Tag: helium hotspot

  • What Does A Great Helium Hotspot Look Like?



    See­ing oth­er deploy­ments is one of the fastest ways to get great ideas (and avoid cost­ly mistakes!)  I thought it’d be use­ful to the com­mu­ni­ty to share a lit­tle more detail about our Heli­um Hotspot deploy­ments. Here’s your chance to shine! What hotspot are you using? What anten­na? Are you hap­py with this deploy­ment? What will…

  • How Do You Find The Best Site For Your Hotspot?

    Well, the race is offi­cial­ly on. With at least two unof­fi­cial halv­ings com­ing in the near future, it’s pret­ty darn impor­tant right now to: A) Get your Heli­um hotspot up and earn­ing and  B) Secure the best spot you pos­si­bly can. In the case below, this hotspot is on pri­vate prop­er­ty with an incred­i­ble view of both my…

  • How To Set Up a RUT 240 for an Off Grid Helium Hotspot — Prepare for Challenge!

    With a gen­er­ous assist from the folks over at HNTen­na, here’s a step by step method for set­ting up your RUT 240 (the cell modem that allows an off grid Heli­um Hotspot to con­nect to the internet.) I’ll start by say­ing that off grid set ups are not for the faint of heart, the eas­i­ly…

  • How To Use PoE To Power Your Helium Hotspot



    How do you use PoE? Do you need a split­ter, an injec­tor, or both? How does it all work? Let’s dive in! PoE is one of those things most of us nev­er have to deal with and can seem like a mys­tery. It’s not. It’s super sim­ple, let me show you how it works. First, P‑O-E stands…

  • Light Hotspots Explained



    What the heck is a Heli­um Light Hotspot, and why does it mat­ter? If you’re not tech savvy, the whole thing can seem con­fus­ing. Let’s clear it up. We’ll begin with the dif­fer­ent types of Hotspots: Reg­u­lar, Light, and Data Only. Reg­u­lar (I call ’em Full Fat) Hotspots are what Heli­um start­ed out with. They cre­ate…

  • Does A Helium Hotspot Actually Expose You To Powerful Radiation?



    Are Heli­um Hotspots dan­ger­ous to be around? How much RF ener­gy do they emit? Should you or your hosts be wor­ried about the expo­sure lev­els? Let’s run through the facts, then you can make your own decision.  We’ll start with this: In gen­er­al, Heli­um Hotspots rarely emit any RF. They’re built to receive sig­nals far…

  • Helium 101: Cable Loss and EIRP.



    Got ques­tions about what kind of cable you should use to con­nect your Heli­um hotspot to your anten­na? Want a Heli­um-spe­cif­ic cable loss table? You’re not alone! Lots of folks want to know if they should use LMR 240 or 400 or 900, or how long it can be, or if they should use the cable…

  • How to do a Helium Hotspot Placement Assessment



    Get­ting the most out of a Heli­um hotspot deploy­ment requires a strat­e­gy to max­i­mize your place­ment, anten­na ele­va­tion, and then phys­i­cal­ly deploy­ing the thing.  Most of the earn­ings will come from the place­ment. I know it’s usu­al­ly eas­i­est to just put it up in your house, but it’s prob­a­bly worth assess­ing a few spots before you…

  • Gristle King On Helium Uplink



    It’s been a heck of a ride so far, from the begin­nings of look­ing for a bet­ter way to find lost paraglid­er pilots all the way out to being fea­tured by Heli­um as a top hotspot opti­miza­tion expert.  Travis Teague and I just did an episode of the Uplink, which Heli­um releas­es to show­case how…

  • Diving Deeper Into Your Helium Hotspot



    I sat down with Vishal from HeliumHik­er to go through his pret­ty rad set of tools for get­ting deep into a Heli­um hotspot. I first found Vishal through using his Chal­lenge Receipt Analy­sis dash­board which is my go-to tool for check­ing my hotspots and make sure they’re singing. Looks like I might need to dig…