Author: Nik

  • Gristle Crüe — WeatherXM with Manos

    Gristle Crüe — WeatherXM with Manos

    It’s always excit­ing to talk with the founder of a blockchain + meat­space project, and this dis­cus­sion with Manos at Weath­erXM was no excep­tion. As nor­mal­ly hap­pens, I went in with one under­stand­ing and left with anoth­er. Deep­en­ing our under­stand­ing of these worlds is crit­i­cal to mak­ing good deci­sions. Ya can’t make a good call…

  • What Is The State Of Play In The World of DeWi?

    Heli­um is the project that start­ed it all, but the DeWi space is rapid­ly grow­ing. With that growth come ques­tions, mys­ter­ies, and oppor­tu­ni­ties. New play­ers, both known and unknown, are enter­ing the mix. As the idea of 5G starts to real­ly get legs, one ques­tion you should con­stant­ly be ask­ing your­self is, “What is the…

  • Gristle Crüe Pollen Brief — What is Pollen?

    Gristle Crüe Pollen Brief — What is Pollen?

    We spent almost the entire hour cov­er­ing the Pollen project, which is very sim­i­lar to the Heli­um 5G play, using a DeWi mod­el for CBRS radio. Pollen is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent, though for peo­ple who’ve par­tic­i­pat­ed in Heli­um the learn­ing curve is fair­ly easy. Here’s the pre­sen­ta­tion, which’ll walk you through the essen­tial ele­ments of…

  • Unlock Helium 5G: My Rooftop Installation

    Unlock Helium 5G: My Rooftop Installation


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    How hard is it to deploy a Heli­um 5G min­er? There are at least three aspects to this: Phys­i­cal, Legal, and Risk/Reward. Let’s start with the eas­i­est one, which is the phys­i­cal installation. As it turns out, a Heli­um 5G min­er is not that dif­fer­ent than a LoRa min­er to phys­i­cal­ly install. Just like a…

  • Is Helium 5G Safe To Deploy?

    Is Helium 5G Safe To Deploy?


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    As we all begin the next mad rush to deploy Heli­um 5G min­ers, one of the ques­tions I hear asked is, “Is 5G safe?”  Let’s start with defin­ing what 5G means; it’s NOT 5 giga­hertz. In this case, 5G refers to the Fifth Gen­er­a­tion of mobile net­works. 5G is a set of rules deter­min­ing who can…

  • Gristle Crüe Community Call — Health Effects of Helium 5G

    We got a full data dump from Dr. Sub­ham Des­gup­ta today on the research he’s done on the health effects of CBRS on bio­log­i­cal organ­isms. Was rad to not only get the take­away, but also to under­stand what is known vs not known, and what is like­ly vs unlike­ly. Very cool to see some cut­ting…

  • Gristle Crüe Community Call — 5G Questions, Sensor Building

    Gristle Crüe Community Call — 5G Questions, Sensor Building

    We got to catch up a bit this week on deploy­ment ques­tions on 5G. The Crüe shared news on how we’re think­ing about deploy­ing 5G units, what the risks & rewards might be, and a few nuances like map­pers & PoC. We also talked about a com­mu­ni­ty build project of Joey’s Air Qual­i­ty mon­i­tor, which…

  • Weather XM — An Easy Way to Stack Your Pole

    Weather XM — An Easy Way to Stack Your Pole

    With the rise of Heli­um, many of us were intro­duced to the new con­cept of com­bin­ing a blockchain appli­ca­tion with actu­al phys­i­cal real world usage and tok­eniz­ing the incen­tives. I call that com­bo blockchain + meat­space, and Heli­um is just the beginning.  As most of us who got seri­ous about Heli­um quick­ly real­ized, the name…

  • Gristle Crüe Community Call — Max on HIPs 51–53

    Gristle Crüe Community Call — Max on HIPs 51–53

    Max from PPL has got­ten deep into the changes that HIP 51–53 will bring, and came on the GC call this week to walk us through what they mean, how to under­stand them, and what the impli­ca­tions are for buy­ing, onboard­ing, and run­ning both LoRa and 5G Hotspots in the com­ing months. Very cool! Max from…

  • Gristle Crüe Community Call — Sensors, Antenna Analysis, and some BIG ideas!

    Gristle Crüe Community Call — Sensors, Antenna Analysis, and some BIG ideas!

    Local EE & exper­i­men­tal sci­en­tist Dirk Beer came on the Crüe call to talk about some of the sen­sor work he’s done and a very cool lit­tle anten­na analy­sis tool he built. Jame­son Buffmire filled in the sec­ond half with some real­ly inter­est­ing ideas on where Heli­um might go as well as the chal­lenges &…