Helium 101: Cable Loss and EIRP.



Got ques­tions about what kind of cable you should use to con­nect your Heli­um hotspot to your anten­na? Want a Heli­um-spe­cif­ic cable loss table?

You’re not alone! Lots of folks want to know if they should use LMR 240 or 400 or 900, or how long it can be, or if they should use the cable that came with their cheap‑o eBay antenna. 

In order to answer that, I’m going to walk you through how the whole thing works. That way, instead of ask­ing me if your XX anten­na with YY feet of ZZ cable will work, you’ll know how to cal­cu­late the answer. 

First, let’s talk about the pre­cise but con­fus­ing ter­mi­nol­o­gy in the land of RF (Radio Fre­quen­cy). Well, if you want to just skip to the cable loss tables, go here.

You’ll com­mon­ly see dB (deci­bel), dBm (deci­bel mil­li­Watt), and dBi (deci­bel isotrop­ic) thrown around, as well as dBm, EIRP, ERP, FSL, and oth­ers. Sheesh, that’s a lot!

We’ll start with dB, which stands for “Deci­bel”. A deci­bel is the dif­fer­ence between two sig­nal lev­els. RF engi­neers (and the rest of us) use it to add or sub­tract the effect of cables (or oth­er “sys­tem devices”) on sig­nal strength. 

dB are log­a­rith­mic: Every time you add 3 dB of gain, you dou­ble to the sig­nal lev­el. Every time you halve pow­er, you sub­tract 3 dB. That means a 3 dBi anten­na is dou­bling your emit­ted pow­er over a zero gain anten­na! But wait…that can’t be right, can it? Anten­nas don’t “add” energy.

As I’ve cov­ered in oth­er blog posts, anten­nas focus and shape ener­gy. They don’t add ener­gy. It’s kind of like a gar­den hose sprayer with mul­ti­ple spray pat­terns. The water pres­sure going into the noz­zle does­n’t change, but as you switch from “mist” to “show­er” to “stream”, your emit­ted pat­tern changes.

That pat­tern change, and the result­ing focus and range, is mea­sured in dBi (deci­bel isotropic). 

Ok, it’s about to get a lit­tle more con­fus­ing, but I promise you can under­stand this. 

Isotrop­ic” refers to hav­ing the same ener­gy val­ue in all direc­tions. It’s the idea that an anten­na could emit a per­fect­ly shaped “globe” of ener­gy. For var­i­ous rea­sons, it’s impos­si­ble to build an isotrop­ic anten­na. Every anten­na in the real world emits ener­gy in slight­ly uneven patterns. 

Still, RF engi­neers use a per­fect 0 dBi as a ref­er­ence point. As you go up in gain (the dBi goes from 0 to 1 to 3 to…13), the pat­tern becomes less and less globe-like and more focused in a sin­gle direc­tion & plane.

That brings us to EIRP, or Effec­tive Isotrop­ic Radi­at­ed Pow­er. This is a mea­sure of the radi­at­ed pow­er com­ing out of an anten­na in the direc­tion of its largest lobe. What’s a lobe? Let me show you:

Why is that max lobe ener­gy mea­sure of EIRP impor­tant? Because that’s what reg­u­la­to­ry agen­cies (like the FCC) use to mea­sure the pow­er com­ing out of an antenna. 

In the US on the 915 MHz fre­quen­cy we use, the FCC lim­it for EIRP is 36. You get the EIRP by adding the trans­mit­ted pow­er in dBm (what gets fed into the anten­na) to the anten­na gain in dBi.

Trans­mit­ted pow­er is mea­sured in dBm, or deci­bel mil­li­watts. The max trans­mit pow­er we can use in US Heli­um Hotspots is 30 dBm, or 1 watt. For Euros, the max trans­mit pow­er for uplinks is 14 dBm. You can read more on this here, in the LoRa docs. I’m US based, so we’ll stick with the US num­bers for this article.

The trans­mit­ter used in a US Heli­um Hotspot push­es out 27 dBm. The stock anten­na shipped with the orig­i­nal Heli­um Hotspot was a 3 dBi Anten­na gain. 

That gives us a total EIRP of 27 dBm + 3 dBi = 30 dBm

If you’re US based and do the math, you’re now real­iz­ing why a 9 dBi anten­na is the lim­it for your Heli­um Hotspot deploy­ments. 27 dBm + 9 dBi = 36 dBm, or the max allow­able EIRP

But wait, wait, wait, Nik. I thought this post was about cable loss? Why are we talk­ing about anten­nas and gain? Well, when you pass ener­gy through a cable, you lose some of it. Dif­fer­ent cables lose ener­gy at dif­fer­ent rates, usu­al­ly mea­sured as dB per dis­tance. In gen­er­al, thick­er cables lose less, and thin­ner cables lose more.

Cable loss effects EIRP, because remem­ber, EIRP is a mea­sure of what is “fed into the anten­na”. So:

EIRP = Trans­mit­ter pow­er (dBm) — Cable loss (dB) + Anten­na Gain (dBi)

This is why you can have a 9 dBi anten­na with lots of valid wit­ness­es if you have cable loss that brings your EIRP down to what Heli­um con­sid­ers “nor­mal” limits.

Before we get to the cable loss table, let’s cov­er one more term that gets thrown about, which is FSPL, or Free-Space Path Loss. This is the decrease (“atten­u­a­tion” for the RF nerds) in radio sig­nal pow­er over dis­tance. FSPL is impor­tant in Heli­um because it’s one of the fac­tors the blockchain uses to deter­mine if the sig­nal strength of any bea­con is “out of bounds”.

FSPL is used to com­bat gam­ing. If you’ve got 10 hotspots in your clos­et (remem­ber Modesto?), you can “say” they’re deployed in a per­fect grid pat­tern, but using FSPL to cal­cu­late the sig­nal strength that should be report­ed is one way to make sure they’re actu­al­ly, say, 800 meters apart and not all stacked on top of each other.

You can cal­cu­late FSPL here. Here’s what that might look like for 2 hotspots 50 km apart with clear line of sight, both using 3 dBi antennas:

How would you know if that’s with­in limits?

Let’s do this! Remem­ber that your hotspot pushed out 27 dBm. Let’s imag­ine you’re not using any cables, so cable loss is 0.

We’ve already account­ed for the gain using the cal­cu­la­tor, so we just sub­tract the FSPL from the trans­mit­ted pow­er (27 dBm — 119.4 dB) to get ‑92.4 dB.

That’s a sig­nal strength with­in nor­mal lim­its. For Heli­um hotspots in the US, most com­mon sig­nal strengths are (gen­er­al­ly) between ‑90 and ‑122, though it can go high­er or low­er, down to ‑130 in some instances. Now, there are some oth­er mea­sures, both pub­lic and pri­vate, that Heli­um uses to com­bat gam­ing when assess­ing a tx/rx receipt, but these are the basics.

So, with all that as back­ground, here’s your cable loss table. Use your trans­mit­ter pow­er minus the cable loss plus your anten­na gain to get your EIRP, and make sure that num­ber is 36 dBm or below.

You can get as detailed as you want, but I’d rec­om­mend not get­ting too wrapped up about your EIRP to the thou­sandth dBm. 

[ninja_tables id=“1782”]

Final­ly, one thing to think about is this: Hav­ing more pow­er come out of your anten­na isn’t always a good thing. An effec­tive way to plan your EIRP is to go after the LOWEST num­ber you think you can get away with, say, 30 or low­er. LoRa is already pret­ty darn capa­ble, so “extend­ing the range” with anten­na gain can be point­less. I mean, I’ve seen a 3 dBi anten­na be wit­nessed 200 km away. That anten­na does a way bet­ter job of hit­ting lots of local hotspots than a high­er gain would, in large part because of the effec­tive pat­tern it has. High­er dBi does­n’t always mean “use­ful longer range” (or greater HNT earn­ings). Just some­thing to think about.

Rock on!

References & Resources


148 responses to “Helium 101: Cable Loss and EIRP.”

  1. Kerry Prudhomme Avatar
    Kerry Prudhomme

    O K I’m a lit­tle con­fused. My first hotspot will be at my home. I live in a rel­a­tive­ly flat area. I have tall trees about 50 — 100 feet from my house. I plan to use an 8 DBI anten­na. I could place the hotspot with­in 20′ of the anten­na. Should I pur­chase an out­door enclo­sure for the bob­cat min­er to reduce the amount of cable between the min­er and the anten­na. Is the 8 DBI anten­na Ok in my situation?

  2. Hi Ker­ry, I always aim to reduce the cable length between min­er & anten­na. You don’t *have* to, it’s just a good idea. Your 8 dBi anten­na will prob­a­bly be fine. Does that help clear it up?

  3. Kerry Prudhomme Avatar
    Kerry Prudhomme

    Thank you. I think I will pur­chase the enclo­sures. I will also need to pur­chase a short length of cable for each.

  4. Dan Carare Avatar
    Dan Carare

    Hi! So the best thing to do is to buy the most short cable with high­est LMR 600, con­sid­er­ing will be short dis­tance between hit spot and anten­na location )
    Is this cor­rect? Shir cable, max­i­mum LMR

  5. Tech­ni­cal­ly, yes. Prac­ti­cal­ly, you don’t need any­thing beyond LMR400 for most instances, and the 600 & 900 are thick and more dif­fi­cult to work with.

  6. scott dieken Avatar
    scott dieken

    Hey, could you please add the LMR900 cable to your chart. I do not under­stand why peo­ple would cheap out on their cables. I was mak­ing 2 grand a month on a rak min­er with the fac­to­ry pro­vid­ed rak anten­na on an 8ft lmr-400 ft cable. I tried mov­ing it up 25 feet with a 50 ft lmr-400 cable and was mak­ing zero dol­lars a day. If you can make one or two grand a month why buy any­thing but the very best cable? Then you don’t even need these high dbi anten­nas. Please let me know if you have any good sup­pli­ers for lmr-900 cables. It would­n’t mat­ter to me if the cable was $500 or $1000.

  7. Hi Scott, sure, we can add LMR900.

  8. Johnny Avatar

    First, awe­some stuff Nik. Thank you for sharing. 

    Sec­ond, any links to pre-made cables you’d rec­om­mend and/or to tool and con­nec­tors that most eas­i­ly make for reli­able con­nec­tions. Again, thank you.

  9. Thanks John­ny. I’d use USACoax for cables. You def­i­nite­ly can make your own, but it’s more expen­sive unless you’re mak­ing a bunch, and even then you’re prob­a­bly still break­ing even.

  10. Evangelos Foutris Avatar
    Evangelos Foutris

    Hel­lo Nik, thanks for the info!
    1) You state one place that the max EIRP in US is 30 dBm but then else­where say 36 dBm. Can you clarify?
    2) Is loss only from the anten­na to the min­er or also from the min­er to the router (eth­er­net)?

  11. Hmm, let me know where I screwed that up. For clarification:
    Max trans­mit pow­er fed to the anten­na is 30 dBm.
    Max EIRP (the focus­ing of that pow­er) is 36 dBm. Does that make sense?
    More on that here.

  12. scott dieken Avatar
    scott dieken

    if you want­ed to make a longer cable run like 100ft using the lmr-600 could you off­set some of the pow­er loss using some kind of booster?

  13. I haven’t seen that work well. Usu­al­ly bet­ter off to fig­ure out how to run long Eth­er­net and short anten­na cable.

  14. Please can you explain me is there any gain for those hotspots for Emrit which are all set to 1,2dBi and 0m vs. pri­vate which are adjust­ed to real val­ues? No need to say that may hosts mod­i­fy anten­na and don’t place hotspots on the ground lev­el.. Are there any con­se­quences for Emrit for this false­ly set­ting gor thouse­nds hotspots around the globe from Helium?

  15. Devon Avatar

    Hi Natko those set­tings (Anten­na Height/Antenna Gain) are not cur­rent­ly active, and no there will nev­er be penal­iza­tions for not hav­ing the prop­er para­me­ters set. That will be uti­lized to advance the net­work spec­i­fi­ca­tions fur­ther. For now it is not active, and again even when it is active you will NOT need to have to set­tings match your sys­tem. It will only be in place to improve YOUR performance.

  16. The cur­rent anten­na & ele­va­tion set­tings in the app don’t have any bear­ing on your RSSI/SNR val­ues (as far as I know.). Should­n’t be an issue.

  17. scott Avatar

    hey nik your pre­vi­ous comment
    I haven’t seen that work well. Usu­al­ly bet­ter off to fig­ure out how to run Kong Eth­er­net and short anten­na cable.
    I am not famil­iar with Kong Eth­er­net, and a google search real­ly did not bring any­thing up.
    For those of us who have not bought out­door units with POE could you please link to where I can find more info on Kong Internet.
    P.S. I did end up buy­ing one of those HNTen­na so we will see how much improve­ment I get next week when it arrives and I can get it installed.

  18. Whoops, was typ­ing so fast I put “Kong” instead of “long”. Should be “long ethernet”. 🙂

  19. […] those of you who’ve read the Cable Loss & EIRP post, you’ll remem­ber that the most pow­er­ful hotspots (Amer­i­can hotspots) blast out a […]

  20. what is the dif­fer­ence between kmr-400 and lmr-400

  21. They look sim­i­lar to me, the KMR claims to be more flex­i­ble. I haven’t used it.

  22. Hey there, I read that cer­tain mate­ri­als from plac­ing an anten­na indoors can cause dbi loss. I read that ply­wood can cause 4–6 dbi loss and that high effi­cien­cy win­dows could some­times cause up to a 40dbi loss, ans paired with a bug screen, even worse! So my ques­tion being. If I were to mount say a 10dbi anten­na inside my attic, would I be trans­mit­ting some­where between 4–6 dbi, and retain the local ver­ti­cal reach vis­i­bil­i­ty ben­e­fits of hav­ing a 4–5.8 dbi anten­na ver­sus a 8–10dbi anten­na which is more hor­i­zon­tal reach­ing? Thanks! 

    I cur­rent­ly have a few min­ers set­up with the stock 4dbi anten­na next to win­dows but won­der­ing if a 8–10dbi anten­na in the attic would be better.

  23. Hi Michael, good ques­tion. If it’s in your attic it’ll go through your roof just fine. I’d prob­a­bly stick with a 6 dBi or low­er, but the answer is always to test ’em out. 🙂

  24. Valeri Avatar

    Hi Nik,
    If I use 5.8dBi anten­na and my cable length results in 2.8dBi loss would that mean that the per­for­mance (the radi­a­tion pat­tern and the ERP) of that anten­na (5.8dBi — 2.8dBi in loss­es = 3dBi) and that of an 3dBi anten­na with­out any cable exten­sion would be the same (because they have the 3dBi gain)?

  25. Nope. The radi­a­tion pat­terns are dif­fer­ent for dif­fer­ent anten­nas. A drop in pow­er does­n’t change the pat­tern of radi­at­ed power.

  26. Richmond Mcfarland Avatar
    Richmond Mcfarland

    How do I invest in the cryp­tocur­ren­cy, Helium?

  27. Richmond Mcfarland Avatar
    Richmond Mcfarland

    What do I need to do to invest in Heli­um, a cryp­tocur­ren­cy? I know its sym­bol is HNT, But I don’t know to access it and buy some of it.

  28. Richmond Mcfarland Avatar
    Richmond Mcfarland

    Can I get an answer to how to invest in HNT

  29. Look for cryp­tocur­ren­cy exchanges that list it. Binance.us and Bilaxy are two you can look at.

  30. Sure. Just wait a bit, dawg. There’s only one guy run­ning this site. 🙂 You’ll prob­a­bly get more infor­ma­tion faster over on the Heli­um Trad­ing Dis­cord.

  31. Hey Nik, I am look­ing at this chart and I think I need help with the math.
    I have a 5.8 Dbi anten­na with 30′ of LMR400. So, I am gues­ti­mat­ing that is about a loss of 1 dB.
    But how do I cal­cu­late that out since dB and Dbi are different.
    36 + 5.8 — ?(dB loss)? = ???

    Also I pon­tif­i­cate the following:
    Is there math that makes an 8Dbi as effec­tive as a 5.8, just by run­ning longer cable? I guess the pat­tern does­n’t change for the anten­na, but it would kill the dis­tance, effec­tive­ly mak­ing the widest point of cov­er­age, clos­er to you, cor­rect or no?

  32. Hi Brad, 30′ of LMR400 will give you 1.17 dB of loss (3.9 dBi loss for 100′, so 3.9 x 30%).
    dB = deci­bel (rel­a­tive) and dBi = deci­bel isotrop­ic (mea­sured against an absolute). It’s con­fus­ing, I get it. For the pur­pos­es of this equa­tion you can add & sub­tract them with­out conversion.

    Re. mak­ing an anten­na more “effec­tive”, I’m not sure I fol­low. You’ll be putting less pow­er through the same pat­tern as far as I know. I’d take the 5.8 over the 8 in pret­ty much every cir­cum­stance we’ll have for Helium. 🙂

  33. Thanks Nik, so basi­cal­ly, because of the cable length, I now have a 4.63 dBi antenna…
    For the “effec­tive” ques­tion, I was think­ing that upsiz­ing the anten­na to an 8 dBi instead of the 5.8 dBi would make up for the cable loss. Where it gets a lit­tle fuzzy for me is that an 8 dBi has a more laser-like pat­tern with less cov­er­age close by. So, would the reduc­tion in the dBI from the cable loss change the pat­tern to be more like the 5.8 or would it stay very nar­row and just be a weak­er signal?

  34. Not real­ly re. hav­ing an 4.63 dBi anten­na. You have an anten­na emit­ting at a cer­tain pat­tern with a reduc­tion in strength along that pat­tern equal to the cable/connection loss. Minor detail, but just to be clear. 🙂

    I’d keep it at a 5.8. LoRa has so much dang range any­way (4 dBi anten­nas ROUTINELY wit­ness over 100 miles away) that this con­stant focus on whether or not an anten­na is strong enough is misplaced.

  35. […] Every­one (in the US, and in most coun­tries) sell­ing a radio device has to have it cer­ti­fied by some nation­al body. In the US, that body is the FCC. One of the things they check dur­ing cer­ti­fi­ca­tion is that your device does­n’t break any emis­­sion-strength rules (tech­ni­cal­ly EIRP, more on that here.) […]

  36. For the case of a min­er in an attic, any thoughts on 8 vs 5.8/6 dbi anten­na? Rok­land says that the 8 dbi anten­na has a 25 ver­ti­cal beam width. That still seems pret­ty wide, e.g. at 300m, the low­er bound should be ~66m. So why would one go for the 6 dbi unless you live on a mountain?

  37. Hi Dave,
    I aim for low­er dBi unless there’s a mit­i­gat­ing fac­tor. From your sit­u­a­tion (in the attic) the 8 dBi will prob­a­bly work bet­ter, but as always with RF, you’ve got to test it. Please keep me post­ed on how it goes!

  38. Michael Avatar

    Hi Nik,
    I’m a bit con­fused. I gen­er­al­ly under­stand what this post is say­ing but I’m con­fused with the dif­fer­ent cable types. I see that my anten­na has an RP-SMA Male con­nec­tor and my Bob­cat Min­er 300 hotspot has an RP-SMA Female con­nec­tor. I’ve seen “N‑Male” thrown around on dif­fer­ent web­sites, along with LMR-400

    I assume I would need a cable with the RP-SMA Male + RP-SMA Female ends. How­ev­er, when I do a search for LMR-400 with those con­nec­tors, the results don’t look any­thing like what I’d need.

    I’m look­ing for a 2 or 3 foot cable and was won­der­ing if you could send me a link of where to buy the cable I’d need?

  39. scott dieken Avatar
    scott dieken

    could you com­pare these lmr cable types with the pul­sar cable list­ed on rak for dbi loss?

  40. Yep, head to USACoax. If they don’t have what you want on their “Heli­um” offer­ings, look for their stan­dard LMR400 or just call them. Their phone cus­tomer ser­vice is knowl­edge­able. Tell ’em Gristlek­ing sent ya; they’ll prob­a­bly have no idea what you’re talk­ing about, but it’ll be fun­ny. :). Oh, and if you want to see what an N‑male looks like, go here and scroll down.

  41. Michael Johnson Avatar
    Michael Johnson

    Thanks Nik! I appre­ci­ate your sense of humor along with valu­able infor­ma­tion. I’ll take a look at usacoax.com and reach back out on here if I still have ques­tions. I might end up call­ing their cus­tomer ser­vice and tell ’em you sent me, for a good laugh too LOL

  42. Hi Scott, use loss per dis­tance to com­pare. For exam­ple on the page you linked, 16.4 feet has a loss of .9 dB on the Pul­sar at 902–930 MHz. Check it against LMR over here (which is all 915 cen­tered), where you’ll see that LMR400 (for exam­ple) has a loss of .8 dB at 20 feet.

  43. Hi Nik,

    If I need­ed 50ft of cable from the anten­na to the min­er is LMR 400 good enough or should I go with some­thing high­er like LMR 600

    Thank you for all your awe­some posts!

  44. Hi Brent, it depends on the gain of the anten­na. At 50′ you’ll prob­a­bly want a 5–8 dBi gain anten­na to off­set cable loss.

  45. Hi Nik, I got a RAK V1 and a Parkey Labs 5.8dbi anten­na (link: https://shop.parleylabs.com/collections/antennas/products/5–8dbi-fiberglass-antenna-for-hnt-helium-hotspots-lorawan-us915-gray).

    I am on usacoax.com build­ing a cus­tom cable (link: https://usacoax.com/custom/custom-helium-lmr-400uf-ultraflex-cable-build-530.html)
    But I am not famil­iar with the ter­mi­nolo­gies of the cables. It is ask­ing for which con­nec­tion type should it be on CONNECTOR 1 (HOTSPOT SIDE) (options: no con­nec­tor or RP-SMA male for $5 extra) and which one whould be on CONNECTOR 2 (options: no con­nec­tor, N male, N female, N female-bulk­head or RP-SMA female (stock anten­na exten­sion)). Each one for extra $5.

    I need some 30″ of cable from the top of my chminey until the base­ment, where the hot­post will stay. 

    Can you please help me to deter­mine which types of con­nec­tions the cable should have?

    Thank you!

  46. Hi Nik, I got a 8dbi anten­na on my roof 35ft high with 20ft of Lmr400. That is not much pow­er loss. Any­way, on a few rare occa­sions at 7:30pm I reached 4x as many wit­ness as nor­mal in dif­fer­ent direc­tions 120km away in dis­co mode! I was ecsta­t­ic! How­ev­er, I was nev­er able to dupli­cate this again in dis­cov­ery mode or real world. Any sug­ges­tions of what this might mean? Should I try turn­ing my 8dbi anten­na or chang­ing to a 5.8dbi to widen the beam. Right now, my only wit­ness­es are over 30km away. Thx

  47. Hey Nic, why does it seem like at night dis­co mode per­forms bet­ter! Is there a best time to run dis­co mode to get “Max effect” Thx Charlie

  48. Hey Char­lie, good ques­tion; the ham radio guys love this kind of stuff. I don’t know about a “best time”; what you’re aim­ing for with Dis­co is to get a rough approx­i­ma­tion of how many wit­ness­es your min­er will have. Day or night obvi make a dif­fer­ence, but since your min­er runs day & night it’s prob­a­bly worth it to check both, then see how that lines up with actu­al results.

  49. Are your near­est hotspots 30 km away, or just your near­est witnesses?

  50. Hi Tom, check out this page on cable con­nec­tors, that should help you sort it out. I usu­al­ly write it down; that helps me clear it all up. “Bulk­head” con­nec­tors are extra long, to go through a (thin) wall, like a plas­tic enclo­sure; you prob­a­bly don’t need that.

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