Author: Nik

  • Gristle Crüe Weekly Call, 4/5/22 — Taxes

    Gristle Crüe Weekly Call, 4/5/22 — Taxes

    Greg G took us through the tax impli­ca­tions of run­ning a Heli­um Hotspot, and it was enlight­en­ing! Oth­er mem­bers jumped in to guide the con­vo, this was a ultra infor­ma­tive per­spec­tive on the rapid­ly evolv­ing world of earn­ing HNT (and cryp­to in gen­er­al). The one word wrap up? Chickens. ** None of this is Tax…

  • Getting Healthy With Helium — Community Starts here



    Are you look­ing for a cool com­mu­ni­ty project to con­tribute to that blends Heli­um with Health? I’m start­ing one right here, right now. The idea is to build a Healthy Heli­um com­mu­ni­ty where we share plans to DIY devices that mon­i­tor health. I’m think­ing the fol­low­ing:-weight-heart rate-activ­i­ty track­er (maybe just a pedome­ter)-blood sug­ar (CGM for you…

  • Gristle Crüe Weekly Call, 3-29-2022

    Gristle Crüe Weekly Call, 3-29-2022

    Dove deep into the world of DeWi Grants with the Head of the Grant pro­gram, Claris­sa Red­wine. Great chance for us to learn about what the (now) Heli­um Foun­da­tion is doing to sup­port the growth of the Net­work, and how we might help out with it. Notes & Time Hacks 0:00:00 — IntroGris­tle Crue is brain­storm­ing an…

  • Helium Analytics: Data, Truth, and the Results

    Helium Analytics: Data, Truth, and the Results

    Heli­um is a com­plex sys­tem. If you don’t under­stand it, that com­plex­i­ty can be REALLY frustrating.  There are radio fre­quen­cy con­cepts, Hotspot den­si­ty rules, dif­fer­ent anten­nas, cables, split­ters, and a con­stant­ly chang­ing Net­work. Those all com­bine to make an extra­or­di­nar­i­ly com­plex sys­tem. In any com­plex sys­tem, the big oppor­tu­ni­ty is to look for big pat­terns…

  • Gristle Crüe Weekly Call, 3-22-2022

    Gristle Crüe Weekly Call, 3-22-2022

    Deep dive into 5G with Jere­my Rollinson from PirateDAO. We also talked about PirateDAO in this one, and at the end dis­cussed pur­su­ing a DeWi grant as a team. Excit­ing convo! 0:01:27 — How is 5G dif­fer­ent from Heli­um?The Amount of Data. 5G will use lots of data. Heli­um is low data IoT.Heli­um will pro­vide mobile…

  • Why Do You Need The Helium Wallet App?

    Why Do You Need The Helium Wallet App?



    The recent­ly-opened-for-beta-testers Heli­um Wal­let app is not the Heli­um app; that’s the first con­fus­ing thing. The Wal­let app is all about keep­ing con­trol of your 12 words in YOUR hands, and no one else’s. Out­side of the Heli­um Wal­let app, you should NEVER give your 12 (or 24) words to any­one. Per.i.od. In the world…

  • Gristle Crüe Weekly Call 3–15-22

    Gristle Crüe Weekly Call 3–15-22

    We cov­er using anten­nas in trees, get­ting grants from DeWi to build Heli­um usage, using the new Heli­um Wal­let, and more. Join us next time! 0:00:00 — Anten­nas in TreesUsing a high­er dBi (6–9) to punch through the trees 0:03:27 — How do you build out a new area?Use Hotspot­ty to check local ele­va­tion changes, cross­check that…

  • Gristle Crüe Weekly Call, 3–9‑22

    Gristle Crüe Weekly Call, 3–9‑22

    Atten­dance is grow­ing, good to see new and vet­er­an faces! Great dis­cus­sion and Q&A about all things Heli­um, includ­ing which plat­forms to use for what, a new app option with dis­count code for G‑Crüe mem­bers, and a new Ana­lyt­ics option. Here we go! 00:00 — Intro 03:02 — Hotspotty Get Region­al Aware­nessSet­ting Commissions 8:18 — Heli­um­Track­er —…

  • The Essential Tools You Need For Excellent Helium Deployments

    The Essential Tools You Need For Excellent Helium Deployments



    What tools will you need to install Heli­um Hotspots? After putting up Hotspots on hous­es, build­ings, moun­tains, and poles, and spend­ing more mon­ey than I’d like to admit on all kinds of tools, I thought I’d put togeth­er a list for you to find all of ’em in one place. No mat­ter how basic or…

  • Gristle Crüe Weekly Call 3–2‑22

    Gristle Crüe Weekly Call 3–2‑22

    Mar­vel (my dog) tries to steal the show with his squeaky toy. Russ drops some pen­ny-saver tips and resources, BFGNeil walks us through updates and some pret­ty cool impli­ca­tions of Light Hotspots. Still wran­gling all this in, appre­ci­ate all the sug­ges­tions for improve­ment, thank you for help­ing make this awesome! Time hacks 3:22 intro 4:35…