes with 6 soil moisture sensors in one device. Knowing the soil moisture at several depths will allow you to track the health of your plant at its active root zone during the whole crop cycle.
Dev Boards & DIY
STM32 Nucleo-WL55JC — STM32 LoRaWAN board with 3 LEDs, 3 buttons, and a reset button. Yeehaw!
Portenta Vision Shield — This hardware add-on will let you run embedded computer vision applications, connect wirelessly via LoRa® to the Arduino Cloud or your own infrastructure, and activate your system upon the detection of sound events.
SenseCAP Hub S2100 can connect to MODBUS-RTU RS485/Analog/GPIO sensors and transmit data from sensors to the LoRaWAN network.
Steval-Astra1B — Multiconnectivity asset tracking — development kit and reference design that simplifies prototyping, testing and evaluating advanced asset tracking applications such as livestock monitoring, fleet management, and logistics.
Controllers & I/O Magic
Comtac Cluey — The Cluey is designed for monitoring and controlling tasks in electricity, water or other infrastructure networks.
Watteco In’O Sensor — Class A or Class C sensor designed to transform any type of binary I/O sensor into a remote wireless sensor that monitors and controls industrial equipment status.
Enginko MCT-LW13MIO — This device transmits the state of its 16 inputs and controls 8 outputs through the LoRaWAN® network. All these inputs and outputs are galvanically isolated.
Arduino MKR WAN 1310 — Hook it all up for your DIY and one-off projects.
ioTracker — Smart tracker with button, buzzer, and LED.
Kerlink Wanesy — Indoor Positioning System - LoRaWAN, Bluetooth, WiFi
Mokosmart LW001-BG Pro — Tracker with 4000 mAh battery, 108.6 x 60 x 33.2mm
TD Synnex Low Power Asset Tracker — Combined LoRa and Wi-Fi passive scanning functionality provides accurate indoor geolocation accuracy, so you can keep track of remote assets around the clock.
SCD — SCD18-LoRa GPS — Integrates other protocols such as Bluetooth and WiFi position.
RhinoEdge Puck 50 — Rhino Horn tracker — 48 × 25 mm
Tektelic SEAL Wearable LoRaWAN GPS Tracker - Belt mounted personnel tracker
Solar powered asset tracker — combined LoRa and Wi-Fi passive scanning functionality provides accurate indoor geolocation accuracy, so you can keep track of remote assets around the clock. The unit also provides reliable, optimized connectivity and coverage for the next generation 4G LTE Cat-M1 and NB-IoT networks—and seamlessly falls back to 2G networks if necessary.
Wild boar ear tag trackers — Due to the light weight of the device and the attachment to the ear, even juvenile animals which exhibit strong future growth can be tagged. With devices’ data storage capability, migrating individuals can be tracked all year around without any data loss.
Digital Matter Yabby Edge — Indoor/outdoor tracker featuring up to 12 years battery life in a small rugged housing available in Cellular LTE‑M / NB-IoT or LoRaWAN® versions
Power/Energy Sensors
Acrios M‑Bus IoT Electrical Meter reader — M‑Bus to LoRaWAN or NB-IoT finds its application mainly in the reading of electricity meters and calorimeters.
Eagle 1500 — Single-phase din rail smart meter with a built-in magnetic 80A latching relay and an SMA socket for an external antenna.
Enginko Energy Meter Plug — Compact energy meter for monitoring the power consumption of the load, which can remotely be switched on/off. Equipped with a rechargeable battery for mains outage detection.
Izi-io 4840 — Substation Monitoring
Klax modern electricity meter readers (Europe)
Solar for IoT — Solar packages for many different sensor power requirements.
Netvox 809A Wireless Plug/Power Meter — Wireless plug and play power outlet with consumption monitoring for indoor use. It can remotely control the output switch and detect the output power.
IoT Service Providers
You can learn a fair amount by just cruising around an IoT company’s website, seeing what they offer and how they position it. I’m including these in this list to give you a headstart on how you might build & sell an IoT business.
Mainlink - Smart IoT Services
Cital — Soil Moisture Sensors and weather monitoring
Lacuna Space — LS300 Sensor and Relay, interoperability from space with terrestrial LPWANs like Helium
Water Sensors
Aqua-Scope Ball Valve Servo — Need to switch water flow off and on? Check it, yo.
Droople iLink & Flow sensor — Monitoring real-time flow rate analytics for carbon filters, softeners, appliances and sanitary ware such as toilets and sinks.
Alliot Technology Water Flow Meter — Available to suit a variety of pipe sizes, the Robeau LoRaWAN® water flow meter can also integrate with the Strega smart water valve.
Laiier Water Leak Tape — the world’s first smart tape that acts as a water leak detector and is LAIIER’s first solution using Severn technology.
Control-IX Water Meter reader — For large scale deployments; institutional level. Will Nova work with Control-IX? Maybe…
Gateway Providers
Helium’s long term goal is to allow any gateway to join the network. While that’s not where we are right now (early 2023), this list of gateway manufacturers is good to keep in your back pocket for future use, OR if you want to leverage the Data Only gateway option you can start to use any gateway right now.
Conduit 300 Series IoT Programmable Gateway
HT Micron LoRa System In A Package - For the geekier among you…HTLRBL32L is a highly compact and low-power wireless communication device featuring LoRa® and Bluetooth® Low Energy capabilities in a tiny 13x13x1.1 mm package.
Milesight UG65 — LoRaWAN Gateway
Miro Edge — LoRaWAN Gateway. The small form factor, integrated interfaces such as Ethernet, WIFI, mini PCI‑E and the underlying LinuxOS enable these gateways to be easily integrated into any infrastructure.
Laird Sentrius RG1xx Gateway — Gather data from as far as 10 miles via LoRaWAN and sync to the cloud via Wi-Fi / Ethernet, or add LTE in the US with our optional LTE version.
RAK Wisgate Connect Base Kit — RAK7391 WisGate Connect is a Raspberry Pi CM4-based gateway product meant to support different radio and WisBlock modules. It has several interfaces to meet the needs of different developers (HDMI, Ethernet, USB, mPCIe, CSI, DSI, M.2, WisBlock, PoE, Raspberry Pi HAT).
El Fin
This is not an exhaustive list, and that alone should be gobsmacking. There is an enormous world of ways to sense the world, dive in, level up your learning and please share with me what you build!
Rock on,
Nik Hawks
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