Author: Nik

  • Unusual Earnings On A Growing Network: Here’s How



    Ok, so you’ve deployed your first hotspot or two, fig­ured out how a wal­let works and where to send your HNT to con­vert to local cur­ren­cy (or you’re hodling.) So far, so good. But…how do you make it bet­ter? What are ways you can deploy hotspots to pro­vide max­i­mum earn­ings and coverage?  Here’s an exam­ple…

  • How To Place Your Hotspot On A Commercial Building



    Want to get your hotspot up on that tall com­mer­cial build­ing, but you’re not sure how to approach the build­ing own­er or man­ag­er? I’ll walk you through how I do it, includ­ing tem­plates and how to talk about Heli­um with non-cryp­to enthu­si­asts. I know, I know. You want to skip for­ward to right before you…

  • How To Secure A Successful Helium Hotspot Placement



    Some­times ya just got­ta see it being done to learn it. Here’s the best I can do to bring you on the jour­ney of set­ting up a hotspot. This is the sto­ry of Thank­ful Caramel Quail. The full gear list for this install is here, includ­ing options & alternates. I’d iden­ti­fied a com­mer­cial build­ing as…

  • How To Know Where To Place Your Hotspot For Max Earnings



    Ready to go deep on opti­miz­ing your hotspot? This lever­ages the fun­da­men­tals of WUPU and assumes you have more than a pass­ing knowl­edge of Heli­um. I’ll pull back the cur­tain a lit­tle bit and share exam­ples of the strate­gies I use. The list of strate­gies cov­ered in this post is at the bot­tom, under the…

  • How To Estimate Your HNT Earnings With HotspotRF



    The con­stant ques­tion with Heli­um is, “How much will my hotspot earn?” While I’ve cov­ered the strat­e­gy for max­i­miz­ing that in oth­er posts, it sure is nice when you have a tool that helps dial in your accu­ra­cy. HotspotRF aims to be one of those tools, and when it first came out I sat down…

  • Helium Tools, Part 1: Helium.Vision — For Power Users



    Let’s start with the basics: When it comes to Heli­um, most peo­ple rad­i­cal­ly under­es­ti­mate the impor­tance of Place­ment and get dis­tract­ed by anten­nas and cables. If that’s you, read the Rough Guide to set you straight. Trust me, I’ve been there. The first hotspot I put up was suc­cess­ful, and while I’m very pleased with…

  • Unusual:  Using Helium to Track Paragliders

    Unusual: Using Helium to Track Paragliders

    It’s a warm sun­ny day just west of and about 1,600 feet above Lake Elsi­nore, at a paraglid­ing launch site unimag­i­na­tive­ly called “The E”. A few of us are get­ting ready to launch off the steep face of the hill to ride ther­mals and the wind. Our “plan A” today is to see if we…

  • The Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid with Your Helium Hotspot



    So you just found out about Heli­um and want to crush it with your hotspot deploy­ment? First, remem­ber WUPU. That stands for Wide-Unique-Prove­able-Use­ful cov­er­age. WUPU is what makes for a reli­ably high earn­ing hotspot. Here are the top 5 things that go against WUPU. Let’s start with the worst thing: 1 — Overcrowding Putting your hotspot…

  • How to take your Helium Hotspot Off Grid

    It seems pret­ty straight­for­ward; gen­er­ate pow­er and a con­nec­tion to the inter­net, and you’ve got an off grid Heli­um Hotspot set­up. Still, you’ll have a few minor details to sort out, like what type of enclo­sure, how to mount it, how to make sure it stays weath­er­proof if you use an exter­nal anten­na, and how…

  • What’s The Best Antenna For Your Helium Hotspot?



    Here is a step by step method for under­stand­ing how to choose the best anten­na for your hotspot place­ment. Each place­ment demands a well matched anten­na in order to pro­vide val­ue to the Heli­um Net­work and con­se­quent­ly earn the most HNT pos­si­ble for that loca­tion. Do NOT, by the way, try to get the giant…