Search results for: "best antenna"

  • What’s The Best Antenna For Your Helium Hotspot?



    Here is a step by step method for under­stand­ing how to choose the best anten­na for your hotspot place­ment. Each place­ment demands a well matched anten­na in order to pro­vide val­ue to the Heli­um Net­work and con­se­quent­ly earn the most HNT pos­si­ble for that loca­tion. Do NOT, by the way, try to get the giant…

  • Testing Your Helium Antenna & Placement With A GLAMOS



    Do you have the best anten­na for your loca­tion? What kind of cov­er­age is your Heli­um Hotspot pro­vid­ing? Is the loca­tion you’ve iden­ti­fied as good on Helium.Vision actu­al­ly that good? The way to answer these ques­tions defin­i­tive­ly is to test your set­up. No amount of sim­u­la­tion, pre­dic­tion, or just think­ing (or even hop­ing) will replace the…

  • How Do You Find The Best Site For Your Hotspot?

    Well, the race is offi­cial­ly on. With at least two unof­fi­cial halv­ings com­ing in the near future, it’s pret­ty darn impor­tant right now to: A) Get your Heli­um hotspot up and earn­ing and  B) Secure the best spot you pos­si­bly can. In the case below, this hotspot is on pri­vate prop­er­ty with an incred­i­ble view of both my…

  • What Should You Look For In A Helium Antenna?



    “Will this anten­na work?” I get that ques­tion a lot, usu­al­ly about some anten­na that was dis­cov­ered after hours of search­ing and sift­ing through Google results. Anten­nas are one of the most con­fus­ing parts of Heli­um, most­ly because RF is fair­ly com­pli­cat­ed and the aver­age hotspot own­er has as much expe­ri­ence with anten­na design and…

  • How To Read An Antenna Chart



    Heli­um is a gate­way into the world of RF, or radio fre­quen­cy. While the eas­i­est thing to do when you get your hotspot is just plug it in and set it in a win­dow, most of the time you’ll earn far more if you opti­mize a bit. Most of those opti­miza­tions are focused on improv­ing…

  • An (Early) Rough Guide to Setting Up GEODNET



    The Heli­um Net­work demon­strat­ed just how pow­er­ful tok­enized radio cov­er­age could be, and a host of oth­er com­pa­nies are rolling out wire­less net­works, from WiFi to satel­lite to cell, using token incen­tives. GEODNET is one of those companies. GEODNET allows you to set up a Hyfix Base Sta­tion in order to improve GPS accu­ra­cy. Most…

  • Victory With Helium: Power Moves For New People



    Ok, so you just found Heli­um and are won­der­ing what to do next? Let’s walk through the whole sys­tem so you’ll know what to do and what NOT to do. We’ll go through the ecosytem of Heli­um, the incen­tive of HNT, explain Heli­um Wal­lets as well as the Burn and Mint equi­lib­ri­um, and make sure…

  • The Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid with Your Helium Hotspot



    So you just found out about Heli­um and want to crush it with your hotspot deploy­ment? First, remem­ber WUPU. That stands for Wide-Unique-Prove­able-Use­ful cov­er­age. WUPU is what makes for a reli­ably high earn­ing hotspot. Here are the top 5 things that go against WUPU. Let’s start with the worst thing: 1 — Overcrowding Putting your hotspot…

  • A Quick Helium Explainer — Helium ELI5



    Got a ques­tion about Heli­um? Which min­er is best? How are rewards cal­cu­lat­ed? What anten­na should you get? How much will you earn? Where should you put your hotspot?  Here are answers to the most fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions about Heli­um, explained for those of us who aren’t super technical. First, Heli­um in a nut­shell: Heli­um…

  • A Rough Guide To Onocoy

    Ono­coy is a GNSS DePIN project with a “bring your own” hard­ware invi­ta­tion. You buy a base sta­tion, set it up, and start pro­vid­ing its cor­rec­tion stream to Onocoy.  The “bring your own” mod­el has a cou­ple advan­tages over projects that require you to use their hardware.  First, you can eas­i­ly use your own data…