Category: Helium

  • Gristle Crüe Call — Álvaro @ Borderless

    Gristle Crüe Call — Álvaro @ Borderless



    The Crüe got a 1 hour primer on how a VC econ­o­mist in the cryp­to space views the world. Álvaro Gra­cia from Bor­der­less Cap­i­tal walked us through a deck that laid out the pro­gres­sion of web2 to web3 and why that’s hap­pen­ing. We zoomed way out to glob­al macro­eco­nom­ics, talked about Bit­coin, sil­ver, and gold,…

  • Opportunities in the Ice Age of IoT

    Opportunities in the Ice Age of IoT



    Heli­um ain’t the only LoRaWAN net­work out there, and it’s cer­tain­ly not the one that’s been around longest. Thomas over at Tingkart recent­ly sent me this excel­lent video from the The Things Net­work YT chan­nel called “The Sil­ver Bul­let to IoT Success”.  Spoil­er alert: The “Sil­ver Bul­let” involves hard work.  If you don’t have 20 min­utes…

  • The Race to Usage Domination — The Gun Has Gone Off!

    The Race to Usage Domination — The Gun Has Gone Off!

    “Inno­vate, be relent­less, and make the net­work usage grow” says Robert Putt, an ear­ly Heli­um adopter and LoRaWAN expert. Rob wrote one of the most use­ful arti­cles on get­ting your Hotspot off relay (back when that was an issue) and has spent years in the LoRaWAN space. He’s now work­ing with the well known BFGNeil…

  • The Gristle King Industry Insider Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 1.

    The Gristle King Industry Insider Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 1.



    This is the inau­gur­al issue of the GKIIN (Gris­tle King Indus­try Insid­er Newslet­ter), which is writ­ten and researched by myself, Nik Hawks, and my good friend Max Gold, own­er over at PPL Anten­na and one of the most dogged inves­ti­ga­tors into these projects you’ll find. We’ll be writ­ing and releas­ing these on a week­ly basis.…

  • The Explosion of Blockchain + Meatspace

    The Explosion of Blockchain + Meatspace



    At the recent TIPIN Sum­mit put on by Lat­tice Cap­i­tal, it became appar­ent that blockchain + meat­space projects are about to hit the main­stream of the cryptogalaxy. With pan­els fea­tur­ing every­one from Heli­um, the largest and most suc­cess­ful play­er in the space, to Anode Labs announc­ing the launch of the React Net­work (tok­eniz­ing Vir­tu­al Pow­er…

  • Helium HIP 70 Explained In Pictures

    Helium HIP 70 Explained In Pictures

    HIP 70 is sim­ple. We (the Heli­um Com­mu­ni­ty) are mov­ing from doing every­thing our­selves to farm­ing out a few things to experts. Here’s what it looks like. Let’s start with the cur­rent sys­tem. Every action on one blockchain that tries to do every­thing and is get­ting bogged down: Yes, I know Val­ida­tors aren’t in that graph­ic.…

  • An Off Grid Water Monitoring System

    An Off Grid Water Monitoring System

    I got into Heli­um to deploy and use a LoRa Wide Area Net­work (you can read about that here). Along with every­one else, I then got caught up in the wild gold rush of ’20-’21, deploy­ing hotspots and earn­ing HNT, help­ing clients do the same, and occa­sion­al­ly just look­ing around and won­der­ing at the mad­ness…

  • Gristle Crüe — WeatherXM with Manos

    Gristle Crüe — WeatherXM with Manos

    It’s always excit­ing to talk with the founder of a blockchain + meat­space project, and this dis­cus­sion with Manos at Weath­erXM was no excep­tion. As nor­mal­ly hap­pens, I went in with one under­stand­ing and left with anoth­er. Deep­en­ing our under­stand­ing of these worlds is crit­i­cal to mak­ing good deci­sions. Ya can’t make a good call…

  • What Is The State Of Play In The World of DeWi?

    Heli­um is the project that start­ed it all, but the DeWi space is rapid­ly grow­ing. With that growth come ques­tions, mys­ter­ies, and oppor­tu­ni­ties. New play­ers, both known and unknown, are enter­ing the mix. As the idea of 5G starts to real­ly get legs, one ques­tion you should con­stant­ly be ask­ing your­self is, “What is the…

  • Unlock Helium 5G: My Rooftop Installation

    Unlock Helium 5G: My Rooftop Installation


    in ,

    How hard is it to deploy a Heli­um 5G min­er? There are at least three aspects to this: Phys­i­cal, Legal, and Risk/Reward. Let’s start with the eas­i­est one, which is the phys­i­cal installation. As it turns out, a Heli­um 5G min­er is not that dif­fer­ent than a LoRa min­er to phys­i­cal­ly install. Just like a…