Author: Nik

  • After Action Report — Helium In The Wild

    After Action Report — Helium In The Wild

    From Nov 4th through 17th of 2022, Gris­tle King Inc con­duct­ed the Heli­um In The Wild tour on behalf of the Heli­um Foun­da­tion.  This idea was con­ceived, devel­oped, and sup­port­ed by Nik Hawks, Joey Hiller and Scott Sigel to help get boots on the ground off US soil and demon­strate the Heli­um Foundation’s com­mit­ment to…

  • Gristle Crüe Call — Miroslav from Heliotics

    Gristle Crüe Call — Miroslav from Heliotics

    After meet­ing Miroslav in Lis­bon I knew I want­ed him to share his expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge with the Crüe. He’s built a busi­ness on Heli­um, run­ning it out of Slo­va­kia but ser­vic­ing the larg­er region. His past few years of build­ing up a busi­ness on LoRaWAN pro­vid­ed invalu­able expe­ri­ence that he shared with us; anoth­er…

  • Reports from the Field — Helium In The Wild, Hackathon Train

    Reports from the Field — Helium In The Wild, Hackathon Train

    “The job right now isn’t to make IoT easy. It’s to make it work”.  As I look across the Heli­um ecosys­tem in ear­ly Decem­ber of 2022, I’m start­ing to see the emer­gence of work­ing busi­ness­es built on Heli­um. Baxus may be the most recent exam­ple; a com­pa­ny track­ing all the con­di­tions of items as they move…

  • Gristle Crüe Call — Abhay from Helium Foundation

    Gristle Crüe Call — Abhay from Helium Foundation

    Abhay Kumar, CEO of the Heli­um Foun­da­tion, jumped on the Gris­tle Crüe call today to walk us through both his jour­ney, the chal­lenges ahead, and some of the things he thinks are most excit­ing com­ing down the pipe. Very cool to get to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth! 10:01:15 From Lee (Team Gris­tle…

  • Reports From The Field: Helium In The Wild — Lisbon

    Reports From The Field: Helium In The Wild — Lisbon

    On Nov 2nd, my bride Lee & I set off to 4 cities in Europe to con­duct a Heli­um Foun­da­tion project called “Heli­um In The Wild” with three goals.  First, to see how Heli­um was being used in the wild. Obvi­ous­ly sen­sor usage isn’t huge yet, and lots of b.s. has been thrown around the inter­we­bz…

  • Gristle Crüe Call — GEODnet & Parley Labs Q + A

    Gristle Crüe Call — GEODnet & Parley Labs Q + A

    Mike from GEOD­net came on to fill us in on the lat­est, from remote min­ing to hard­ware upgrades. Very cool udpates! Bryan from Par­ley Labs dropped by in the last quar­ter to talk about the 5G & IoT work they’re doing, includ­ing their rev share and financ­ing programs.  CHAT TRANSCRIPT 10:02:12 From 619OTA : what…

  • Crypto & IoT Black Friday Deals — 2022



    Gath­er­ing togeth­er blockchain + meat­space as well as oth­er rel­e­vant deals here. In some cas­es the links are affil­i­ate links, so I’ll earn a small com­mis­sion if you use ’em. That seems fair to me, but you can always just Google the project and “Black Fri­day” and find ’em your­self as well. If you know…

  • Gristle Crüe Call — Mike demos the K1100, HITW so far

    Gristle Crüe Call — Mike demos the K1100, HITW so far



    Mike gave a fan­tas­tic demo of how he used the K1100 kit to build out a pro­to­type sen­sor for a vine­yard on the Heli­um net­work. We encour­aged him to present the same thing on Heli­um Hacks with Travis. 19:02:19 From Travis Teague : good col­lec­tion of curat­ed links that Fish put togeth­er here: From…

  • Gristle Crüe Call — Shopify App, GIANT Protocol, Free WiFi

    Gristle Crüe Call — Shopify App, GIANT Protocol, Free WiFi



    Threw an audi­ble on this one after our sched­ule guest called in sick and end­ed up with a rad call. The video for­mat is a square (unusu­al) because I shared Kev­in’s fly­er, which threw off the whole ratio. You may see a lit­tle white­space direct­ly below this because of that; scroll ’til ya see the green…

  • What Can You Do On Solana? A Guide For The Helium Community



    We’re switch­ing over to Solana as our Lay­er 1 (L1 for the cool kids). What does that mean for you, a Hotspot owner?  Let’s start with the impor­tant stuff: On a day to day basis, about the only dif­fer­ence you’ll see once we switch over to Solana is that the whole sys­tem will run faster.…