Search results for: "antenna"

  • Is Helium 5G Safe To Deploy?

    Is Helium 5G Safe To Deploy?


    in ,

    As we all begin the next mad rush to deploy Heli­um 5G min­ers, one of the ques­tions I hear asked is, “Is 5G safe?”  Let’s start with defin­ing what 5G means; it’s NOT 5 giga­hertz. In this case, 5G refers to the Fifth Gen­er­a­tion of mobile net­works. 5G is a set of rules deter­min­ing who can…

  • Weather XM — An Easy Way to Stack Your Pole

    Weather XM — An Easy Way to Stack Your Pole

    With the rise of Heli­um, many of us were intro­duced to the new con­cept of com­bin­ing a blockchain appli­ca­tion with actu­al phys­i­cal real world usage and tok­eniz­ing the incen­tives. I call that com­bo blockchain + meat­space, and Heli­um is just the beginning.  As most of us who got seri­ous about Heli­um quick­ly real­ized, the name…

  • How Do You Assess A Blockchain + Meatspace Project?

    How do you know if a new blockchain + meat­space (B+M) project (like Heli­um, or GEOD­Net, or Plan­et­watch) is like­ly to suc­ceed? What are the key indi­ca­tors of suc­cess or failure?  Since join­ing the Heli­um Net­work when the Hotspot count was around 7k, I’ve got­ten to see what it’s like to be part of a…

  • Gristle Crüe Community Call — GEODNET

    Gristle Crüe Community Call — GEODNET

    Mike Hor­ton from GEODNET joined us today to walk us through the project, from where and how to place ’em to why it’s impor­tant to have cen­time­ter accu­ra­cy. By the end of the show we had a cou­ple of Crüe mem­bers put in orders and heard the sto­ry about the mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar data trans­fer bill…

  • Gristle Crüe Community Call — FOAM 5/24/22

    Gristle Crüe Community Call — FOAM 5/24/22

    Had the folks from FOAM on today to talk us through what they’re doing and how to par­tic­i­pate. A pret­ty excit­ing project, and one more excel­lent “blockchain + meat­space” option to put on your Heli­um Hotspot locations. As we move away from rely­ing total­ly on PoC/HNT rewards, find­ing projects like these ear­ly is going to…

  • An (Early) Rough Guide to Setting Up GEODNET



    The Heli­um Net­work demon­strat­ed just how pow­er­ful tok­enized radio cov­er­age could be, and a host of oth­er com­pa­nies are rolling out wire­less net­works, from WiFi to satel­lite to cell, using token incen­tives. GEODNET is one of those companies. GEODNET allows you to set up a Hyfix Base Sta­tion in order to improve GPS accu­ra­cy. Most…

  • Gristle Crüe Community Call — 5/11/22

    Gristle Crüe Community Call — 5/11/22

    This week we talked about sen­sors, run­ning an OUI, the upcom­ing GK NFT launch, ideas for what to build and the future of Heli­um, 5G and more. This week’s con­tri­bu­tions were awe­some, as Crüe mem­bers brought up some excel­lent points on use cas­es and data streams as well as help­ing each oth­er. Rock on team! 0:00:00…

  • What Is HNT Crypto?

    What Is HNT Crypto?



    So you’re into cryp­to and you just dis­cov­ered HNT? Let’s go through the basics so you can decide whether or not you want to jump into the world of Helium. First, what is HNT cryp­to? HNT stands for Heli­um Net­work Token. HNT can be trad­ed on cryp­to exchanges like for what­ev­er you’d like (dol­lars,…

  • How Much Better Is Your Hotspot?



    After I did the sta­tis­tics video with Matthew Patrick, I heard from @cryptofulness via Twit­ter. He reached out from Por­tu­gal to offer some help with a “t‑test imple­men­ta­tion” to test some Hotspots. If you remem­ber, a “t‑test” com­pares two sets of data and tells you whether or not there’s actu­al­ly a mean­ing­ful result. In this…

  • Government, Surveillance Technology & IoT

    Government, Surveillance Technology & IoT



    What is the sin­gle biggest obsta­cle to the Heli­um project, and the decen­tral­iza­tion of wire­less net­works, from LoRa to WiFi to cellular?  It’s usage. It does­n’t mat­ter if you have an amaz­ing­ly robust net­work. It does­n’t mat­ter if you have com­mer­cial grade anten­nas, or nodes, or loca­tions. What mat­ters is that peo­ple use it. So, the…