The DePIN Library

  • An Off Grid Water Monitoring System

    An Off Grid Water Monitoring System

    I got into Heli­um to deploy and use a LoRa Wide Area Net­work (you can read about that here). Along with every­one else, I then got caught up in the wild gold rush of ’20-’21, deploy­ing hotspots and earn­ing HNT, help­ing clients do the same, and occa­sion­al­ly just look­ing around and won­der­ing at the mad­ness…

  • What Is The State Of Play In The World of DeWi?

    Heli­um is the project that start­ed it all, but the DeWi space is rapid­ly grow­ing. With that growth come ques­tions, mys­ter­ies, and oppor­tu­ni­ties. New play­ers, both known and unknown, are enter­ing the mix. As the idea of 5G starts to real­ly get legs, one ques­tion you should con­stant­ly be ask­ing your­self is, “What is the…

  • Unlock Helium 5G: My Rooftop Installation

    Unlock Helium 5G: My Rooftop Installation


    in ,

    How hard is it to deploy a Heli­um 5G min­er? There are at least three aspects to this: Phys­i­cal, Legal, and Risk/Reward. Let’s start with the eas­i­est one, which is the phys­i­cal installation. As it turns out, a Heli­um 5G min­er is not that dif­fer­ent than a LoRa min­er to phys­i­cal­ly install. Just like a…

  • Is Helium 5G Safe To Deploy?

    Is Helium 5G Safe To Deploy?


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    As we all begin the next mad rush to deploy Heli­um 5G min­ers, one of the ques­tions I hear asked is, “Is 5G safe?”  Let’s start with defin­ing what 5G means; it’s NOT 5 giga­hertz. In this case, 5G refers to the Fifth Gen­er­a­tion of mobile net­works. 5G is a set of rules deter­min­ing who can…

  • Weather XM — An Easy Way to Stack Your Pole

    Weather XM — An Easy Way to Stack Your Pole

    With the rise of Heli­um, many of us were intro­duced to the new con­cept of com­bin­ing a blockchain appli­ca­tion with actu­al phys­i­cal real world usage and tok­eniz­ing the incen­tives. I call that com­bo blockchain + meat­space, and Heli­um is just the beginning.  As most of us who got seri­ous about Heli­um quick­ly real­ized, the name…

  • How Do You Assess A Blockchain + Meatspace Project?

    How do you know if a new blockchain + meat­space (B+M) project (like Heli­um, or GEOD­Net, or Plan­et­watch) is like­ly to suc­ceed? What are the key indi­ca­tors of suc­cess or failure?  Since join­ing the Heli­um Net­work when the Hotspot count was around 7k, I’ve got­ten to see what it’s like to be part of a…

  • The Transition to Light Hotspots — What Happened?



    TL;DR Despite a mas­sive change to the Net­work, at a macro lev­el we’re more or less where we were (up 3%) with the num­ber of Hotspots get­ting reward­ed for bea­con­ing, and down 4% for num­ber of Hotspots get­ting reward­ed for wit­ness­ing. The rewards them­selves are low­er, but that’s always the long term trend of any…

  • An (Early) Rough Guide to Setting Up GEODNET



    The Heli­um Net­work demon­strat­ed just how pow­er­ful tok­enized radio cov­er­age could be, and a host of oth­er com­pa­nies are rolling out wire­less net­works, from WiFi to satel­lite to cell, using token incen­tives. GEODNET is one of those companies. GEODNET allows you to set up a Hyfix Base Sta­tion in order to improve GPS accu­ra­cy. Most…

  • Advice: You’re On The Moon, You Just Don’t Know It.

    Advice: You’re On The Moon, You Just Don’t Know It.



    Dur­ing this tran­si­tion to Light Hotspots, which has been pre­dictably uncer­tain, it hit me that many, if not most of the peo­ple who have been buy­ing Heli­um Hotspots and deploy­ing them don’t have a strong under­stand­ing of the system. It’s as if you’re on the moon and you’re con­stant­ly won­der­ing why there’s no air, or…

  • How To Get Remote Access to Your Hotspot

    How To Get Remote Access to Your Hotspot



    How do you man­age your Hotspot if it’s at some­one else’s loca­tion? Whether there’s a for­mal “Host Agree­ment” or it’s your Aunt Sal­ly, hav­ing the abil­i­ty to remote in to your Hotspot’s dash­board and do any­thing from a quick check on the lat­est trans­ac­tions all the way to a reset or reboot, it’s nice to…