What Does PoCv11 Mean For Me?



Short ver­sion: Use a low gain anten­na, report your loca­tion and anten­na gain accu­rate­ly. If you’re in the US, this isn’t a big deal, as our radios pump out enough pow­er to get excel­lent range even with a low gain anten­na. If you’re in a region (UK, EU, etc) where your radio out­put is low, PoCv11 will prob­a­bly decrease your range significantly.

Updated Deep Dive over here.

Want to read on for pos­ter­i­ty? Cool!

PoCv11 is designed to help the Net­work more accu­rate­ly assess loca­tion from radio fre­quen­cy strength sig­nals and to keep Hotspots in RF reg­u­la­to­ry com­pli­ance. It cleans up a few mis­takes Heli­um made ear­ly on in try­ing to assess radio sig­nal strength in an attempt to com­bat gaming.

That’s it. If you are accu­rate­ly report­ing your anten­na gain and your loca­tion, there’s no penal­ty and noth­ing else you need to do.

Nor­mal­ly I love to explain com­pli­cat­ed things, but this one is so damn sim­ple it’s hard to do bet­ter than Amir Haleem, CEO at Helium:

i’ll try and sum­ma­rize what PoC V11 does:

adds region­al sup­port for PoC — today the net­work treats all PoC activ­i­ty as if it’s oper­at­ing in the US. this is a prob­lem as dif­fer­ent regions run on dif­fer­ent radio fre­quen­cies and at dif­fer­ent pow­er lev­els (by law), so what is con­sid­ered valid or invalid varies sub­stan­tial­ly. V11 adds region­al aware­ness based on the assert­ed loca­tion of the Hotspot

removes SNR from the valid­i­ty checks — today both the sig­nal-to-noise ratio and free space path loss cal­cu­la­tion (FSPL) is used to deter­mine whether PoC pack­ets are valid or not. this was an attempt to make it more dif­fi­cult for gamers to lie about their loca­tion. it has­n’t worked well and is being removed. SNR proved to be fair­ly use­less as a mech­a­nism, so now only an FSPL cal­cu­la­tion is used to deter­mine whether Hotspots are where they say they are in rela­tion to each other

adds a region­al fre­quen­cy checkV11 intro­duces a check to make sure that PoC pack­ets are being sent at the cor­rect fre­quen­cy for the region the Hotspots are locat­ed in. for exam­ple if a Hotspot is trans­mit­ting pack­ets in the US fre­quen­cy bands but based in South Korea, those pack­ets would now be invalid

com­plies with local pow­er out­put reg­u­la­tions — dif­fer­ent regions have dif­fer­ent max­i­mum pow­er out­put laws for unli­censed radios. in the US, for exam­ple, the max EIRP is 36dBm. in the EU this is 16.5dBm. cur­rent­ly in PoC v10 the pow­er out­put is hard­cod­ed to 27dBm for the US and rest of the world, and 14dBm for the EU. V11 will reduce the pow­er out­put if the com­bi­na­tion of the max­i­mum out­put pow­er + anten­na gain exceeds the local laws — for exam­ple, a Hotspot oper­at­ing in the US with a 5.8dBi anten­na would have a total EIRP of the Hotspot pow­er out­put (27dBm) + the 5.8dBi anten­na = 32.8dBm total EIRP, which is below the 36dBm allowed. noth­ing would change in this case. if instead the anten­na was changed to a 10dBi anten­na bring­ing the total EIRP to 27dBm + 10dBi = 37dBm, the min­er soft­ware will reduce the pow­er out­put of the Hotspot by 1dBm so that the total is less than equal to the 36dBm allowed by law. in the EU a 5.8dBi anten­na would cause the Hotspot pow­er out­put to be reduced to 10.7dBm so that the total EIRP is 16.5dBm

PoC V11 does not have any­thing to do with the 10 wit­ness max­i­mum, or the wit­ness ran­dom­iza­tion changes that were added recent­ly. we’re hop­ing to acti­vate PoC V11 in ear­ly Octo­ber. it is cur­rent­ly not active.

But, but, but, it COSTS MONEY to state my anten­na gain! Relax, dawg. It costs 55,000 DC. That sounds like a lot. It’s not. 

1 DC = $. 00001. So, 55,000 x .00001 = $.55. You can afford that.

I know you want to get all worked up about PoCv11 and how it will change things. Relax, it’s not a big deal as long as you’re play­ing by the rules. It’s part of Heli­um’s efforts to improve the net­work. Col­or with­in the lines (report your loca­tion, anten­na gain, and ele­va­tion accu­rate­ly) and PoCv11 will only make things better.


64 responses to “What Does PoCv11 Mean For Me?”

  1. With­out sound­ing crit­i­cal, it’s impor­tant that peo­ple under­stand that the above relates a lot more to the US, in the UK where a good set up, LMR400 cable, roof mount­ed sev­er­al metres above your house with good line of sight will still see a RAK 5.8 reach 4–5 hex­es if you’re lucky due to the already reduced pow­er (I have 24 hotspots in a vari­ety of envi­ron­ments run­ning and have tried mul­ti­ple anten­na in mul­ti­ple loca­tions for weeks at a time so have a lit­tle expe­ri­ence) spend­ing mon­ey on a decent 8 DBI makes a huge dif­fer­ence in HNT earn­ings here, and there’s a strong feel­ing that those in the EU are get­ting hit hard for spend­ing hun­dreds on a good set up, whilst most US users aren’t both­ered so the “don’t wor­ry” com­ments are from those like­ly to be based in the US and there­fore unaf­fect­ed — an “I’m alright Jack” atti­tude and I’d sug­gest an empha­sis in the your writ­ing that it’s a US focus only.

    There’s also a lot of con­fu­sion on Dis­cord as to whether the reduc­tion in pow­er is only tem­porar­i­ly applied at the point of broad­cast­ing a bea­con and the full strength of the anten­na is still avail­able the rest of the time, or if its applied for both broad­cast and receive.

  2. Great points David, thanks for bring­ing ’em up! 

  3. Jonathan Pampers Avatar
    Jonathan Pampers

    Cor­rect me if I am wrong, but sure­ly those in the EU (or oth­er coun­tries with a low­er EIRP lev­el) can’t real­ly grum­ble about Heli­um low­er­ing pow­er out­puts so that they are with­in legal lev­els? If the long-term growth of the net­work is what peo­ple want, sure­ly hundreds/thousands of hotspots oper­at­ing over legal lev­els in a coun­try is a good way to go about get­ting it banned?

  4. Hi Jonathan

    While I agree its got to be legal, the main issue is com­mer­cial via­bil­i­ty- if no mat­ter what you did your hotspot could only reach 2 RES 8 hex­es, and required a good roof mount to get even that, would the cur­rent reward struc­ture jus­ti­fy its long term via­bil­i­ty and would that pro­vide effec­tive cov­er­age to build the net­work that is envi­sioned? If you’re look­ing at a Euro­pean pop­u­la­tion near­ly 2.5X that of the USA, then it’s vital for glob­al growth that it works effec­tive­ly here, and if it is reduced, then com­pen­sa­tion has to be increased per hotspot for peo­ple to con­tin­ue to invest in the box­es and grow the net­work — if after POC11 a US box with a 5.8 can reach 6 miles and a Euro­pean box with the same anten­na can reach only 2 after it’s pow­er is reduced (which is what you cur­rent­ly might see with a stan­dard 1.2 DBI here if very lucky) then assum­ing cir­cu­lar cov­er­age you’re look­ing at a mas­sive dif­fer­ence in cov­er­age per hotspot — 13 square miles vs 113 square miles and a mas­sive dif­fer­ence in rewards earned. For HNT to work and increase in val­ue over time you need to see con­tin­ued increased glob­al cov­er­age, peo­ple just won’t con­tin­ue to invest in box­es in Europe if it isn’t finan­cial­ly ben­e­fi­cial to the buy­er here, destroy­ing the HNT val­ue for US owners.

  5. Jonathan Pampers Avatar
    Jonathan Pampers

    I agree with you there David. From the south­east asian per­spec­tive, we have sim­i­lar EIRP lim­its to the EU, and whilst the eco­nom­ic dis­par­i­ty between SEA and the USA might still be enough incen­tive in the short term, there does need to be an effec­tive long-term incen­tive for peo­ple to estab­lish good coverage.

  6. @David, thx so much for your thoughts! You’re com­plete­ly right. Got my bob­cats on Sep­tem­ber 7th (2 months late) to Croa­t­ia (EU) and been strug­gling ever since to catch up. 8 bob­cats, extra tax­es, LMR-400, out­door rooftop setups, poe, split­ters, solar pan­el, LifeP04 bat­ter­ies etc. for one off-grid, >300 hours of work & trou­bleshoot­ing. Not too cheap, espe­cial­ly cuz 75% of the stuff I need­ed to order from out­side of Croatia… 

    If I count in the hours spent, well, the ROI is… lets just say under­whelm­ing. Aver­ag­ing 0.3 HNT per min­er with shift­ing to WUPU mind­set isn’t what I expect­ed but still push­ing through and strug­gling. At least for now (hon­est­ly).

    Or maybe I’m doing some­thing wrong but still haven’t fig­ured out what… For exam­ple, Slow Hot­pink Camel has >90 wit­ness­es. Dis­cov­ery >110. Not relayed, port open, ping-ok. rooftop, RAK anten­na, 2 feet LMR400 cable… Yet, in the last days it’s made 1.426 HNT TOTAL. Thats 0.2 aver­age a day. I mean seri­ous­ly wtf, some on first floors or indoors make that much. I just don’t think its fair because in com­par­i­son to oth­ers with (worse or same no. of wit­ness­es etc.) its way less. If only some­one can point me in the right direc­tion. @gristleking? 🙂

    Any­way, enjoy the rest of your days peo­ple and good luck to us on this endeavour.

  7. Does your gen­er­al rule of thumb to place your min­er loca­tion with­in 150m of its actu­al loca­tion still apply?

  8. Yep. The clos­er the bet­ter, but 150m will prob­a­bly con­tin­ue to be fine. I mean, we won’t know until after PoCv11 actu­al­ly hits, but I’m guess­ing it’ll be fine.

  9. Vapaaherra Avatar

    Hi Nik! Thanks for all the great con­tent regard­ing Heli­um min­ing! A ques­tion from a Euro­pean read­er con­cern­ing PoC v11: is 3 dbi & more pow­er from the hotspot equal to, say, 5.8 dbi & reduced pow­er from the hotspot in the EU, or is there going to be a ben­e­fit in the future to use a high­er gain anten­na in the EU? Is it still going to pro­vide longer range and/or dif­fer­ent shape of the radio “donut”?

  10. Vapaa­her­ra, as I under­stand it, all hotspots in a region will be trans­mit­ting at equal pow­er once PoCv11 goes into effect, as long as the hotspot own­ers accu­rate­ly enter their gain into the app. 

    Now, I’m sure that a bunch of peo­ple will either for­get to update or will try enter­ing var­i­ous oth­er num­bers out­side of what they’re doing in an attempt to con­nect with more local hotspots. 

    I’m not sure how that will work out, oth­er than accu­ra­cy with­in a dB or 2 is prob­a­bly close enough. That’s just a guess though. We’re all pret­ty darn curi­ous about how it’ll pan out. 

    Here in the US I’m just going to use a low gain anten­na (3 dBi), report it accu­rate­ly and see what happens.

  11. What is the impli­ca­tion for the UK then? If I have under­stood this cor­rect­ly — we are cur­rent­ly, even with stock anten­nas, broad­cast­ing over the legal lim­it. With PoC v11 we will see the over­all sig­nal strength reduced to be just under the 16.5dbmi that is allowed (as I under­stand it the changes will hard code atten­u­a­tion to delib­er­ate­ly NOT equal but just under­shoot the legal limits) 

    Will this mean we see reduced net­work cov­er­age due to sig­nal throt­tling? Will this result in a dif­fer­ent out­come / rebal­anc­ing of trans­mit scales in hex’s due to reduced sig­nal strength? 

    From the out­side it seems like a change that will bare­ly affect the US but will have quite big impli­ca­tions in the UKEU

  12. That appears to be an accu­rate assess­ment. I don’t think we’ll see a rebal­anc­ing of trans­mit scales, although that’s a very inter­est­ing idea to apply region­al­ly. Write a HIP up!

  13. I dont know how it is in the Europe and oth­er coun­tries but US cit­i­zens have a lot of pow­er and con­trol on our gov­ern­ments rules. Per­haps there is method to voice the anten­na pow­er lim­it so low?

  14. Thanks King for shar­ing your expe­ri­ence. When set­ting anten­na gain, should the dbi loss­es via anten­na cable length and con­nec­tions be fac­tored in for accuracy?

  15. Yep. Remem­ber, they’re try­ing to mea­sure what will be received, which will include your gain & loss from anten­na, cables, con­nec­tors. Pro­l­ly not a huge deal to be off by 1 dBm, so if you’re not engi­neer-accu­rate no big deal.

  16. […] Gris­tle King POCV11 review – https://gristleking.com/what-does-pocv11-mean-for-me/ Check the cur­rent sta­tus of the Heli­um network – […]

  17. Hey Nik,
    As of today (11/30/2021), with SNR being removed from the cal­cu­la­tion and leav­ing only RSSI, do you have the RSSI lim­its that would make a wit­ness event ‘invalid’ or ‘valid’. See the fol­low­ing link for the pre­vi­ous POcv10 SNR vs RSSI lim­its graph. Let me know if the link does­n’t work.

  18. I don’t think we’ve moved to PoCv11 yet Ethan, so the old chart is still in play.

  19. I have a 6dbi with 30′ feet of lmr400. I input it at 5.8 because I know there is some loss with 30′ of cable. Not sure if I did it right but I guess will see on Monday.

  20. Tech­ni­cal­ly that amount of cable loss will be 1.4 plus your con­nec­tors, so you’re clos­er to 4.6, maybe 4.5.

  21. Hey Nik, great post.

    Will pocV11 reg­u­late pow­er in both trans­mit and receive or just transmit?

    Are the pow­er lim­i­ta­tions only depen­dant on what anten­na gain you input in the app or can Heli­um detect your actu­al pow­er? If it is mere­ly depen­dant on what you input in the app, could you not in the­o­ry still use a 8 dBi and input 3 dBi in the app in an attempt to not get your pow­er limited?

    Thanks in advance!

  22. Hi Renas, PoCv11 eval­u­ates sig­nals on both sides, trans­mit and receive. If you put in an inac­cu­rate num­ber, the fur­ther that num­ber away is from real­i­ty, the more like­ly you’ll have an invalid wit­ness event. Remem­ber, pow­er DOUBLES every 3 dB. If you use an 8 dBi and input 3, your anten­na will both send­ing and receiv­ing an addi­tion­al 5 dB, which is almost quadru­ple (2 x 2) what it “should” be. 

    As long as you accu­rate­ly report your set­up, there’s no fur­ther action required. 

    As far as I know, there’s no way to detect if you’re accu­rate­ly report­ing or not oth­er than the sub­mit­ted reports. Heli­um can’t detect what your actu­al pow­er is, just what’s being report­ed by your miner.

  23. I am in UK. Fol­low­ing Niks advice I got HNten­na’s for my 2 hotspots and I reach hotspots 60km away. That is a lot more than 4 hex­es. I also get far bet­ter rewards than most around me and a notice­ably bet­ter at receiv­ing trans­mis­sions than many who appear to have high­er gain anten­na up high­er than mine and reach­ing 80 to 100kms on transmit.
    Just get an HNtenna !!

  24. Thanks for the report Stan, glad it’s work­ing well for ya!

  25. Hel­lo, Love your con­tent, thank you! Quick ques­tion… do we need to reset our loca­tion and pay the fee also or do we just resub­mit the Anten­na and dbi gain using the wal­let app?

  26. Should­n’t need to reassert your loca­tion (unless you actu­al­ly move your hotspot). Just make sure your gain is report­ed accu­rate­ly and you should be fine. 🙂

  27. What is the ben­e­fit of hav­ing a high­er gain anten­na in EU when the pow­er sig­nal is get­ting lim­it­ed so much?

    If I com­pare using a 8 dbi anten­na and the pow­er gets reduced to match the pow­er of a 3 dbi anten­na, would­n’t it always be bet­ter to use a 3 dbi anten­na in all cas­es since the pow­er sig­nal would be the same anyway? 

    Also, the 3 dbi anten­na would cov­er a big­ger beam path than the 8 dBi. So using a 8 dBi you would lose cov­er­age AND sig­nal strength with pocv11.

    Is this cor­rect or am i mis­un­der­stand­ing this?

    Thanks Nik.

  28. I think you’re accu­rate­ly assess­ing the sit­u­a­tion. I don’t see a ben­e­fit to a high­er gain anten­na in the EU (or almost any­where). There are excep­tions, for sure, but in gen­er­al a low gain anten­na up high & out­side will earn the most for any giv­en location.

  29. Rob Irwin Avatar
    Rob Irwin

    Thank you so much for all the advice you put out here and on Youtube Nik, my knowl­edge of heli­um min­ing has accel­er­at­ed so quick­ly since dis­cov­er­ing your site.
    Could you help me with a spe­cif­ic bit of advice regard­ing POCv11 and the UK/EU please?
    I have an indoor nebra cur­rent­ly with an 8dbi nebra anten­na, 6 meters of LMR-400 cable and a light­ning arrestor. Now that POCv11 has kicked in does this mean my Nebra is throt­tling the out­put to a full 4.1dbi and tak­ing into account the loss for the cable and arrestor or would the anten­na now be some­thing like 3dbi due to cable and fit­ting losses?
    Sec­ond­ly, does this throt­tling effec­tive­ly change the sig­nal pat­tern of the 8dbi anten­na to look more like a 3dbi anten­na or would it stay nar­row and long, just weak­er? I’d like to know if its worth the effort to change to a 5.8dbi or even low­er dbi anten­na. I’m in a remote loca­tion you see and there aren’t many oth­er hotspots around which is why I have been using the 8dbi.

  30. Hi Rob, the Nebra won’t throt­tle any­thing, but Heli­um will depend­ing on what you enter into the app. Take the anten­na gain, sub­tract the cable/connector loss, and enter that into the app.

    Cable loss won’t change the pat­tern, it’ll just weak­en the sig­nal through­out that pattern.

  31. Hi Nik. You said it’s not a big deal as long as I’m play­ing by the rules… but in my case it’s a huge deal. PoCv11 did the oppo­site for me (get­ting 20 invalids that I did­n’t have before) and earn­ings down “clipped” by 60% (round vanil­la drag­on­fly). Every­thing assert­ed cor­rect­ly, 3dbi McGill anten­na gain — 3m(10ft) LMR-400 Times Microwave cable (0,384 loss) — Times Microwave arrestor (0,2 loss) — 0,1 for con­nec­tors = 2,316 dbi assert­ed. High up over­look­ing the city. Was mak­ing 0.7 HNT before PoCv11, now down to 0.25. Any sug­ges­tions what to do, please…? (EU locat­ed, Bob­cat 2GB, RUT240)

  32. Hi Mario, inter­est­ing that you’re doing every­thing “right” and your earn­ings went down. My *guess* is that your invalids are com­ing from near­by hotspots who haven’t updat­ed their anten­na gain, which will change the report­ed val­ues into the invol­id zone. That’s just my guess. It’s an off grid?

  33. Noth­ing actu­al­ly changed since POCV11, my hotspot is 150m away from the real loca­tion and my antenne dbi is 5 instead of 4. So POCV11 isn’t a big deal.…

  34. 100%, thank you Stefan!

  35. Hi every­one 🙂 one ques­tion. Where did 16,5 dbm came from when in Europe MAX EIPR = 25mw and this is 14 dbm. In that case we can­not use any anten­na or I miss­ing someting?

  36. Hi Nik!
    I under­stand, that PoCv11 reduces the pow­er of the trans­mit­ted sig­nal. But what does mean ” PoCv11 eval­u­ates sig­nals on both sides, trans­mit and receive” for the receiv­ing side? Is the receiv­ing (the wit­ness­ing) min­er apply­ing its anten­na gain math­e­mat­i­cal­ly to the phys­i­cal­ly mea­sured RSSI?

    Best Regards!

  37. The final “num­ber” used to assess anten­na sig­nal strength takes into account both the gain on the tx side and the sen­si­tiv­i­ty (gain) on the rx side.

  38. Matthew Yim Avatar
    Matthew Yim

    I bought the RAK 8dbi anten­na from them direct and it comes with a 3ft cable but they don’t spec­i­fy the type of cable it is. I recent­ly just switched from a 5.8 dbi and I noticed my earn­ings decreased by about half, that is after a day of increas­ing by 15%. What should I put in for the anten­na gain in my set­tings? Last­ly, I’m in the sub­urbs (ASHBURN, Va, USA) and my min­er is 9 meters up on the sec­ond floor win­dow with a decent view out­side. Do you think 5.8dbi would be bet­ter? Regard­less both anten­nas came with cables that were no spec­i­fied so I don’t know what to put for the gain?!? What’s a ball­park I should put because I have just been putting the anten­na gain.

  39. A day isn’t long enough to make a good deci­sion. You’re fine to just put 5.8 in the app, though if you want, you can account for cable loss. I don’t think it’ll make a huge difference.

  40. Matthew Yim Avatar
    Matthew Yim

    Thanks nick but from what I have spec­i­fied do you think 5.8dbi or 8dbi is better?

  41. Matthew Yim Avatar
    Matthew Yim

    Also when I com­pare the same hotspot that I wit­ness, I am try­ing to com­pare the RSSI and SNR val­ues. Is a bet­ter sig­nal a low­er neg­a­tive num­ber for RSSI and a high­er more pos­i­tive num­ber for SNR?

  42. Best to test it, but for now, read this.

  43. Matthew Yim Avatar
    Matthew Yim

    Will do thanks! But could you address my final question?

    I have been com­par­ing the wit­ness trans­ac­tions between the same bea­con­er (5.8dbi anten­na vs 8dbi anten­na). I noticed that while the RSSI val­ues are LESS NEGATIVE for the 8dbi, for the most part, and the SNR is MORE NEGATIVE (these are in com­par­i­son to the 5.8dbi). Does a LESS NEGATIVE RSSI such as ‑101 vs ‑103 mean a stronger signal? 

    Also, in terms of SNR, is a MORE NEGATIVE SNR bet­ter, such as ‑5 vs 5? 

    Thank you!

  44. Yes, ‑101 is stronger than ‑103. Total­ly worth read­ing this arti­cle on RSSI & SNR as it relates to Helium.

  45. […] Gris­tle King POCV11 review – https://gristleking.com/what-does-pocv11-mean-for-me/ Check the cur­rent sta­tus of the Heli­um network – […]

  46. Mark Hallworth Avatar
    Mark Hallworth

    Hel­lo Nik, thanks for the great posts as usu­al always very infor­ma­tive, not sure if you remem­ber me i was get­ting the RAK 5.8dbi anten­na on a 10ft pole, its been doing real­ly well, just to let every­one know it wit­nessed a bea­con 189km away which is approx 116miles i was gob­s­macked, so pocv11 does­nt seem to reduce or lim­it the receiv­ing side of the anten­na, ive also sent a bea­con myself 109km so pret­ty good stats, it can also wit­ness local hotspots to me, this is on 9metres of lmr400 mcgill microwave cable, i havent added the loss yet but i will be doing, i do have a ques­tion, would i ben­e­fit from try­ing an 8dbi, as some hotspots im wit­ness­ing are also being wit­nessed in red areas which affets rewards, so was look­ing to go even far­ther away to green areas so they are less prone to send a bea­con to those red ones.

  47. Right on! No need to go to an 8 dBi, you typ­i­cal­ly won’t see a huge dif­fer­ence in range when you go up in dBi with LoRa. High­er gain is used more to punch through known obsta­cles. PoCv11 won’t effect your gain at all on the receiv­ing side (as far as I know), it’ll just take it into account. It will, how­ev­er, dial you back on the tx side if you’re over the legal limit.

  48. Hi.. from the UK here and i have been putting 3.5 for my 4db anten­na with 5mtr LMR400 cable… is that cor­rect or should i just leave at 4? 

    Read­ing up through the thread it seems to sug­gest that heli­um will throt­tle the pow­er and rx depen­dant on what is sees set, is this the cor­rect assumption?

  49. Hi Ter­ry, Heli­um will only throt­tle pow­er if your gain takes you over the legal limit.

  50. I know some­one asked above, but sure­ly peo­ple arent going to update their anten­na (EU) UNLESS they get invalid warn­ings. Its not a guar­an­tee leav­ing a low­er dbi in the app and using a high­er dbi anten­na will result in this, until tried. So sure­ly peo­ple are going to try to keep a high­er trans­mit power

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