Category: Helium
Gristle Crüe Call — Holiday Half
We knocked out a half session today due to the holiday week. Mostly this is catch up and then brainstorming a few business ideas, including the Hardshare option I’ll explore in 2023. Notes 10:01:14 From Lee (Team Gristle King) : Hello everybody, happy holidays. <310:03:27 From 619OTA : ya my weatherxm will say 50mph when its…
Using Helium To Automate Your Home
This is a project taking you through the basics of how to use the Helium LoRaWAN for projects around the home. Relax, we won’t be automating your entire house and accidentally unleashing Terminator. This is just a very simple start into using Helium. At the end, if you follow all the directions, you’ll have a…
After Action Report — Helium In The Wild
From Nov 4th through 17th of 2022, Gristle King Inc conducted the Helium In The Wild tour on behalf of the Helium Foundation. This idea was conceived, developed, and supported by Nik Hawks, Joey Hiller and Scott Sigel to help get boots on the ground off US soil and demonstrate the Helium Foundation’s commitment to…
Reports from the Field — Helium In The Wild, Hackathon Train
“The job right now isn’t to make IoT easy. It’s to make it work”. As I look across the Helium ecosystem in early December of 2022, I’m starting to see the emergence of working businesses built on Helium. Baxus may be the most recent example; a company tracking all the conditions of items as they move…
Reports From The Field: Helium In The Wild — Lisbon
On Nov 2nd, my bride Lee & I set off to 4 cities in Europe to conduct a Helium Foundation project called “Helium In The Wild” with three goals. First, to see how Helium was being used in the wild. Obviously sensor usage isn’t huge yet, and lots of b.s. has been thrown around the interwebz…
Crypto & IoT Black Friday Deals — 2022
Gathering together blockchain + meatspace as well as other relevant deals here. In some cases the links are affiliate links, so I’ll earn a small commission if you use ’em. That seems fair to me, but you can always just Google the project and “Black Friday” and find ’em yourself as well. If you know…
Gristle Crüe Call — Mike demos the K1100, HITW so far
Mike gave a fantastic demo of how he used the K1100 kit to build out a prototype sensor for a vineyard on the Helium network. We encouraged him to present the same thing on Helium Hacks with Travis. 19:02:19 From Travis Teague : good collection of curated links that Fish put together here: From…
Gristle Crüe Call — Shopify App, GIANT Protocol, Free WiFi
Threw an audible on this one after our schedule guest called in sick and ended up with a rad call. The video format is a square (unusual) because I shared Kevin’s flyer, which threw off the whole ratio. You may see a little whitespace directly below this because of that; scroll ’til ya see the green…
What Can You Do On Solana? A Guide For The Helium Community
We’re switching over to Solana as our Layer 1 (L1 for the cool kids). What does that mean for you, a Hotspot owner? Let’s start with the important stuff: On a day to day basis, about the only difference you’ll see once we switch over to Solana is that the whole system will run faster.…
Find Out Why Helium Hasn’t Stopped Those Rotten Cheaters!
Let’s go through seven aspects of why stopping cheating, also known as gaming, on the Helium Network is so damn difficult. I know, I know, you just want an answer or *someone* to do *something*. First, and let me be very clear: A group of talented people, both volunteer and paid, are working on combatting…