How To Use Hotspotty To Crush



Hotspot­ty start­ed as a way for Daniel Andrade (@spillere on Dis­cord) to man­age the grow­ing fleet of Heli­um Hotspots he was rolling out togeth­er with Maxime Goossens and Alex­is Argent.

In the begin­ning we had a tiny script that would send our dai­ly rewards to a Telegram group. 

It’s, uh, grown from that. 🙂

Let’s start with a lit­tle back­ground on the Hotspot­ty team. Daniel is a Brazil­ian born itin­er­ant con­sul­tant trained as an elec­tri­cal engi­neer with an inter­est in web design & cod­ing. He has con­tributed heav­i­ly to the Heli­um community. 

Maxime is their engi­neer­ing wiz­ard, com­bin­ing a dri­ve to solve com­plex prob­lems with an abil­i­ty to show you, very quick­ly, the use­ful parts of the data.

Alex­is has a strong inter­est in open source com­mu­ni­ca­tions and blockchain tech­nol­o­gy. He’s found­ed 2 com­pa­nies in VoIP and Wire­less distribution. 

They recent­ly walked me through the lat­est incar­na­tion of Hotspot­ty in the accom­pa­ny­ing video (vid link at the bottom).

What is Hotspotty, and how can you use it to help you within the Helium ecosystem? 

Hotspot­ty is designed to be an all-encom­pass­ing tool for Heli­um users, from own­ers of sin­gle hotspots out to groups run­ning a fleet of thou­sands. What does all-encompassing…encompass? Let’s go through the high points. 

Understand the Network

First, Hotspot­ty helps you visu­al­ize the com­plex math, equa­tions, and rules that gov­ern the growth of a healthy Heli­um net­work. If you’ve ever been con­found­ed try­ing to wrap your head around HIP 17 with its density target, or number of siblings, or density max rules, Hotspot­ty makes the whole sim­ple to under­stand from the per­spec­tive of any hotspot on the planet.

screenshot of Hotspotty app showing where the edges of hexes are as well as showing where overcrowded, or problem, hexes are.

Now you can see what the edge of any hex looks like (NOT a straight line), and also very quick­ly see where the “prob­lem” hex­es are so you can work to clear them. If you want to dive a bit deep­er into HIP 17, I’ve got a post writ­ten up on it over here.

Collaborate with your team

Now, let’s say you work with oth­er peo­ple to man­age your Net­work. You might have Installers, or Hosts, or a Fleet Man­ag­er, or even a Region Man­ag­er. You can sep­a­rate out all those roles into Con­tacts or Mem­bers, assign them labels, and give them appro­pri­ate access. 

Con­tacts may not be inter­nal mem­bers; they could be an installer you just want to use occa­sion­al­ly, or a host who does­n’t need to see your whole net­work but does need to get paid out month­ly (or how­ev­er you do it, this is NOT tax advice!)

Hotspot­ty allows you to also have Work­space Mem­bers who DO get access to the inside track. You can add these to your Mem­bers list, invite ’em in, and let them col­lab­o­rate with you.

Optimize your deployment

Ok, so once you’ve start­ed build­ing your team, how do you opti­mize your Heli­um Net­work deploy­ments? By div­ing into the Map sec­tion of the Hotspot­ty app and tak­ing a look at the var­i­ous tools avail­able. As of Sep 18th, 2021, most of the tools focus on *avoid­ing* bad places rather than find­ing the best places, but that sec­ond part is com­ing, and soon.

What is a “bad” place in the land of Heli­um? I’d define it gen­er­al­ly in three ways:

  • Den­si­ty — Local and Regional
  • Topog­ra­phy — Sig­nals blocked by earth
  • Vol­ume — Enough Hotspots to reli­ably con­nect & ini­ti­ate the earn­ing sequence

I’ve talked a bunch about opti­miz­ing your hotspot place­ment (see my Rough Guide for a deep dive), but it can be com­pli­cat­ed to run all the num­bers hotspot by hotspot.

See­ing a “bad” place on Hotspot­ty is as easy as open­ing the app, click­ing on the Map sec­tion, then click­ing on the Hex­es tab, and if you want to see spe­cif­ic res­o­lu­tions, click­ing on the Fil­ter button.

There’s anoth­er cool fea­ture you can use just for quick checks, and that’s see­ing where hotspots are too close togeth­er to have a *valid* wit­ness (the “300 meter” rule.) Here’s what it looks like when you turn on the lay­er in the set­tings cog, at the top right.

See all those line between hotspots? Every one of those indi­cates that those hotspots are too close to each oth­er to be a valid wit­ness. Neat, eh?

Collaborate with the Helium community

Now comes one of the coolest parts of Hotspot­ty, though it’ll take all of us work­ing togeth­er to make use­ful: Col­lab­o­ra­tion. Of course, you can col­lab­o­rate with your inter­nal team, and that’s cool, but as Max from Hotspot­ty says after look­ing through reams of data: 

What we dis­cov­ered is actu­al­ly quite inter­est­ing; most of the opti­miza­tion is beyond your con­trol.  Your earn­ings are defined by your environment.

-Max @ Hotspotty
Managing the Environment — Contacting Hotspot Owners

How do you man­age your envi­ron­ment? By talk­ing to oth­er peo­ple! Hotspot­ty allows you to do this in a rea­son­ably anony­mous way. You can send a mes­sage to any hotspot, and if that hotspot own­er ever looks at Hotspot­ty, they’ll see some­one has mes­saged them. They can choose to ignore it, or they can “claim” the wal­let asso­ci­at­ed the hotspot the received the mes­sage and start a con­ver­sa­tion with you.

What does it look like? Let’s walk through the 4 step process.

Step 1: Iden­ti­fy the prob­lem. In this case, I fil­tered Amer­i­ca’s Finest City (San Diego) by res 7’s, then just ran­dom­ly select­ed one to see if there was an easy fix. I mean, Hotspot­ty is telling me we only have to move 1 of ’em!

Step 2: Dig in and look for easy wins. In this case, there’s a hotspot that right on the edge of the res 7 AND is also super-crowd­ing anoth­er hotspot. Easy fix!

Step 3: Iden­ti­fy the exact Hotspot.

Step 4: Ini­ti­ate con­tact. Be cool, offer help. Do NOT be a jack­wag­on! Only show­ing them how THEY can move to ben­e­fit YOU is NOT help­ing the community. 🙂 

Managing the environment: Spawning a Discord Channel

Anoth­er rad way to invite your local crew to par­tic­i­pate is by “spawn­ing” a Dis­cord chan­nel based on a spe­cif­ic hex. You choose your prob­lem hex, spawn the Dis­cord (which will open up a new chan­nel in the Hotspot­ty Dis­cord), then ral­ly folks into it. I’ve done the “ral­ly” side by work­ing in the much larg­er region­al chan­nels over on the Heli­um offi­cial dis­cord and say­ing, “Hey, if you’re in [San Diego] and want to improve our reward scale, jump on into the dis­cus­sion and let’s crank up earn­ings togeth­er, [here]!”

As an exam­ple, here’s the San Diego res 4 Dis­cord channel. 

Manage payouts

Final­ly, you can man­age pay­outs. The Hotspot­ty v1 is still alive and well for this. On v2 (which is what I’ve cov­ered in this post) as of today, you can just get the cor­rect num­bers for what you need to pay out, but can’t automag­i­cal­ly make it so your wal­let pays anoth­er wal­let on some cer­tain date/time, but that’s coming.

Ready to dive in? Cruise over to Hotspot­ty and sign up to get start­ed. Enjoy, and let’s make the Heli­um Net­work rad­i­cal together!

The full inter­view is over on the Toobz, or you can watch it right here.

Until next time, rock on!

If you’re look­ing for work in the Heli­um ecosys­tem, please check out this rad project I’m a part of called Heli­um Jobs. You can post and find jobs there, help sup­port the ecosys­tem by mak­ing it eas­i­er to con­nect pro­fes­sion­al­ly, and let the world know that YOU exist and want to help con­tribute with­in the Net­work. Rock on!


One response to “How To Use Hotspotty To Crush”

  1. Thank you. Such a use­ful tool.

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