The DePIN Library

  • What Should You Look For In A Helium Antenna?



    “Will this anten­na work?” I get that ques­tion a lot, usu­al­ly about some anten­na that was dis­cov­ered after hours of search­ing and sift­ing through Google results. Anten­nas are one of the most con­fus­ing parts of Heli­um, most­ly because RF is fair­ly com­pli­cat­ed and the aver­age hotspot own­er has as much expe­ri­ence with anten­na design and…

  • HIP 17 — Why Are You Getting Scaled?



    It’s one of the most con­fus­ing aspects of Heli­um; you put up your hotspot in an “emp­ty” res 8 hex, but you still get your trans­mit rewards scaled. Why is that, and what can you do about it? First, let’s talk about “trans­mit reward scal­ing”. What is it? Let’s take it straight from the Github pro­pos­al:…

  • Helium 101: Cable Loss and EIRP.



    Got ques­tions about what kind of cable you should use to con­nect your Heli­um hotspot to your anten­na? Want a Heli­um-spe­cif­ic cable loss table? You’re not alone! Lots of folks want to know if they should use LMR 240 or 400 or 900, or how long it can be, or if they should use the cable…

  • How to do a Helium Hotspot Placement Assessment



    Get­ting the most out of a Heli­um hotspot deploy­ment requires a strat­e­gy to max­i­mize your place­ment, anten­na ele­va­tion, and then phys­i­cal­ly deploy­ing the thing.  Most of the earn­ings will come from the place­ment. I know it’s usu­al­ly eas­i­est to just put it up in your house, but it’s prob­a­bly worth assess­ing a few spots before you…

  • Gristle King On Helium Uplink



    It’s been a heck of a ride so far, from the begin­nings of look­ing for a bet­ter way to find lost paraglid­er pilots all the way out to being fea­tured by Heli­um as a top hotspot opti­miza­tion expert.  Travis Teague and I just did an episode of the Uplink, which Heli­um releas­es to show­case how…

  • Shield Your Helium Hotspot From Powerful Lightning Strikes



    How do you attach a light­ning arrestor to your Heli­um hotspot anten­na? What does one look like? Is it dangerous? Let’s start with a pic­ture. This will answer 90% of your questions. You can (and accord­ing to knowl­edgable ham radio oper­a­tors) SHOULD con­nect the light­ning arrestor at the oth­er end of the cable, down by…

  • How To Read An Antenna Chart



    Heli­um is a gate­way into the world of RF, or radio fre­quen­cy. While the eas­i­est thing to do when you get your hotspot is just plug it in and set it in a win­dow, most of the time you’ll earn far more if you opti­mize a bit. Most of those opti­miza­tions are focused on improv­ing…

  • Is The Helium Bobcat Miner Any Good?



    A few months ago, Ann at Bob­cat reached out to see if I’d like a hotspot for review. She’d read the Rough Guide To Hotspot Opti­miza­tion arti­cle and liked it. She thought it might be use­ful to get a Bob­cat hotspot into my hands ahead of the wave of nor­mal pro­duc­tion. I thought so too.…

  • Learn How To Use The Helium Network



    While many of you are ham­mer and tongs at the game of deploy­ing hotspots, the real oppor­tu­ni­ty is begin­ning to shift from *build­ing* the net­work to *using* the network. One of the best ways to learn some­thing is to do it. Let me show you how, for about $40, you can add your first sen­sor…

  • Diving Deeper Into Your Helium Hotspot



    I sat down with Vishal from HeliumHik­er to go through his pret­ty rad set of tools for get­ting deep into a Heli­um hotspot. I first found Vishal through using his Chal­lenge Receipt Analy­sis dash­board which is my go-to tool for check­ing my hotspots and make sure they’re singing. Looks like I might need to dig…