Author: Nik

  • Find Out Why Helium Hasn’t Stopped Those Rotten Cheaters!

    Find Out Why Helium Hasn’t Stopped Those Rotten Cheaters!



    Let’s go through sev­en aspects of why stop­ping cheat­ing, also known as gam­ing, on the Heli­um Net­work is so damn dif­fi­cult. I know, I know, you just want an answer or *some­one* to do *some­thing*. First, and let me be very clear: A group of tal­ent­ed peo­ple, both vol­un­teer and paid, are work­ing on com­bat­ting…

  • Gristle Crüe Call — Free Form

    Gristle Crüe Call — Free Form

    This week’s call had no agen­da; it’s nice to do these free flow­ing calls every so often. As a group we decid­ed to exper­i­ment a bit with the for­mat and move to pre-record­ed con­tent one week vs a guest or free form the next. Next week it looks like we may get a demo on…

  • Gristle Crüe Call — Russ in the Hotseat

    Gristle Crüe Call — Russ in the Hotseat



    We’re exper­i­ment­ing with a new option for Gris­tle Crüe mem­bers, which is the idea of a Hot­seat ses­sion. In these ses­sions a mem­ber presents their busi­ness idea and back­ground, then the rest of the Crüe will weigh in with ideas, obser­va­tions, and gen­er­al sup­port. Russ vol­un­teered to go first, was inter­est­ing to think through his…

  • GKIIN Vol 1 Issue 3

    GKIIN Vol 1 Issue 3



    The Gris­tle King Indus­try Insid­er Newslet­ter is a week­ly pub­li­ca­tion gath­er­ing all the intel and obser­va­tions we col­lect as crit­i­cal nodes in the blockchain + meatspace. -GEOD­net is look­ing for third par­ty man­u­fac­tur­ers for their min­ers.  They are aim­ing to grow to 100k min­ers world wide.  They can cur­rent­ly run on a Pi4, which is…

  • Gristle Crüe Call — Bill Clee @

    Gristle Crüe Call — Bill Clee @

    This was the call I’ve been wait­ing for since fig­ur­ing out the poten­tial of Heli­um and the wave of IoT-enabled deci­sions and busi­ness­es that are com­ing. Bil­l’s pre­sen­ta­tion on where he came from, the state of tech, and where it’s going was fas­ci­nat­ing and inspir­ing. Super stoked to share this with the Crüe! Bill Clee at…

  • GKIIN Vol 1 Issue 2

    GKIIN Vol 1 Issue 2



    Crit­i­cal news for indus­try pro­fes­sion­als and investors in the space. This is sec­tioned into News, Oppor­tu­ni­ties, Issues, and Unknowns. NEWS HELIUM MCC Video — Due to Light Hotspot sched­ul­ing, the MCC has paused hard­ware audits for the month of Octo­ber. I’d think of this as a “stan­dard delay”. MCC — Video 19:46 All 5G gate­ways will…

  • Helium In The Wild — Start Your Engines!

    Helium In The Wild — Start Your Engines!



    Ready to push hard into IoT out­side of the US? Meet Heli­um In the Wild! Start­ing in Novem­ber with Solana Break­point in Lis­bon, Por­tu­gal, I’ll be head­ing out to see how Heli­um is being used in the wild. I’ll be look­ing for and shar­ing lessons, inspi­ra­tions, and inter­views with real peo­ple who are get­ting up…

  • Gristle Crüe Call — Álvaro @ Borderless

    Gristle Crüe Call — Álvaro @ Borderless



    The Crüe got a 1 hour primer on how a VC econ­o­mist in the cryp­to space views the world. Álvaro Gra­cia from Bor­der­less Cap­i­tal walked us through a deck that laid out the pro­gres­sion of web2 to web3 and why that’s hap­pen­ing. We zoomed way out to glob­al macro­eco­nom­ics, talked about Bit­coin, sil­ver, and gold,…

  • Opportunities in the Ice Age of IoT

    Opportunities in the Ice Age of IoT



    Heli­um ain’t the only LoRaWAN net­work out there, and it’s cer­tain­ly not the one that’s been around longest. Thomas over at Tingkart recent­ly sent me this excel­lent video from the The Things Net­work YT chan­nel called “The Sil­ver Bul­let to IoT Success”.  Spoil­er alert: The “Sil­ver Bul­let” involves hard work.  If you don’t have 20 min­utes…

  • The Race to Usage Domination — The Gun Has Gone Off!

    The Race to Usage Domination — The Gun Has Gone Off!

    “Inno­vate, be relent­less, and make the net­work usage grow” says Robert Putt, an ear­ly Heli­um adopter and LoRaWAN expert. Rob wrote one of the most use­ful arti­cles on get­ting your Hotspot off relay (back when that was an issue) and has spent years in the LoRaWAN space. He’s now work­ing with the well known BFGNeil…